Chapter 3: MHA
(Sunny Pov)
"Wait... I know this place!" She spoke. "Where are we then???" I asked in panic. "This is where MHA is, right?" She responded. "Really??" I kind of panicked. Like a lot.
" (Haha! You're right, young lady!)" The older guy's voice was heard. "Wait, did you hear that??" I questioned in shock. "Yeah!" She answered.
"" (Took you two long enough.)"" The younger dude's voice was also heard.
"(We'll speak in your head! No one else can hear us! Just you two!)"
""(*Sigh* Yup...)" "
"" This is confusing.... "" I thought. "(I would agree if I was you!)"
"What are we gonna do now? We don't even have quirks!" She talked. " Well, maybe those two gods will ✨ magically ✨ give us quirks?" I said, half sarcastically.
"(You guessed it! So, what quirks do y'all want? Oh wait, I have the answers already!)"
"" Wait wha-""
"What???" I shouted, getting glares from other people. I felt embarrassed and I also over thought everything.
"" (Ugh. We're gods. We know everything... Korean girl, you get an air quirk and the other girl gets the thunder quirk...)""
"" Can you please call us by our names??? Don't you two know them??"" I requested, unsatisfied by the nicknames the gods gives us.
"(Haha! Ofcourse! Well, it's about time that you two choose your own japanese name!)"
"Our own japanese name?" She asked quietly. "" (Yup)"'
"Oh then uh... I'll go with Kayano Kaede!" She spoke. "(Last name first)"
" Then Kaede Kayano. Happy?" She asked. ""(Probably)""
"I'll be Haru Akiko then, yeah?" I talked. "" (Good)""
"(Now, in front of you, there's a building. Go in there and it's yours!)"
" This small house..?" She talked. " This is so small...." I complained.
"(What do you mean? It's a perfect house for two small girls!)"
""That's my fucking insecurity... Well one of them."" I thought.
"" (Don't laugh at that.)""
"(Anyway just go inside! It's already furnished!"
"Alright. Let's go inside, Sunny." She said, going inside already. " Hey! It's Akiko now!" I shouted.
She was standing right in front of the door inside...
"Bitch go in." I said. "(That's not a nice way to address your bestie)"
"That's what I say sometimes." I muttered.
(I hope you can read all that)
(Also I forgot to mark the basement which is beneath the living room / training area)
"It's so..small." I complained again. "(I'm sure you'll deal with it!)"
"Does the fridge have groceries already?" She asked. "" (Yeah I think so. I believe that I ordered pizza and more stuff in there.""
"Does the microwave work?" I asked. "(Yeah! Why wouldn't it be?)"
"Wait, do we have to pay the bills?" I questioned, about to panic so badly. "(Uh no! We'll deal with that!)"
"Phew... Thank God!" I mumbled. "That's great!" She spoke.
"Also, why did you ask about the microwave?" She questioned, turning very fast to me.
"Ehm well-"
"" (Her microwave in her old life broke. So now she's worried)""
"Well- Yeah, that's exactly it." I commented.
"That's sad." She muttered. "Yeah... That poor unfortunate microwave!" I spoke, dramatically. "Yeah I'm currently loving the song called the poor unfortunate souls rn... I'll probably forget it eventually.... Again-" I whispered to myself, being the weird self I am.
"Uhm where are the bedroom.... s...?" I asked, feeling very tired and lazy. "(Hoho! It's right beneath the kitchen!)"
"The kitchen? " She questioned. "Uhm and how are we supposed to believe that??" I asked, feeling like a bitch today.
"" (Trust me friends. It's true)""
"..... If you say so." I mumbled. "(So you don't believe me but you believe him??)"
""Yeah, obviously."" I thought
"(Quite rude, Akiko)"
"" I know..."" I thought, making a small frown (Is that how you spell it??) on my face.
"But there are only some large cabinets there!" She commented. "Do you want us to sleep on the floor or something??" She shouted with anger.
"" (No... Just open them and see what's inside)""
"Ok. Whatever you say I guess!" I made a very excited looking face with slight sarcasm as we opened the two cabinets... And guess what?
It was empty.
It was a very big empty, hollow space.
But hey, at least it's warm.
Before I could talk any further, the god interrupted me.
"(I know what you two are thinking, but we decided to let you two shop on your own! With us watching, ofcourse!)"
"" (WE didn't decide. YOU did!)""
"Wow. What a great choice to let 11 year olds shop for beds and so much more heavy and expensive stuff ON THEIR OWN" I screeched with great sarcasm in words. Oh, you don't know how scared and terrified I was. Especially with the knowledge that we're in a world full of super villains who wouldn't hesitate to kill anyone!
"(Trust us. You'll be fine!)"
"" (Actually... Don't trust him! He'll probably be drinking wine again!)""
"Wine..? Seriously?" I muttered with a disappointed expression and feeling.
