Chapter 5 - Friends
Draco and Harry were rolling around in the snow on top of one another, laughing and giggling. They stopped abruptly, breathing heavily, and just stared at each other.
Harry took in Draco's beauty, his face and beautiful eyes, which wondered down Harry's face and eventually stopped, lingering on his lips.
It was in that moment Harry knew what he wanted. He lent down ever so gently, and slowly, slowly drew his lips closer and closer to the Slytherin's own.
He hovered above Draco's lips, his breath teasing them as he neared and closed the gap.
Harry was shaken awake by Ron, who was babbling loudly. He rubbed the sleep from his eyes, and groaned as the last reminisants of his dream left him feeling empty and drained.
Wait. He'd just had a dream. A dream about Malfoy. A dream where he was about to...
Oh god, oh god no. This wasn't happening. No. It was his subconscious. Of course it was. He and Malfoy were enemies...Weren't they?
Harry was dragged from his panicked thoughts by Ron who was talking very fast and who's face was suddenly in front of him, alarmingly close.
"Mate! Are you listening to me? You overslept! We have to go! Get dressed now, we have Divination in two minutes!"
Harry scrambled out of bed and pulled on his clothes, quickly washing his face and grabbed his wand from his bedside table before following Ron down the stairs to the common room.
He and Ron had finally made up after the first task, to Harry's relief. He was slowly becoming lost without his best friend, and he had missed him, lots.
"Trelawney's gonna kill us, Harry," Ron said, as they hurried up the millions of staircases that connected the Hogwarts corridors.
"I think you mean, she's gonna predict our deaths, rather than kill us herself," Harry corrected him, as they ran through the lengthy hallways.
"Blimey, Hermione's gonna do her nut," Ron sighed, looking at Harry with a defeated expression.
They had reached the trap door and pulled it open, revealing the ladder that led into the stuffy classroom.
Both boys climbed it steadily, Ron emerging first, Harry following behind.
Trelawney was stood talking at the front of the room, eyeing the class with her spectacles that magnified her eyes by a thousand times.
She looked over at Ron and Harry, widening her eyes at the newcomers who had disturbed her lesson.
Ron and Harry both mumbled a quiet "Sorry, Proffessor," before taking their places beside Hermione, who had a look of thunder plastered on her face.
However the professor didn't seem to hear them, as she had gone back to telling the class about the 'inner eye' and dream interpretation.
"Where have you two been?" Hermione whisper-shouted to both boys, as they looked away sheepishly.
"At least you have the dignity to look a slight bit embarrassed!" she huffed, her whisper growing louder, and her expression becoming stonier, if both were even possible.
"Calm down, 'Mione! Harry slept in, it wasn't my fault!" Ron told her, exasperated.
Harry glared at him and gave him a look, before turning to Hermione and said, "Hermione, I'm sorry, okay, it was an accident, now would you please calm down, for Merlin's sake!"
She gave each boy a death glare before turning to pay her attention to Trelawney, but both Harry and Ron knew she wasn't the slightest bit interested in what the professor had to say.
The lesson passed slowly for Harry, as his thoughts were clouded by one perticular blonde Slytherin that he couldn't get out of his mind, no matter how hard he tried.
He thought of Draco and the way he had been at the start of the year, how he had forever hated him. But now Harry wasn't so sure. Had Draco always hated him? Was he just bored? Was this whole thing some kind of sick joke?
But somehow Harry knew it wasn't, he knew Malfoy was genuine, but couldn't seem to understand the fact that the blonde didn't actually hate his guts after all. If anything he was actually being civil towards Harry, and he just didn't understand any of it.
And what's more is that Harry was becoming more and more drawn to him. He was starting to notice things, things he would have most certainly never noticed before, and it was driving him insane.
The way Draco played with the feathers of his quill in potions, when copying down the ingredients. The way he always made sure his hair was perfect, however never used too much gel. And the way his eyes would always change colour whenever he was around Harry. And that was something that just intrigued Harry more.
Harry wanted to find out more about him. There was something pulling him in, and he couldn't escape.
Finally, the class was dismissed and Harry grabbed his bag, whilst Ron and Hermione did the same.
They walked along to the Gryffindor common room, talking about the second task.
