Chapter Two: Bloody Fight.
(third person Pov)
"Well, hello here, my "sweet" little sister.." The monster said. It was eating Haru's rest of her family members. It was so terrifying seeing her family bleeding and missing body parts.
"S-sister?? Who are you?? And what did you do??" Haru asked, while tears flood out of her brown orbs. "Oh, so you don't remember me? Well, I'm your older sister, Naraku."
"N-Naraku??" Haru asked in terror. "Well of course!" Naraku laughed, annoyingly. "I almost forgot about you, dear Haru." She said.
"Now I'll eat you!" Naraku shouted. She lunged at poor Haru and tried to scratch Haru's body.
Haru quickly reacted. She tried to block her attack by putting her sharp hoe in front of her.
But sadly, it was no use.
Naraku's scratch went through Haru's hoe and scratched her badly.
"What?!" Haru yelled. "Hehe.. my attack goes through everything except human flesh!" Naraku explained. "And I can inject ink in you, which will work as poison! You'll be dead in no time!" Naraku said.
'Poison? No, don't think about that. I need to..' Haru thought while cutting Naraku's arms off.
"You've got skills. I'll admit that. But that's no use right now!" Naraku said. She regenerated her arms in a flash. "What the-" Haru's 'no-swearing-outside' instinct kicked in.
Naraku attacked Haru again. This time, Haru dodged behind Naraku. She swinged her hoe. 'Come on! Chop the neck off!' She thought.
"Haha.." Naraku blocked her attack with her claws. "I'll make a hole in your stomach!" Naraku threatened. She aimed for Haru's stomach.
"HCHAAAA!" Haru yelled weirdly. But she dodged so-
Haru aimed for Naraku's chin. But Naraku simply dodged. "Is that all you've got, brat?" She mocked Haru.
"Blood demon art.. Scattering ink!" Naraku yelled her blood demon art. Ink started to flood out of her claws and attacked Haru none stop.
"ARG!" She somehow manage to dodged like three, but it was no use. They all hit Haru.
"Haha! You'll die even faster with more pain! I almost feel bad for you!" Naraku mocked. "Not if you get killed first!" Haru screamed.
"Oi, Why did you kill them?" Haru asked while dodging attacks. "Why?"
"Because they ignored me of course! They didn't let me do anything! They hate me! So I killed them. And then I became one of my kinds." Naraku explained.
"You.. YOU STUPID PIECE OF SHIT!" Haru yelled. Naraku looked at her, surprised. "They didn't ignore you! They don't hate you! They just didn't want you to do much things because you were weak!" Haru explained.
"You.. YOU BITCH!" Naraku said, injecting ton of ink into Haru.
'Come on.. please.. not now! I don't, I can't die here! Not now! I need to kill her first!' Haru thought. Her thoughts ringed in her ears but she ignored that.
"AHHH! JUST DIE ALREADY, BITCH!" Haru screamed. "Never!" Naraku responded.
"You're poisoned. And plus you're bleeding a lot! So you should die, not me!" Naraku explained. "No! I'll never die because of you! I'll end you first!" "You can't even scratch me!"
She was right. Haru couldn't even get near her.
'Ugh! Why can't I just kill her? Why? Why?' Haru thought. Then suddenly, Haru vomited blood.
'UGH! THE POISON!' Haru thought loudly. "Damn it!" She yelled. "HAHAHAHA! YOU'LL DIE SOON ENOUGH!" Naraku said.
'Damn it! I'm so useless! I'm giving her more experience! But.. I'm getting experience too..' Haru thought. She attacked her. She aimed for Naraku's neck.
"What the-" Naraku panicked. 'This brat figured out my opening? But how? She's nothing but a stupid rat!' She thought. 'But it's ok. In the end, it won't matter!'
'Slice!' 'I, I did it!' Haru thought. But the poison was kicking in.
*Cough, cough* 'Ugh, the poison..*cough, cough* I guess I'm gonna dieeeeEEEHH??' She was surprised to see.. her sister attaching her head back. *Cough, cough*
"You're so stupid Haru. You thought you could kill me?" Naraku said, sadistically. "Well, you're wrong. I can't be killed by a low life like you. You'll die with the rest." She continued. "You'll see all of them in hell. You'll die hopeless." "Wha- *cough, cough*"
Haru's vision started to turn black. But before that, she saw a man. Her vision went completely black. She fell unconscious.
I'm so sorry for how short Each chapter are! I hope you don't mind that! Does this story sound interesting? I don't think anyone's gonna say yes. But I'll make another chapter anyway. Bye!
Taisho secret:
Haraka: I've been descended from the heavens to tell you a Taisho secret!
Haraka: Haru has been through a lot of fights so she has experience!
(Word count: 739)
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