"(What? It's addicting! And it's healthy too!)"
"" (It isn't that healthy. He says nonsense sometimes)""
"I really believe you." Me and her said that at the same time. Or at least about the same time.
"(Well! Let's get going to the store for items, shall we?)"
"Uhm sure. Let's go Akiko." She spoke, adding a little tone to ' Akiko '.
"Yeah. Let's go, Kayano Kaede!" I over said the little tone too much! Oh well.
"What store do we even need to go to?" I asked, annoyed. "(Just go straight down of left!)"
"" Uhm ok."" I thought. And by the looks of it, she was thinking about the same thing too.
We turned left from our house and went straight to somewhere. I was overthinking everything because I suck at being calm.
It did kinda look like I was calm from the outside but...
You don't wanna see what I was thinking...
A few minutes or so later, we found the store.
"" (Now go buy some mattresses and pillows... Ect...)""
"" Ok sir!"" I thought with a bright grin.
"Alright. Let's go in." She ran straight into the store, leaving my behind. "Hey! Wait up!" I yelled as I ran after her.
After two minutes or one, I ran outa breath already.
"" My dream to become a hero here is finished"" I thought while whining and crying inside.
I walked while not being able to see very well...
And guess what?
I bumped into someone.
(Wow, totally original)
"AH-!" I screeched as I fell out of shock and fear.
"KYA- I'm sorry!" I shouted as I looked up to that person and it was...
"Are you ok, dear?"
... Inko, Deku's mom...
"" OMG IT'S INKO!!! DEKU'S MOM!!"" I freaked out on the inside while outside me was apologizing and sweating out of nervousness.
"It's alright, dear. What are you doing here alone?" Inko asked me with her sweet af look.
"I... Uhm..."
"" F.u.c.k. How am I gonna explain this??? Bestie please come here quick or I'm gonna pass out!!"" I thought aggressively. The words I thought of ringing in my mind.
"S- I mean Akiko! There you are!"
"" Omg bestie???!!""
"Bestie!! Thank God!" I screamed in happiness.
" Looks like your friend is here! I'll be going now. Stay safe!" Inko said, before walking away to probably her son....
Wait... Her son..?
"" Wait! I CAN MEET DEKU RN!!!"" I thought.
"" And maybe Katsuki too!!!""
"Hey! Where do you think Deku or Katsuki is rn??" I asked her. "Deku is probably at the all might figurines. You wanna meet him, don't you?" She answered.
"Yes! Yes! Come on!"
I pulled her by her wrist towards the all might figurines section, not letting her go or say something.
"Hey! Sunny!" She screeched. "It's AKIKO!" I shouted.
I swear everyone was looking at us weirdly. But my excitement got the best of me. I hoped that plot armor (?) would work and that Inko magically didn't hear us scream!
"" Omg I see Deku! I need to meet him! But I can't! My anxiety won't let me!"" I thought intensely.
Deku was also 10 / 11 rn. In middle school. (My bestie told me that Deku went to middle school at 10 or 11 so I'm believing that rn. Also it probably doesn't really make sense but he wasn't in middle school yet rn. Sorry for this nonsense!)
"Uhm... Hi... D- I mean you..?" I nervously approached Deku quietly and slowly, wanting to be not so awkward.
"Hey! Let go of me!" She whispered to me. I let go of her wrist.
"Ah! Uh, Hello!" Deku nervously said hello to us, looking really nervous. He was skinda blushing too (I'M NOT SHIPPING MYSELF / MY BESTIE WITH HIM! IT'S JUST HIM GETTING NERVOUS ABOUT TALKING TO A STRANGER / TWO GIRLS)
"" Should I say my name?"" I asked the two gods. "" (Yeah sure. It's good to be friends with the main protagonist.)""
"" Alright""
"My name's Haru Akiko! And this crazy girl next to me is Kaede Kayano! What's yours?" I introduced both of us with my smile.
"I'm not crazy! And I could've introduced myself, y'know." She complained.
"Don't be like that for a minute, yeah?" I whispered to her quietly and made sure that Deku didn't hear it.
"Uhm, I'm Midoriya Izuku! Nice to meet you, Haru san and Kaede san!" Deku politely introduced himself as well.
"Nice to meet you too!" I spoke. "Yeah, nice to meet you." She talked, not really wanting to be here, talking to broccoli boy.
"Ehm if you don't mind me asking, what middle school are you gonna go to?" I asked.
(Deku POV)
""Why is she asking me that? We only just met!"" I wondered with suspicion.
"U- Uhm, why are you asking me that question?" I asked. "Ugh- I mean uh because we don't really know what middle school we wanna or should go to!" She answered.
(Akiko Pov)
I thought of an .. excuse?
Hopefully he believes that dumb lie.