"Harry, it's not too long before it starts! Have you figured out the clue yet?" Hermione asked Harry.
In truth, Harry hadn't of course. He was too preoccupied with everything else.. if that's what you would call it.
They had reached the portrait leading to the common room, and Ron spoke the password as Hermione continued;
"Harry, you must! This egg is the key to what you'll be facing in the next task! Who knows what it'll be?" Hermione looked at him, clearly annoyed and frustrated that Harry really didn't seem to care all that much.
"You could die! Have you even thought about that? What if that happens, hm? What will happen then? All because you didn't figure out some stupid clue to this stupid tournament that someone has so stupidly entered you into—"
"Hermione! Just be quiet, okay! Yes I get it, it's dangerous, and yes, for your information I have thought about the fact I could die, but I've honestly been a little busy at the moment, so would you please, please, stop going on about it!"
Harry was breathing heavily, as if he'd just run a marathon, his face was red and his fists were clenched.
Hermione was the same. She looked livid, but Harry could tell he'd hurt her feelings by looking at her eyes. But he didn't care, he wasn't thinking about her now. Everything was just so messed up, and he wanted to be alone.
Before he could let Hermione say anymore, he ran through the empty common room and bolted up the stairs. Hurling the door open, he ran to his trunk and dropped on his knees, rifling through it.
His hands found the cool material of his invisibility cloak which he bundled into his arms, and quickly left the dormitory, running back through the common room, as quickly as he had gone from it.
Ron and Hermione were both still there, mouths hanging open, at a loss for words.
Harry was about to leave through the portrait hole, when he heard Hermione call to him, aplologising. But he didn't stop, he didn't care, right now he needed to be alone. He was stressed out, and everything was becoming too much.
He didn't look back as the portrait shut behind him, leaving his two best friends staring at where Harry had stood.
Harry moved calmly but quickly through the hallways, the cloak draped over his body, keeping him hidden from the rest of the school.
He found himself in the entrance hall, his feet gliding along the stones, down the staircase leading to the outside.
Harry neatly slipped through the great double doors, out into the courtyard, and across the grass, breathing in the fresh air, his lungs burning for it.
Eventually stopping just on the outside of the forbidden forest, Harry slid down the trunk of a tree and just sat there, looking across the cool, blue water of the lake, thinking.
He knew he shouldn't have been so dismissive to his friends, and he knew he shouldn't have gotten so angry at Hermione, for none of this was her fault.
But everything was just so stressful. The second task was on its way, and Harry was no closer to finding out what it was, for the egg was not helping him in the slightest.
And then there was the Malfoy situation, that Harry really didn't want to think about, yet it was swimming around his head day in and day out.
Harry sighed and pulled off the cloak, picking up some stones and twisting them in his hands, before throwing them into the water. All the anger and frustration flowed out of him as he threw more and more pebbles.
Feeling defeated, he let his head fall back against the trunk of the tree and he closed his eyes, just enjoying the silence and the clamness of the outside.
Harry's eyes flew open as he heard the crack of a twig being snapped, all the clamness from his body deteriorating.
Gripping his wand tightly he stood up, tense.
"Potter, relax, it's me," a calm voice spoke from behind him and Harry whipped around, unsure if he was happy or not to see Draco standing in front of him.
"Malfoy. What do you want," Harry asked as he released the tension he was holding in his fists.
"Potter, is it so hard to believe that I might actually want to help you?" Draco said, sighing, running a hand through his hair.
"Yes," Harry replied, becoming confused.
"Yeah, well, if I were you, I'd get used to it," Draco winked.
Harry choked. Did he..? Did Malfoy just wink at him?!
Harry suddenly realised how hot he had become, and how sweaty his palms were. He had to grip his want tighter to stop it falling from his grasp.
Draco seemed to have taken notice and smirked at Harry which made the latter bite his lip and swallow, just like he always did when he was embarrassed or overwhelmed.
"Potter, listen—"
"I heard you in the library, Malfoy," Harry said, cutting him off. He pressed his lips together, registering what he had just said. He didn't mean that to come out of his mouth, but it slipped before he could stop it.
"Wha.. what?" Draco gasped, looking shocked
Harry looked away from Draco's face. Why did he say that? It was ages ago anyway, why was it bothering him so much?
