Chapter 44 - The Infinite Universe
Hey Lovely Readers, if you reached this chapter, I am really thankful to you. This chapter, I would like to dedicate to a talented author and a beautiful soul, LACannon.
Thank you, for helping me choose this wonderful destination. And, help me add extra glitters, to this piece.
Jackson's POV:
I stood with my hands on my hips, as I scrutinized that each and every detail is in place. I couldn't stop myself from imagining, how she would feel about all this. Our times were tough. And, today I realized, I know nothing about her likes and dislikes. All initiatives were completely out of an ambiguous assumption. But, whatever it is, I wanted to make it as perfect as it can get.
As, I waited for the arrival of the limo, my phone beeped. It was the pilot. I pick it up and a terror stricken voice hit my ear.
Pilot: Mr. Claros...we have a problem
The first name that rushed through my mind, was Madeline, I did not waste my time, waiting to hear the rest. I rushed towards my car. He continued, as I drove as fast as I could.
Jackson: Just tell me she is alright.
Pilot: Yeah, I...I don't know.
Jackson(higher pitch): The fuck do you mean by, you don't know?
Pilot: Boss, we have landed at Menorca, but as she got near the limo. She pulled out a gun at Arnold.
Jackson: Arnold??
Pilot: The Chauffeur.
Jackson: How did that happen?
Pilot: She assumes we are enemies.
Jackson: Just tell her about me, okay? Just tell me, it's me.
Pilot: She is not buying it, at all. Boss, give us the order, we can bring things under control.
Jackson: HAVE YOU FUCKING LOST IT?? I DARE YOU LAY A FINGER ON HER, *sigh* I am on my way. Anything stupid, you all face the repercussions. Am I clear? Try to not get killed.
Pilot: Got it, Boss.
I raced the car through the road, and reached the airport, as fast as I could. I drove my car inside the aerodrome, hopped out of the car to see from a distance, Madeline pointing a gun while everyone around her, stood frozen.
I shouted at the top of my voice and I ran as fast as I could towards her. She turned around, and the sternness in her posture started to fall weak. She kept her eyes on me, as the veil of defense started to rise.
I stood near her, as she kept staring at me like a blank slate.
Jackson: Hey, It's fine. Give that to me, yeah?
I spoke to her as delicately as I could while I gently released the gun from her grip. I looked up at the men standing there, as they looked back at me, like I was the only ray of hope, for their survival. I looked down at her, she started panting heavily while keeping her eyes fixated on the ground. I rested her head on my chest, and brushed through her hair.
Jackson: You are safe. They are my men.
She did not react.
I looked up at them.
Jackson: I'll take it up, from here. Thank you.
As soon as the words left my tongue, the men there, were gone in no time. This was enough for me to understand, the terrorizing effect she created on them, within a couple of hours. But why? It was unknown to me, as well.
I ushered her into my car, as she sat in the passenger seat frozen.
I hopped near the wheels, and turned towards her.
Jackson: You Okay?
She did look back at me, just nodded her head.
I turned back at the wheels, and started the ignition.
As the car was out on the street, when she muttered.
Madeline: I am sorry!
Jackson: Why are you sorry?
Madeline: I...I ruined your plan. Shit, I feel bad. I'm...sorry! I was overthinking. I shouldn't have.
There was a restlessness, that showed.
Jackson: Hey, it's fine. Good thing, no harm done. Everything is normal.
Madeline supported her elbow on the window and supported her forehead on her palm, closing her eyes.
Madeline: You don't understand.
Jackson: Maddie! Did they do something to you? Why did you feel threatened? Above that, to an extend, where you pulled out a gun.
Madeline: They did not tell me anything. Where I was going, why I was going. Nothing.
Jackson: That's how it was supposed to be.
Madeline: He said, it would be worth it, he said it's a surprise, he asked me to blindfold myself.
Jackson: It was a surprise, Mi Amor.....(realization dawning over him) did it......trigger.....?
Madeline(in a lower voice): Surprises don't fit well with me, Rex. The last time I heard this word, was when....(trying to keep composure in her voice)he killed my mom.