"Ok? Well I go Aldera Junior High! I think you'll fit in there!" He responded.""Wow. He actually believed that. He's kinda stupid."" I thought.
"" (I agree.)""
"Uh thanks! We'll go there.. I hope-" I mumbled.
"" We will go there, right..?"" I hoped, secretly crossing my fingers.
"Oh thank God..." I whispered to no one.
"Then I'll see you at middle school! Or earlier.. but bye!" He said. "Bye!" We (Akiko + Kayano) shouted before we all left to wherever.
"Wait how much money do we even have?" Kayano asked. "Idk. Ask the gods." I suggested.
"(We'll pay for everything except for some times)"
"" Oh sweet!"" I thought. "That's great!" Kayano spoke. "" (But we'll only pay if necessary or important)""
"" Yup!"" I thought.
"Now..? Where are the mattresses?" I asked, looking around like a crazy girl. "I think over there! Come!" Kayano pulled me and ran towards somewhere. "Ballalallalalajsjajsnsjsjskks" I muttered
We actually found the mattresses..
There were some options because yeah.
Option Nr 1:
No. 2:
No. 3:
No. 4:
And that was it!
"I'll go with.. this one! (Nr 2) What about you?" I said. "Eh. I'll get this one (Nr 1)." She answered.
We tried to pick up the mattresses but.. it was very heavy.
"Ugh... Why do mattresses have to be so heavy..?" I complained about this.
"Ikr..." She complained with me, but less whiny.
"" (Did you two forget about quirks?)""
"" Quirks?"" I wondered..?
"Oh yeah! My quirk is air! And if it works like how I imagined it..."
" No, don't do it, Akiko!" Kayano warned me.
"Too~ LATE!"
I positioned my hand and...
Well, nothing happened :)
"Ha! Ha ha! Did you actually think that I was gonna do it?" I yelled with a big grin.
" Girl, be quiet!" Kayano warned me. " Right sorry." I whispered with an embarrassed feeling.
"Man, I'm really getting hungr- AHHH-"
My self mumbling was cut off by our mattresses falling on us.
"Ouch... That hurt!" I muttered to myself.
"You think it didn't hurt me??" She asked, annoyed by this situation.
"Well maybe it didn't because you're SuPeR sTrOnG or something!"
"well, that's right! I AM super strong!"
"Oh yeah? Then why did you drop the mattress, huh?"
"It was YOUR fault!"
" How was that MY fault???"
"(Ladies, calm d-)"
After "arguing" a bit, we found a big shopping cart that we somehow missed before!
We put our gigantic mattresses and we rolled it together!
"What's next on our list?" I asked, not being able to shut up. ""(Pillows and blankets.)""
"" Ok! Thanks God dude!"" I thought. "" (... Ok...)""
"Pillows and blankets, here we come!" I whispered with excitement shining like stars in my eyes.
At the pillows section, we bought:
× 3 (Yes, three)
And at the blankets section, we bought:
× 2
"Ugh. Do we need anymore than this? I hope not!" I... looked like I was talking to myself.. which I half was.
"(Nope! You can just go home now!)"
"" Oh thank God!"" I thought.
"Then let's check out and go home!" She suggested as she ran to the checking station (?) without the cart...
"" Wait she's just gonna leave me here with the cart??? YOU BITCHHHHH"" I thought angrily as I just stood there, with the cart, being awkward, because I'm me, and yeah.
"" (*Sigh* Just go slightly left and then just go straight basically)""
"" Thank you! You're a life savior!"" I thought while running intensely.
(A few minutes later...)
"Omg... Huff.. huff.... I'm so... Tired and... Hungry... PIZZA-*cough cough*"
And yeah
Nothing interesting happened there...
We just checked out, went back, "decorated" our room and we found out that a very thick thing that idk what it is devides the room in half! One cabinet door leads to a room and another one to another room!
"Ah, finally! Rest!"
I got a full pizza from out fridge and layed straight onto my bed and watched YT on my phone and we bought a charger earlier for our phones.
I'm really lazy, alright?
Also I felt a bit sick that time.
A bit later, I heard Kayano's door open and close. She said she wanted to grab a whole load of snacks so I guess that's what took her soooo long.
I watched some random gacha Kny (Kimetsu no yaiba / demon slayer) videos and chilled with my snacks being eaten by me!
I had a feeling that.. tomorrow was going to be a rough day...
I hope I won't die!
Eventually we fell asleep although it took me 100 years to sleep because I wasn't used to this at all yet so...
Yeah... I feel asleep, clueless about what was going to happen tomorrow...
If you're still reading till here, thank you so much for reading this book!
And if you're annoyed that it's all mostly my Pov and not my bestie's or anyone else's!
It's way easier for me to write my Pov because it's myself so yeah...
Very sorry about that!
Well, have an amazing day / night! Goodbye!!!
{Word count: 2646}
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