Because he said he felt something for you. He said he couldn't be mean to you. Something was stopping him.
Harry gulped. "I.. er- you know, just heard you talking." He gulped again. "To your friends.. Zabini and Parkinson."
"I know who my friends are, Potter," Draco joked, trying to find a way round the situation. Maybe if he changed the subject Potter would forget it? What would he say to him anyway? How was he going to explain?
Harry wasn't looking at Draco, instead looking at the floor, extremely uncomfortable.
"Was... was what you said true?" Harry finally blurted out. He bit his lip, knowing this was going to be one hell of an awkward conversation.
It was Draco's turn to look uncomfortable.
He coughed before looking down at the ground and kicking at the pebbles.
"Yes," he whispered.
Harry gulped, not sure of how to reply. Eventually he decided to just get the facts straight.
"So... so this is why you're not insulting me anymore? Because you... can't?" He asked, uncertain and totally bewildered.
Draco took a deep breath and sighed. He couldn't tell Harry. He'd never take it well. It wouldn't work anyway.
"I guess you could say that, Potter," he finally replied, skooting his way round the question.
Harry didn't ask more, realising that perhaps they wouldn't have to be enemies any more. Maybe... maybe they could start over..?
"Malfoy... would you.. um.. how about a truce?" Harry rushed out the last part of the sentence, still not meeting the blonde's eyes.
The Slytherin was silent for a moment, and Harry thought he had said the wrong thing. This was Draco Malfoy, for crying out loud! They were sworn enemies, and Harry was sure Satan wanted them to stay that way.
He eventually met the blonde's eyes, which contained some emotion he couldn't quite put his finger on.
Draco slowly raised his hand and Harry took it gingerly, shaking it. A shock ran up both boys' arms as their skin touched, erupting into fireworks that neither boy could describe. But it was a good feeling.
"Truce," Draco whispered, gazing into Harry's eyes.
"Friends?" Harry whispered, quieter than Draco, if that were even possible.
"Okay Potter, a bit far, don't you think?" Draco laughed.
"Draco Malfoy, always the mood killer," Harry giggled, before letting go of the Slytherin's hand.
Draco smiled at him. No, not a normal Malfoy smirk, but a proper, real smile, that Harry had never really seen him wear before.
Harry's breath hitched as he stared at Draco, his smile causing goosebumps to run up his arms. He looked down and blushed.
He lifted his head back up, hoping to seem confident and come across playful; he didn't want Draco to think he was some wimpy, blushing idiot.
Come on, Draco, let's go back inside," Harry said, emphasising Draco's first name.
This made Draco stop and stare at the Gryffindor. Harry had never called him that before. It sounded angelic as it rolled off his tongue. It set something off inside him.
"What?" Harry asked, smirking at Draco. "Seeing as we're friends now, shouldn't we adress each other properly?"
"But what about our own friends? They'll think something's up if we suddenly act all matey towards each other," Draco pointed out.
Harry thought a bit. "Then we act like we did before. We fight and we insult each other whenever anyone is nearby," he suggested.
"Okay," Draco agreed. "Then that's what we'll do."
It was early next morning and Draco was in a good mood. He and Harry were friends and for some reason that made him feel happier than it probably should have.
He got up and ran across to Blaise's bed, shaking the poor boy until he awoke groggily.
"Draco..?" He asked, sleepily, looking at the boy over the top of his duvet, yawning.
'If only that was Potter..' Draco thought absent-mindedly. 'He would look so adorable.'
Draco widened his eyes in horror at his thoughts. Oh no, oh god, what?! He and Harry had only just become friends, there was no way he should be thinking like that.
"Draco, we have ages until breakfast, what are you doing?!" Blaise said, angrily as he tugged the covers over his head.
"Well today is an early day!" Draco exclaimed, pushing his thoughts to the back of his mind.
"What?" Blaise looked at him incredulously. "What on earth are you on about?"
Draco ran a hand impatiently through his hair.
"Just help me get ready," he replied shortly.
"Draco, it's Wednesday, that means we have lessons. You want me to help you get ready.." Blaise sat up and looked at Draco like he was from another planet. However something crossed his face as he looked at Draco. He'd seen this behaviour before.
"Who's the lucky girl?" Blaise asked, unexpectedly, smirking.
