Word count: 1245
Note: Marlene will be alive in all these one shots. Because I can.
December 2nd
"REMUS COME HERE!" Sirius shouts from the front door. Remus comes bounding down the stairs.
"What do you want?" He asks. "And be quite, Harry is sleeping."
"I need help. Christmas is coming and I still have no idea what to get for Marlene."
Remus laughs at Sirius's nervous expression.
"Oh come on Sirius, you've never been nervous about this stuff before."
"Okay, let me rephrase that. I don't know which ring I should pick," Sirius says, averting his eyes.
"Oh, right a- wait, A RING?" Remus asks, completely shocked. Sirius nods.
"Yeah, a ring. I want to ask her to marry me."
"Wow, that's, that's great. I glad."
"So will you help?" Sirius pleads. Remus chuckles again.
"Sirius, this isn't something I should help on. Picking which ring should be completely your choice."
"Fine, I'll be back," he grumbles and goes right back out the door.
December 5th
"Come on baby prongs, time to do the ornaments!" Sirius says, holding the 17-month-old, while they walk down the stairs to the kitchen. Harry giggles as he gets tickled.
"Yay, Christmas!" Harry says, even though he doesn't exactly know what Christmas really is.
"Hey, Marls, Remus, are all the boxes down here?" Sirius asks as he enters the kitchen.
"Yup, all here," Remus informs as Harry is set on the ground.
"Rlean, Rlean!" Harry squeals, running over to the women opening up a box full of ornaments.
"Hey little buddy, do you wanna help put some ornaments on the tree?" She smiles down at him. Harry bobs his head, grinning.
"Alright, let's start with this one." She takes an ornament out of the box and takes the tissue paper off of it.
Sirius grins as he watches his girlfriend decorate the tree with his godson.
"Just imagine," Remus whispers to him, "One day you might be doing this with your own child."
Sirius grins, nodding. "Yeah, Harry will have a sibling, cause he practically is my son anyways. And yours," Sirius laughs.
Remus grins, nodding at his best friend.
December 13th
Harry giggles as he flys around the drawing room on the kid broom James gave him, Remus watching from the back wall.
"Alright, baby prongs, time to wrap Sirius' presents," Remus grins, bending down to pick up the presents, tape, and wrapping paper. Remus strides over to Harry and grabs him from the broom. Harry giggles, hugging Remus. Remus smiles, sitting on the floor to wrap the presents.
"What wrapping paper should we use?"
"Santa!" Harry giggles, reaching for the Santa wrapping paper. Remus laughs.
"Okay, Santa it is."
The two set to work, wrapping the presents, which include, but not limited to, dog toys, clothes, and a new bedspread as his current one is moth-eaten.
Once they were completely done, Remus picks up Harry, and magics the presents into the air. They bring the presents down the stairs and into the kitchen to place the now wrapped presents under the tree.
December 17th
"DECK THE HALLS WITH BELLS OF HOLLY FALALALALA LALALALA!" Marlene sings as she dances around the room with Harry in her arms.
"Marls, what are you doing?" Sirius laughs as he leans against the entry way.
"I'm teaching the baby deer some muggle songs!" She says, grinning at her boyfriend.
Sirius laughs, as he stares fondly at the girl he loves dancing with his god son.
December 24
"MERRY CHRISTMAS EVE CHILDREN!" Sirius shouts through the house.
"I think you're the only child here Sirius." Remus laughs, as he heats up some food for Harry.
"Oh be quite, I'm having fun."
"You might be, but listening to you shout 'merry Christmas Eve' every hour on the hour is not fun." Remus comments, rolling his eyes at his friend.
"Christmas!" Harry giggles.
"Yeah, that's right tyke, Christmas!" Sirius grins. "And because it's Christmas Eve, FO you know what that means?"
Harry stares blankly up at the man with curly black hair.
"It means, Santa is coming tonight, and delivering presents!"
"Santa give presents?" Harry asks happily.
Sirius bobs his head at the child. "That's right, so tomorrow, when Marlene gets here, we're gonna open presents."
December 25
"I got it!" Sirius shouts, jumping up from his place at the breakfast table, and dashes out to the front door. He swiftly opens the door, and pulls his girlfriend inside. "Took you long enough! Let's go open presents."
"Well, merry Christmas to you too." She laughs at her boyfriends antics.
"Oh, right." Sirius stops and turns. He kisses her lips lightly and says, "Merry Christmas Marls, I've got the best present for you."
"Oh we're playing that game? Trust me, what ever you have, mines ten times better."
"Marls, I love you, but my gift for you is something you'll never forget."
"Well you better never forget mine!"
"Ladies, ladies, I'm sure you both bought each other exceptional gifts, now please the baby is getting impatient."
"Presents!" Harry giggles.
Two hours later, all but two presents have been given. Sirius and Marlene our outside in the snow, walking around, heading forwards an empty park.
Once they get there, Sirius speaks up. "You ready for your gift?" He asks nervously.
"Baby, I was born ready."
"Alright," Sirius grins, then whispers to himself, "here goes nothing."
He takes a deep breath and kneels on the ground.
"Marlene, you have been one of the greatest people o have ever had the pleasure to know. I knew from the moment I met you that you were special, your eyes shine as bright as the sun when you're happy, and I'm always ecstatic to know that sometimes I'm the reason your eyes shine so bright. Honestly, when you first said yes to going on a date with me, I was kinda shocked, I never thought that you would actually date me. I knew you thought of me as a player, but the fact that you gave me a chance made me so happy. And now, here we are, I'm on my knees doing something I never thought I would be doing," Sirius pulls a box from his pocket and looks up at Marlene. "Will you marry me?"
Marlene nods, not being able to say the words, and she jumps onto Sirius. They tumble into the snow, laughing and crying. Sirius grabs Marlene's hand, and slides the ring onto her finger. They lay there, in the snow, hugging and crying for a few minutes, until Marlene is actually able to talk and finally says. "Yes, yes Sirius, I love you so much."
"I love you too Marls."
The couple stands up, brushing the snow off of their clothes.
"Now that was some Christmas present, I don't know how I'll top it but I'll try."
"Good luck with that Marlene. I just changed our lives," Sirius grins.
"And I'm about to take another turn," Marlene says, taking a small gift bag from her coat pocket.
"What could possibly change our lives even-" Sirius stops, staring at the black and white photos in his hand. He looks up at Marlene, an unasked question in his eyes.
Marlene smiles and nods.
"I'm gonna be a dad? We're gonna be parents?" Sirius asks in astonishment
Marlene nods again. "Yeah, I found out two weeks go, I got the ultrasound last week." She says, grinning.
"Wow, I think we tied this year in gifts." Sirius says, still staring at the little photos.
"I believe you're right." Marlene giggles.
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