Chapter Seven: Self made breathing style
(Sanemi Pov)
I woke up and went to wake the idiots.
"Oi, Idiots, wake u-" I was cut off by a..
"Shinazugawa San! Haru is gone!" Ikashi yelled. " What do you mean, idiot?" I asked, with a blank face.
" I'm serious! She's gone! Look!" He screamed. I looked around, but didn't see her. " She's probably at the kitchen making food." I said.
We both checked the kitchen, but Haru wasn't there.
"...Maybe training?" I said.
We went outside to our backyard, but she still wasn't there. "Oh no! What should we do!" Ikashi yelled.
" We can check the Butterfly Mansion." I said.
We ran to the butterfly mansion.
"Oi! Kocho!" I yelled.
"Shinazugawa San?" Kocho came and asked.
" Is Haru there?" I asked, quickly. "No, but I'm sure she went to Mitsuri's Mansion. She wanted to visit." She answered.
" Oh, thank you, Shinobu San." Ikashi muttered. " It's nothing. Have a good day!" She responded.
We rushed to Kanroji's mansion.
"If she's not there, I swear!" I shouted. Ikashi just nodded.
We ran into Kanroji. She was standing in front of her mansion. " Oi! Kanroji!" I yelled. " Oh, Shinazugawa San? What are you doing here?" She asked.
" Well, Kanroji San, we are looking for Haru. Is she perhaps here?" Ikashi asked. " Oh, Haru chan? She's-" she was cut off.
" Mitsuri! When are we going? We promised Haru that we'll meet her at the restaurant." Finnikoshi asked.
" Eh? What?" I asked.(Geez, so many 'asked') " She didn't tell you?" He asked. "...No?" Ikashi responded.
" She did what?" I asked, irk marks appeared on my forehead.
"Hey! Maybe you can come too!" Mitsuri said. "..." I wasn't really looking forward to it, but I needed to talk to Haru.
"Fine." I answered. "Heh? Shinazugawa San, we're really going?" Ikashi asked. "Why not!" I asked. He shushed himself.
(Time skip)
(Haru Pov)
"Oh! Brothers! So you two came?" I greeted, Happily. "What do you mean? You just disappeared." Ikashi asked.
" Ehh? But I left a letter beside you, dear dumb brother. " I responded. " Hey! Don't call me that! " He yelled.
Irk marks appeared all over Oni-chan's body.
"Oh~ Oni-chan's mad~" I teased. "Ikashi. So you let me so worried even though she left a note?" Oni-chan said, in an angry tone.
" I'M SO SORRY SENSEI!!!" Ikashi yelled across the restaurant.
" So.. where were we?" I asked, innocently. " Uhm, I'm not sure..." Finn replied. " We were greeting each other!" Mitsuri gladly saved the situation.
" Oh! Right! Hello Finn! I hope you trained!" I greeted. " Hello! I hope you trained as well! " Finn greeted back.
" So, pick some food! I'll pay, don't worry!" Mitsuri said, cheerfully. " Thank you Mitsuri!" We both said in sync.
Mitsuri chuckled a little. " Hmm, I think I would like this!" I said, pointing at a picture of a big plate of sushi.
"Wonderful choice!" Mitsuri commented. "I'll take a bowl of ramen!" Finn said, cheerfully as ever.
" Oh! That looks good! Maybe I'll try that too!" I commented. "Mhm! You definitely should! It's my favorite so far!" Finn responded.
" So, what can I get you three?" A waitress asked. " Actually, we have other people. Would you mind if we wait?" Mitsuri asked, being the only adult.
" Sure. Are they perhaps them?" The waitress, let's call him Kaze asked, pointing at Oni-chan and Ikashi.
"Yeah!" I answered.
"It seems like they are coming in." Kaze said.
" Ugh, you're so annoying." Oni-chan muttered. " Oi, did you order already?" He asked. "Nope! We were waiting actually!" I answered.
" So, what would you all like to order?" Kaze patiently asked. " Oh! We would like a big plate of sushi, this ramen, a pack of mochi.." Mitsuri looked at Oni-chan to continue.
"And a plate of dumpings, please." Oni-chan continued. "..." Ikashi didn't complain since he liked dumplings.
"Alright, that would come up in about 25 minutes!" Kaze said. He rushed away. "We could talk to each other for the mean time!" Finn suggested.
" Yeah, like asking you about your relationship with Haru." Sanemi said, with a glare. " I- Uh- what?" Finn blushed and panicked.
" Big brother, we literally just met. Stop it." I said, with a glare.
" Right.. " he responded.
"So, Haru chan! Can you tell me about yourself? I'll do it right after!" Finn asked. "Eh? Ok. What should I talk about?" I asked.
" Like your favorite color!" I responded. " I will asked you questions and you'll answer the!, Ok?" Mitsuri said. " Ok." I answered.
(It'll be like Mitsuri-Haru-mitsuri Haru unless I add something. Sorry for being lazy!)
"What's your favorite color?" "Light blue." "You're favorite food?" "Sushi or ramen. I can't choose!" " What's your type? Short guys or tall guys?" Mitsuri tried to spice things up a bit.
"Uhh.. Short?" I responded. "Good choice!" Mitsuri said. Finn was blushing a little, but I didn't think about it.
"Do you prefer tough 'bad guys', or do you like soft, cute boys more?" "I uhm.. The second one. The first one seems weird." Ikashi and Sanemi noticed it.
" Do you prefer guys taller than you or shorter?" " Eh, I don't mind either." " Strong guys or weak guys?" " Strong, duh."
" She's asking questions related to Finnikoshi or whatever." Ikashi whispered. " Yeah. I know." Sanemi responded.
"Here's the food! Enjoy!" Kaze said. He walked off.
" Oh wow! It looks delicious!" I commented. " Yeah!" Mitsuri agreed. Finn just nodded, staring at his food.
(Time skip cause I'm super lazy)
"That was delicious!" Finn commented. I nodded to agree. "It was great." Ikashi agreed. "It was ok." Oni-chan agreed as well.
"Haru, did you really leave this early to eat here with your buddies?" Sanemi asked. "Of course not! They invited me to train!" I answered.
" Oh, that's why." Ikashi said.
"We want to see her new breathing style!" Mitsuri commented. Finn nodded. He also blushed a little.
"D-don't worry! You two are allowed as well!" Finn explained, embarrassed. "Oh, good." Sanemi replied. He glared at Finn.
" We're here! Come in! " Mitsuri ran in her mansion.
I followed Finn inside. My Shinazugawa brothers followed us too. "Welcome! We'll go training soon!" Mitsuri explained.
(Time skip cause I'm extremely lazy)
My Shinazugawa brothers and Mitsuri sat down next to the yard. Finn and I got into our fighting poses.
"So, the first one to get down on their back loses! Ready? Steady? GO!" Mitsuri yelled. We attacked each other first, clashing our swords.
That was all guys! I'll make a part 2 of this.
Taisho secret:
Ikashi: Wait, I'm here again??
Haru: Yeah, now deal with it.
Ikashi: Why are you son mean to me?
Haru: Because you suck.
Ikashi: Oof-
Ikashi: Anyways, it's time for a taisho secret!
Ikashi; Haru gets annoyed very easily. She's naturally a grumpy person.
Haru: ...I guess that's true.
Haru: But it's not my fault that they are all annoying like you.
Ikashi: Hey! Let me out of this!
Haru: You're the one who started it.
Ikashi: Still.
Haru: Anyways..
Haru, Ikashi: Bye! Have a good day/night!
Words I now now because I used a phone this time: 1185
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