The last line, hit me like a rock. I shot my eyes up at her. I caught her looking at me.
I turned my gaze back on the road and reached for her hand, that was loosely placed over her thighs, tangled my fingers, into hers. It was stone cold. Even though, she pulled up a ferocious expression, in front of them, but her hands told a different story. She was scared. Deep down, there was a panic forming up, in her, that let her do things, solely to protect herself.
Jackson: Are you fine, now?
She softly smiled at me, and gave an assuring nod.
Madeline: Thank you, for understanding.
Jackson: I am sorry! I should have known. Shit, I wanted to make it special. I should have done it better.
Madeline(in a playful tone): The efforts are cute, though.
The sudden change in tone, distracted me from the road, as she shot a smirk at me.
Jackson(chuckles): Madeline, me and my efforts are no where near cute.
Madeline(continuing in a playful voice): Nope, you are not. You are more then cute.
Jackson(playfully warning): Maddie! Stop! This time I am really going to get pissed off.
Madeline(converting her voice thinner, commenting in a higher pitch): Aww! My cute Munchkin!
Jackson: Madeline! Don't push me, or you are going to get it bad.
Madeline: Really? What do you have in mind?
Jackson: Trust me, you don't want to know about that?
She did not reply to that, I could see her from the corner of my eyes, pressing her lips, trying hard not to laugh. I could feel her rest her elbow on my seat and now she started brushing her fingers delicately through the skin at the back of my ear, rolling it down to my neck, as it sent electric shocks through my nerves. It started getting harder and harder for me to concentrate on the road.
Madeline(in a lustful voice): That harsh? How about I badly want to hear, what you have in mind?
To distract her from her teasing act, I pulled the gear as aggressively as I can. and pushed the accelerator . The car engine roared like a beast and took faster pace tearing through the wind. She replied.
Madeline(in a higher pitch): Damn! I like it "Rough"!
She put an extra stress on the last word.
Madeline: Is that why you kept me waiting for a week, Senor?
Jackson: I never knew, a week can turn you on, to your highest limit!
Madeline: A week? *chuck* That's not it, you know it better.
Jackson: Madeline, I suggest you stop that, if you don't want us to get stuck in a broke down car, letting out clouds of smoke.
She adjusts herself to her seat, facing the road at the front, and did not say anything. Now, what's the deal with her? I turned my gaze towards her with a subtle frown on my face, she looked back and snickered, after a short breath, she burst out laughing.
Madeline(composing herself): You should have seen you face in the mirror.
I tried to stop myself from laughing as hard as I can, to show that I was annoyed, while I rolled my eyes at her.
Soon, we reached the stipulated place. It was dark, and as expected, Madeline scanned through the place and turned her gaze at me, puzzled. I pointed to her right. Her eyes followed. She let out a small gasp and I smiled to myself. She did not look back, nor did she react. She just kept her eyes on the mesmerizing view, awe struck by the perfection of the details of this god's creation.
I prefered not to break the silence. I hopped out of my place, opened the door for her. She slowly glided her eyes at me, smiling to herself. I stretched my hand, and she placed hers. We did not talk. I guided her to the place until her feet touched the bare sand.
I stopped, stood behind her and whispered into her ear, " Welcome to Menorca, Mi Amor!" I could feel her lips curling up into a bright smile as I uttered my first words to her.
I stood there, while she padded more to the middle. As, she took, certain steps inside, the yellow fairy lights glowed up, spreading a deemed yellow illumination to the place. And, naturally a sway of breeze flowed through the place, brushing the loose strands of hair that covered her face. She turned back at me and smiled cheek to cheek. A glow, not even the radiant aura of this place could compete.