Draco choked. "W-what?! There is absolutely no girl!" he spluttered.
Blasie held his hands up in defence. "Okay, Mr. Handsome, I get it, you don't want to talk about it." His smirk grew wider. "Tell me when you're ready."
"There is no girl! I am not involved with anyone! Blaise, don't even go there!" Draco whisper-shouted angrily, trying his hardest not to wake the rest of the dormitory.
"Whatever you say, Draco." Blasie was still smirking as he lay back down and pulled the duvet over him.
Draco grabbed a pillow from his own bed and threw it across the room. It hit Blasie in the back of the head and Draco heard a muffled 'ow' come from the bed, before he huffed and turned to go to the bathroom to fix his hair.
"Okay Blaise, how do I look?" Draco asked, as he tugged the last bits of his hair in place.
Blaise was doing up his buttons when he glanced up and took in Draco's appearance. His hair was gelled, but not too much of course, and from what Blasie could tell, that was pretty much it.
"Uh.. normal?" He shrugged, having no idea what he was supposed to say.
Draco's face dropped. "Normal?" He exclaimed, spinning to face the mirror and tugging at his hair for the umpteenth time this morning. "I'm supposed to look overly-handsome!" He whined.
"Blaise!" he shouted, noticing the boy had turned back to fix his robes.
"Draco, look, I'm hungry so I'm going to breakfast. If you want to stay here and play with your hair to make it somewhat compatable for this mystery girl, then I'm not stopping you, but whoever she is, she'd be crazy to reject you. Okay?! Now can we please go!" Blaise panted as he finished his rant.
Draco stood speechless and Blaise took his chance and grabbed on the blonde's arm, pulling him down the stairs and through the Slytherin common room, ignoring the boy's whines.
Draco, Pansy and Blaise were sitting together in the great hall, eating breakfast. Draco helped himself to some pudding and watched as his friends talked among themselves.
Draco looked nonchalantly around the hall, watching people, waiting. He wasn't really sure what exactly it was that he was waiting for, however.
All of a sudden, Draco's grey eyes caught the beautiful green of a certain Gryffindor. Harry was sitting in between Ron and Hermione, whom were both trying to get his attention, however both boys forgot the rest of the world for a minute and just stared at each other.
Draco looked deeply at Harry, in an almost-longing. He hated it. He just hated how he knew that this was it. There was no going back. He couldn't stop. He hated that this was how he was feeling, and how he was going to keep feeling.
But another part of him, a stronger part, knew that this was right. This was how it should feel. It was most definitely a good feeling. And that part of him loved it, craved it, hurt for it.
And Harry was the same. He didn't quite know what he was feeling, but knew it felt right. It was just right. The way they connected, he could feel it. And he knew he wanted more.
Draco snapped out of his Harry-daze, and stared down at his plate, blushing profusely. He kept his eyes down, hoping no one had noticed the interaction, or the way Draco had turned extremely red.
He turned to his friends and caught the small parts of their conversation.
"...Look at Potter. He looks sick. Perhaps it's the tournament..." Blasie was saying to Pansy.
Pansy replied with a nasty grin. "He's such a weedy little bastard. Completely attention-seeking. 'Oh, look at me, everyone, I'm Harry Potter, the chosen one,'" Pansy imitated Harry.
Draco gripped his fork, hard, his knuckles turning white. He sent daggers at Pansy, his jaw set in his face.
"Dray, what's wrong?" she asked Draco, noticing his stiff composure.
"Nothing," Draco grit his teeth, tightening his hold on the fork, ready to stab it in her eye.
"I know what will make you feel better," Pansy suggested. "I'm gonna go talk to Potty. Pretend to ask for study help in Potions. Then, I'll lead him to the library, where you, Blaise, can trip him up from behind a shelf, and you, Draco, will cast a binding charm on him so he's stuck to the wall, embarrassed in front of everyone!" Pansy rounded off her plan, grinning widely at the both of them.
"Pansy, that's a genius plan! Go, now!" Blaise said, lifting Pansy up by her sleeve.
Pansy stood up, her face smug and an evil look in her eye. She was about to cross the hall, but a hand barred her way.
She looked at Draco, confusedly.
