Alesa again
Your POV
I woke up and looked straight ahead over at Mason in his crib thing. He was still sleeping. I turned around to look at Adam. He was sleeping with his back to me. I smiled. My new family. At least that's what I want to believe. I got up and just sat there. I decided to wake Adam up.
" Adam" I said shacking him.
" What what" he asked not totally awake.
" Please get up" I said.
" I'm up I'm up" he said.
" I know I just wanted to not be alone" I said looking down at him.
" Okay okay." he said.
" You can go back to bed of you like" I said.
" No. I don't want you to be alone. Plus I'm the kind of person who, once up, can't go back to bed" he said.
I smiled " Thank you"
" No need" he said.
" Well we have the day off so what you want to do?" I asked.
" I don't know. Alesa is coming over" he said.
" Excuse me?" I asked. I looked down at him.
He sat up " Uh well she texted last night saying that she was"
" And you just so happened to forget to tell your girlfriend" I said.
" I didn't want to ruin the fun we were having" he said.
I sighed " Adam I hate her."
" I know I know. But look after this you won't have to see her" he said.
" Yeah sure" I said getting up off the bed.
" y/n" he said.
" I'm going to go change" I said walking out of the room.
I heard him sigh and flop back on the bed. I grabbed clothes from my room and walked to the bathroom to shower and change. As I got in the shower I did what I would normally do. Back at the apartment I would stay in the shower for as long as I could. Just so I didn't need to be around him. I can't believe I ever loved him. Maybe I never did. Interesting topic. I should get out. I mean I need to see Alesa soon. Yay.
After I had changed and dried my hair I walked down stairs and saw Adam feeding Mason and eating himself. I walked over to the fridge and got out milk. I grabbed some cereal and a bowl.
" Just so you know we have two different milks. One for me and one for you" Adam said only glanced once.
" I saw. One is lactose free right?" I said.
" Yep" he said.
You could hear it. We were not happy people this morning. All cause of Alesa.
" Look Adam I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be mean. But what she did to me. I just hate her. But I don't want her to ruin our new life. So let's forget about this morning. And as soon as we wake up tomorrow we will forget today. Deal?" I asked sitting next to him.
He smiled and took my hand " Deal"
" So when is she coming?" I asked after a couple minutes.
" Around lunch" he answered putting Mason's stuff in the sink.
" Okay. So what do you want to do till then?" I asked.
" Well then is going to be soon. We slept in. It's already 11:30" he said.
" What? But we woke up at 10:00" I said.
" Then you took a shower and forever to change and eat." he answered laughing.
" Huh" I said surprised.
He just laughed at how oblivious I was to time.
" So what you want to do?" he asked sitting back down.
" I don't know. Talk" I said.
" Okay. If one asks a question the other answers then switch." I said.
" What do you mean?" he asked.
" Well say I ask you your favorite color you answer then you get to ask a question." I said.
" Okay. You start" he said.
" Okay. So what is your favorite color?" I asked.
" Blue. And you can just tell me if I'm stepping a line but how did you and Chase meet?" he asked.
" Through my brother. Do you have siblings?" I asked.
" Yes a sister and brother. You have any other ones?" he asked.
" Yes a sister." I said. I was going to ask a question when I realized something.
" Da oh no. Oh no" I said. I stood up and ran up the stairs.
" y/n? Y/n what's wrong?" Adam asked getting up and running after me.
I ran into my room and dug through my bag.
" Is everything okay?" he asked coming into the room.
" I'm so stupid. After all that happened I forgot to call my sister and tell her I cancelled the wedding." I said getting out my phone.
" Oh okay" he said. You could see him calm down.
I called my sister. While it was ringing I asked Adam to give me his phone.
" Okay but why?" he asked taking it out of his pocket.
" Hey Avery can you hold on for a sec" I asked as soon as she picked up.
" Yeah sure" she said.
" Thanks" I said.
" Hey Adam can you call Jess?" I asked.
" You know Jess?" he asked.
" Yes now please call her" I said.
" Okay okay. But can we take the call down stairs so we can watch Mason" he said already walking away.
" Hello again" I said into the phone.
" Hey. So who is Mason and Adam?" she asked.
" Okay so to explain that I need to tell you two things." I said.
" I'm listening" she said.
" Okay so first I want to wait for Jess to be called. Oh we also need Shelby. I'll call her later" I said half talking to her and half to myself.
" Um okay. So while we wait how are you?" she asked.
" I'm actually a lot better then ever" I said.
" That's good" she said.
" Hey I have Jess" Adam said.
" Okay great can you put her on speaker?" I asked.
" Yeah here ya go" he said giving me the phone.
" Thanks I'll be in the living room" I said walking away with both phones.
" Hey Jess I have you on speaker with Avery" I said.
" Oh hey y/n. Why do you have Adam's phone. And I didn't know you knew him." Jess said.
" Yes okay that is a long story and I will explain to both of you now so please stop talking" I said.
" Okay" they both said. They were both on speaker.
" Okay so I don't really know where to start but uh let's just say I'm not getting married anymore" I said. I was preparing myself for the yells.
" What! What happened?" Avery yelled.
" Yeah what happened?" Jess said.
" Okay so he cheated on me. With Aleasa" I said. The tears were coming back.
" Okay where is he. I'm coming over there and killing him. Jason! I'm going out" I heard Jess yell.
I laughed. " Jess don't worry bout it. I have a boyfriend now. A nice one"
" Who who who who" I heard Avery chant.
" Adam" I said.
Both lines went dead. It was silent. It was starting to scare me. Then I read this scream.
" That is amazing" Jess said.
" Um yeah. Hey hate to cut this short but we are having someone over and they are here talk later" I said.
" Bye" they both said.
I hung up the phones and went to give it back to Adam. He was already standing at the door.
" Ready?" he asked.
" Ready" I said putting the phone in his hand.
We opened the door together. I prepared myself for battle.
Sorry for the bad chapter have a good day/night- Hipsher
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