The challenges were hard, making the days harder. But at last, she was back to me, and nothing else seemed to matter. After everything, I can't lose her, again. This is what I thought, whenever I have that face of hers in my eyes. I took up the challenge that very day. I put all my effort to chalk out a perfect plan. A plan to make her feel like a queen, and to make her my queen forever. I did feel bad. I was so engulfed in managing my schedule between this arrangements and my work, I forgot, that she would have needed me at that moment. But today, when I see her standing at the middle of the beach, her perfectly sculpted face painted red and the swaying loose ends of her hair, half illuminated and half shadowed with the subtle yellow lights. I was relieved, it was victory. She was no doubt a pristine example of perfection and an epitome of elegance, and I was ready to pay any price, to make her believe her own worth. And, to take the honor to call her mine. My lips unknowingly curved up into a smile. I took small steps, closer to her. I can feel her breath getting heavy. It was funny to see, the infamous, the feared personality. The one known for her cocky ways, was standing near me and blushing like the girl, next door, with a lot of dreams. This was the alter face of Madeline Parc or the infamous, Lizzie, which can rule the galaxy, without even putting an effort.
A serenity covered the place and was occasionally overpowered by the sea waves hiting the loose sand, and a following cool breeze.
Madeline: This is why you planned out all this?
Jackson shrugged sliding his gaze through the decors and nodding his head at her.
Jackson: I know none of your likes and dislikes. Sea has always been something that soothed me. So, I tried out sea.
She turned her head towards the sea, and marveled.
Madeline: It's beautiful!
Now, it was time for the real deal. I could feel the smile in my face vanish as the fear of the odds started to creep into me.
Jackson(in a lower tone): Maddie!
Madeline turned her gaze back at me, with the same spark, waiting for a reply. I twitched my lip and spared myself a brief moment, while I could see her crease up her eyebrows out of inquisitiveness..
I closed my eyes and kneeled before her, and pulled out a shiny ring that I kept safely with myself. I looked up at her and the smile that was on her face was gone. The thousand of thoughts that was dancing inside her brain was visible through her eyes. I did not wait for a second thought. No, I wasn't really a person who expresses through words. But, words have that enchanting effect, they say. So, I wrote down some lines, just as a rain check.
Nothing else, bothered me at that moment, except for the words that was about to escape my mouth and the fear.
Jackson: Maddie, I know, our path was never a smooth one. We had obstacles in our way, but we did find our way back to each other, didn't we? Within this one year, I realised, I love you even more. I may not be very good at expressions, maybe my love for you is beyond words. I know I will never stop loving you. Maddie, umm.. will you do me...marry... the
Her lips curl up into a mischievous smile, crossing her hands at her back, as she kept looking at me, struggle with words. I shook my head at her, gesturing her that I can't continue.
Madeline(playfully): Say it..!! "Maddie....", what?
Jackson: C'mon, you can't expect me to turn into a literature guru.
Madeline(stern, playfully): You started it.
Jackson: Just get the meaning.
Madeline playfully shook her head.
Jackson: *sigh* Okay, that's it. Will you marry me? And, be mine forever?
She did not reply, rather giggled at me and kneeled right before me, as I sat there, stretching out the ring at her, staring at her, bewildered. She cupped my face with her hands.
Madeline(whispered): That's more like you.
Jackson: *exhaling* Just say it, already.
Her eyes started to sparkle, announcing a tear, which she held back behind her smile. She looked like the happiest women on earth. Yes, that was something, I can bring down the sky, for. She pecked on my lips and nodded, addressing her acceptance. She tried to slit her lips and say something but twitched it back, maybe to hold back a lump, while she looked deep into my eyes. Her silence spoke out a lot more words, than I could ever express.
I did nothing but smile at her. I took her hand into mine while I could feel her eyes scanning through my face.
I slipped the ring through her ring finger and did not waste to my time, before I crushed my lips into hers. We moved to the same rhythm when I felt a warm tear touching my cheek, she was crying. I slowly tangled my fingers delicately through her hair, as she replicated.
We could finally let out the Madeline and Rex, that was suppressed in us. We could finally let out the two normal human being, away from the complexities, who were hopelessly and madly in love, with each other. We kissed. We kissed like no one's watching. We kissed like there is no tomorrow. We kissed as if, we were not even on the ground. We were flying, in the infinite universe.
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