"No." Draco said, firmly, standing up to face her. Damn it, the 'let's-insult-each-other-how-we-did-before' plan immediately went out the window. Now he was protecting the boy, for Merlin's sake!
"What do you mean, no?" Pansy started, still confused.
"I mean, you are not going through with that plan, it's ridiculous, it'll never work." Draco tried to reason with her, whilst at the same time, trying not to let his friendship with Harry show through.
"Oh, come on, Dray! It'll be fun! Lighten up!" Pansy pushed his shoulder, laughing, trying to push past him to get to the Gryffindor table.
Draco lost it. "I said NO, Pansy!" Draco shouted uncontrollably at her. Blaise stood up, ready to intervene. And then something odd happened. Draco's eyes flashed silver. No not the grey, that his eyes usually possessed, but a deep, silver-mercury, that neither Pansy nor Blaise had never seen before.
The Slytherin girl stepped back in shock and surprise, at both Draco's outburst and the colour of his irises.
"But, Dra—," she was cut off by Draco speaking.
"Pansy," Draco said, his voice dangerously low and threataning. "If you dare try that preposterous plan of yours, I swear, I'll make your life a living hell."
Pansy swallowed, unsure of what to do. Draco was her friend, and now he was sticking up for Potter?! What the hell was his problem?
Blaise silently pulled her back down to sitting, keeping eye contact with Draco, no one knew what was going to happen next.
Draco didn't realise most of the Slytherin table had gone silent at the unexpected outburst. He quickly looked in Harry's direction, not wanting him to have seen it.
But he had. Draco's eyes connected with Harry's and he watched as the boy sat there with his mouth hanging open, him being the only one that noticed.
Draco suddenly bolted from the hall, feeling tons of pairs of eyes watching him leave.
He rounded a corner to the hallway and angrily slammed his fists against the wall. He was angry. He was angry at Pansy for suggesting the plan. He was angry at himself. He was angry at the way his eyes had flashed. He was angry at how he had lost control. He was angry for showing his and Harry's friendship, somewhat. And he was angry Harry himself had to witness it.
Draco kicked at the wall, and slid down it, putting his head in his hands, closing his eyes.
After a couple of minutes, Draco heard frantic footsteps round the corner to where he was still sitting, his back against the wall. The footsteps slowed as the person spotted him, and eventually came to a stop in front of the blonde.
Draco didn't bother lifting his head, he didn't care who it was, he was too angry. Too angry at everything.
Draco heard the person bend down, coming to a crouch next to him.
"Draco?" a voice whispered. Draco knew that voice.
He snapped his head up, and sure enough, Harry was crouching next to him, his beautiful, deep green eyes filled with concern.
"Potter!" Draco squeaked, backing away from him quickly, terrified Harry was going to be angry with him.
"Woah, hey, what's wrong?" Harry asked, and in that moment Draco realised Harry was genuinely full of concern for him. For him.
"I-I'm really sorry, um about that," Draco mumbled, referring to the incident that occurred a few minutes ago.
"Hey, don't worry, it's okay," Harry smiled at him, putting a reassuring hand on the Slytherin's shoulder. A shock ran through Draco's body and he swallowed. Was that supposed to keep happening?
"I thought we were going with first names," the Gryffindor corrected him, grinning down at Draco.
Draco took a deep breath. "Harry," he said, rolling his eyes. "I-I don't—"
"Don't talk. It doesn't matter. I'm not angry, I promise. If anything, I'm flattered," Harry smiled, giggling, causing Draco's heart to do a strange flippy thing.
"But from now on, we mustn't act any more matey, or people will think something's up, if they don't already." Harry gave Draco a small smile, before helping the taller boy up.
"I don't know what came over me. I just had this weird feeling of protectiveness." Draco said, more to himself than Harry. "It might be hard insulting you all the time if I'm feeling this way," he continued.
"It can't be that hard! You're a Malfoy, just go back to your Malfoy-ish ways like you were before. Forget we're friends."
Draco smiled at him, agreeing. The end of breakfast came upon them as students started spilling into the corridor.
Harry gave Draco's hand a quick squeeze, causing butterflies to erupt in Draco's stomach, before the Gryffindor disappeared into the crowd, once again leaving Draco with a burning hole of emptiness.
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