Chapter 4: Training
A/n: Tbh I won't recommend reading this entire chapter. Just scroll all the way down and just read what Akiko and Kayano achieved.
(Akiko Pov)
I was forced to wake up at.... Honestly, I have no idea.
I checked my phone, which was right next to my pillow on the right, and looked at the time that said:
5:00 am
"" 5 am??? Wtf (Why the fuck in this case) would you wake me up at 5 am??? That's torture!!!"" I thought-asked.
"" (Ikr? He's crazy)""
"(That's rude)"
"" (I know)""
"" I'm thirsty... Where do I get water..?"" I questioned. "" (In the kitchen, there's a jar of water. Get a cup from one of the cabinets and pour the water in)""
"" Thanks""
I pushed myself up, struggling a lot in the process as I'm lazy as shit. I almost completely crashed into my closet although I blocked myself with my hands.
"" Should I wear something now?"" I pondered.
"(Yeah! Get into your active wear!)"
"" (Clothes you'll do sport in)""
"Ah! Ok!""
I just pulled out shit that looked like active wear I think.

"Nah I don't like it. Unecessary boob hole." I commented.

" No. Too basic and long." I mumbled.

" Yes. I like it." I muttered.
So I changed into the outfit and I was feeling a bit cold. I went to the kitchen, got water, went to the bathroom where I realized that there was only one bathroom.
I was worried. Kayano can come in when I'm using the bathroom. And I'm too scared to lock it because of my house in my previous life!
"" Shit. What do I do??"" I panicked.
"" (*Sigh* Don't worry. I'll tell her if she wants to enter)""
"" Oh thank you!!"" I thought as I slammed the door and used the toilet.
"" (... You're welcome...)""
(Kayano POV)
(At the beginning of this chapter)
I was woken up by the god.
"(Good morning! It's 5am. Go pick an active wear and do something until Akiko's ready!)"
""Jeez ok. I'll get ready."" I responded.
"" An active wear? That's strange."" I thought.
I forced myself up and opened my closet to see some clothes. A few of them were active wear which was something.
(We're both lazy people)
I just chose a random purple active wear because I was too lazy to be picky.
The active wear looked like this:

