Hi, My name is Abigail and I work for Mr Jim James he is a lovely man – he's a caring, thoughtful gentleman and treats me like an equal not an underling like my last employer.
I applied for my position while still living in Liverpool, Mr James is a former 'pooler but he moved to London to be closer to his two sons, Michael and James Junior, although James and Michael seem to go by different last names. James Junior being James Ramone and Michael, as he is a performer, he has a stage name Mike McGear.
I have not as of yet met either of Mister James sons. Mister James just prefers I cook whatever meals he will need prior to their arrival, and then he lets me leave to visit my mother in Liverpool, handy for all involved I suppose.
It's been this way ever since I started work for Mister James. I will, from here on in, call him Jim. He always tells me to but it really feels strange to do so.
I have worked as a live-in house keeper for Jim for around twelve months now and I really love it; as I said he is a very nice gentleman and also I can complete my night college education in secretarial duties.
"Abigail" Jim insists on using my full name, which I don't detest but I much prefer Abby "Could you please pop down to the shops and pick up my medicine, I seem to have run out"
"Oh sure thing Mister James" I walk into the living room to continue the chat as sometimes he doesn't seem to hear me if I'm in another room "I'll just make you a cup of tea and then I'll be off"
"Thank you luv, you're a good 'en. Oh yes, Angie and Ruthie will be here tomorrow, only for a bit though, they're off on holiday to Spain for a month" Jim laughed at the thought of them being in Spain. "Don't know how they will get on, not been able to speak a word of Spanish though!"
"Righto, well I'll make a meal for you all...." I walked back through into the cosy warm living room "A month you say?! Well I'm sure you will miss them terribly, perhaps those lads of yours can come for a visit" I set the tea down in front of Jim, he stirred and tapped the rim of the china cup three times like always. Blowing the tea to cool he nodded agreement over the rim of the cup "I'll be off then, just to Mr Carters dispensary then?"
"That's the one Abigail, you're a life saver" Jim sipped his hot tea and shook his head "perfect as always luv. Do you have school tonight? I don't want you being late on my account"
"No school, its Saturday sir" Jim eyeballed me for saying sir "Oops sorry, Jim" He grinned, wider than a Cheshire cat "perhaps some piano playing in the morning if you're up to it!? Back soon"
"Put your coat on lass" I was reaching for my coat as he yelled after me, I walked back to the doorway, showed Jim my coat, waved and headed out into the crispy evening air.
It was early February 1964 so the chill of winter still nipped at my feet as I walked along, it had been a overly long lonely winter for everybody, the newspapers reporting on the fact that this was the harshest winter in years, we all wanted spring days and bluebells again, well I certainly did anyway.
Spring was beauty. Spring was everything anew, baby animals, budding trees and plants, everything came alive and blossomed into eyefuls of beauty.
Spring is my favourite time of year can't you tell!
Walking quickly I made the chemist by half four, the afternoon light was fading, if I was lucky I would make it home by half five to serve Jim his light evening meal, help him upstairs to the bedroom and grab a quick sandwich or maybe some leftovers for myself.
"Hello Abby how are you, a little late in the day to be out for a stroll" Mr Carter the chemist was a lovely, jovial man nothing was too hard for him and would deliver prescriptions personally if patients were too ill to venture out. I helped out behind the counter a few times, it was an interesting job.
"Brrr strolling! more like running fast for circulation, when is Spring!?" I responded and Carter laughed at me as I began banging my arms on myself, trying to get some heat in "Script for Mister James please, he has run out of that one" I handed over the doctors letter and turned a circle to see if there was anyone waiting behind me. There wasn't a soul so I could stand by the counter and watch.
"Okey Dokey luv and spring should be right round the corner, girlie be patient! I'll be just a minute for my favourite customer" Mr Carter winked and grinned at me broadly then turned back to his medicine bottles and notepad.
"You say that to all the girls!" I laughed and he turned around, the mock pout he plastered on his face was very funny- from babe in arms to over ninety, no lady was not 'his favourite customer.'
"One bob luv, now off with ya home right quick, stand in front of Jim's fire for twenty minutes, Chemists order!! Ta rah!" I scooted out onto the footpath and made a hurried dash towards Mister James and the toasty warm fireplace.
My days weren't anything special but I liked my job and liked the secretarial course so my life, right now, was just fine.
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