I dressed up while moving like a worm as looked in the mirror.
(The closets for both of 'em have a mirror inside stuck on one of the closet "doors" if that makes sense lol)
I pulled out a hair tye and tied my hair into a low ponytail.
"" Perfect."" I thought.
(Akiko Pov)
I finished using the bathroom and walked to the living room for some reason. I wasn't feeling that fine as I was sleepy and tired. I felt like having a nose bleed which sucked.
"(Alright ladies! Go to the basement!)""
"The basement?" We spoke at the same time.
""(It's beneath your living room)""
"Then.... How do we get to it..?" I questioned. "Yeah."
" (It's near your sofa.)"
"Near the... Ah! Found it!" I yelled out loud and pointed at the secret "bunker-door".
(I make words up. No questions)
It blended almost completely with the wooden floor.
"" (It's somewhere that only you two can go in. It'll scan your eye when you slam it. It'll be silent and will need a few seconds to do its job)""
"" Wow good explaining skills dude."" I complemented. "" (Thanks I suppose)""
"I'll try it." Kayano claimed.
She slammed the fuck outa the door and waited a few seconds before the door opened.
"Woah! I'll go, Akiko!"
She jumped in the hole (there was a fat mattress there so she's fine) but as soon as I got near it, it shut very fast.
I slammed the heck outa the door and waited until it let me in.
But then I realized something.
I need to jump down.
Acrophobia was jumping into all my muscles, organs, bones and blood.
(Acrophobia = the fear of heights)
"" SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT FUCK FUCK FUCK I CAN'T DO THIS I'LL DO I'LL FUCKING DIE AHHHHHH"" I overreacted. I'm very dramatic if you didn't know that already.
" Chips??" I repeated.
Yep. I'm that much of an idiot.
Without hesitation I jumped in that basement and landed safely.
"Lol did you seriously think that what I said was true?" She asked while adding a bit of laughter in her words.
"Nah I just jumped." I answered, knowing damn well that she knows my inability to lie properly.
"Ok I'll believe you." She said. "Thanks! Now, what's this place?" I pondered out loud.
"Not sure. I can see equipments for boxing though!" She replied. "Yeah. I can see the treadmill! Love those! And those uh... wheel things too! Love ya too!!!" I commented loudly.
"What on earth are you talking about?" She asked with a weirded out look.
"You know! Those things that looked like a bike!" I tried explaining. " You mean the bicycle exercise machine?" She asked. " Yeah!" I answered.
"(You two can either carry these stuffs up and train in the living room or you two can just stay here and train.)"
The basement had more than enough space to train inside.
"What are we gonna train again?" I asked, hating my terrible memory.
""(You two are gonna train your bodies)""
"Our bodies?" She asked.
"(Yup! Now, choose before I decide.)"
"We'll train here, right...?" I spoke, staring at her. "Yeah. It'll be better." She responded.
" (Alright then! Good luck! I'll go and drink wine with my friends!)"
" Wait what?" I mumbled.
""(Now, Let's get to work. We'll start off easy with treadmills / the bicycle exercise machine. Who wants to use what first?)""
"I call the bicycle exercise machine!" I shouted. "" (Alright then.)""
I hopped onto the machine and started using it with a proud expression clearly written on my face.
Kayano stared at me with the "what an idiot" look. It made me even more proud of myself.
(Kayano POV)
I walked over to the treadmill and turned it on.
I set the speed and started running fast on the machine.
"" (You'll have a break in 20 minutes.)""
"Alright, sir!"
(Third person Pov)
After about 5 minutes, they were both tired. The excitement was almost completely gone.
"Why did I decide to do this?" Akiko asked nobody. "You didn't." Kayano responded, annoyed.
" True." Akiko replied.
"" Damn. This makes me wanna ride an actual bicycle."" Akiko thought.
Akiko closed her eyes and rolled the wheels with her legs.
Kayano was still going, despite her stamina being low. She slowed down the treadmill and almost walked on the treadmill.
(After 15 more minutes)
"" (Take a break)""
"Finally!" Akiko unintentionally yelled as she jumped down the machine, almost falling down badly and wiped off her sweat on her forehead with her forearm.
Kyanao turned off the treadmill and boringly got down the treadmill and walked towards Akiko.
"What now?" Kayano asked.
"" (I know that you two had a daily schedule. You two can do those with YT)""
"My routine?" Akiko mumbled. "Sure... Let's go to the living room though." Kayano suggested.
" Yeah. I'm getting bad air from here." Akiko mentioned.
So they all went upstairs to the living room. They got the stuff they need as well.
Akiko got a mat for her workout and stretches while Kayano got several boxing bags, a ball and a training mannequin.
Akiko set up her phone where she can see them while doing her things and Kayano set her stuffs up.
"How long is your daily thing?" Akiko asked. "Probably about 1 to 2 hours. Wbu?" Kayano answered.
" Let's see... So it's.. 3:44 + 15:37 + 15:20 + 10:07 + 11:10 + 8:20 + 6:56 + 5:02 =.... 1:06:17.... I hope I'm correct...." Akiko muttered.
" So basically one hour?" Kayano asked. " Yup!" Akiko answered, happinesses ruling her face.
They had a tiny bit of a "fight" before doing their daily things.
(Akiko Pov because idk)
They trained more for a few hours (I'm lazy ok😭) and sweated like crazy.
"I.. need.. water. Rn" I muttered to myself. " Same." Kayano said.
We both made our sweaty way to the kitchen and poured water into our own cups, the sound "splashing" into our ears.
I slammed the water into my mouth, instantly regretting everything after dying for a bit. But I pretended that everything went well with my totally great acting skills.
Kayano drank her cup of water normally without dying unlike me. I can't even drink water right. Why am I like this?
"" I feel like dying rn-"" I thought.
"" (We still need to do one last training)""
"WHAT" I yelled. "Ugh what is it?" Kayano asked?
"" (Quirk training ofcourse!)""
"Oh? Idk if I should be excited or scared... Probably both." I spoke to myself. As always.
"Alright. What do we need to do?" Kayano questioned, being extremely bored.
"" (We'll, or I'll help you with your quirks. We'll start off with something small)""
So their quirk training began.
Akiko learned how to connect with the air (Inspired by Avatar the last Airbender)
Kayano learned how to make and deal with energy that allows her to make thunder.
Akiko got enhanced touch, reflexes, reaction speed
Kayano got enhanced technique, strength, control
They were both proud of their Progress.
Oh and btw they spend hours on that <3
They ate and blablabla....
The day was over.
So basically:
Akiko's progress: Enhanced flexibility, strength, touch, reflexes, reaction speed
Kayano's progress: Enhanced strength+, Technique+, Control, Balance
{Word count: 1654}
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