Forty Seven: Cold Flame
Taeyong's mind is drifting away like usual as their professor continues his lecture on the history of jazz, which bores him. He's not into history; that's why he chose Music as his major. But little did he know that music is a diverse and history is a part of it so imagine his frustration when he found out that it's one of the core units in that field.
He scribbles on his iPad, pretending to be taking notes. When the door suddenly opens, their professor stops and turns to the student coming in. He's not really paying attention so he's elated when the class gets interrupted. "I believe I'm in this class, sir." He almost drops his pen upon recognizing that voice.
"Oh, right. I was told by the admissions office about you. You may find a seat, Ms. Collins," the professor says, confirming her identity.
Confused, he lifts his head up and finally sees Traze walking towards an empty seat on the front. She doesn't see him considering the amount of students inside the room right now. Also, he's occupying the seat on the last row, which is his usual spot in this particular class so the chance of her seeing him is technically zero.
He sighs in frustration as their professor continues his lecture. All throughout the period, he can't concentrate. He just wants to go up to her and ask her how the hell did she become a student of Eton. But that's not really important because it's actually in his favour. That means he will be able to see her everyday now. He may sound like a possessive guy right now but that's just what he feels and he can't even deny it.
He's tempted to send her a text but he doesn't risk it, considering it's her first day and he doesn't want her to get in trouble. So he patiently waits for the time until their professor finally walks out of the door.
He gets up from his seat in an instant and tries to catch up to Traze, who is now walking out of the door as well. When he finally reaches outside, he finally sees her, but he notices that Jaehyun is now with her. He lets out an exhale and tries to stay calm. He doesn't want to appear like a stalker but he unconsciously follows them as they walk down the hallway and enter the library.
He bumps into a student while doing so but he continues his way inside. Jaehyun seems to be touring her around. He notices her constantly laughing with him which makes him irritated. Seeing them together irks him so much.
He doesn't care that Traze hasn't fully admitted that she likes him back, but the fact that she told him not to leave gave him a bit of hope that she actually feels the same way. Hence, he can't understand why she looks like she wants to be with Jaehyun, seeing how happy she is with him now.
He clenches his fists, trying to hold back his urge to go up to them. Taking a deep breath, he wills himself to turn around, but he suddenly sees Jaehyun already leaving her so that gives him the chance to finally go up to her.
She's now sitting alone, writing something on a piece of paper so when he slowly takes the seat beside her, she doesn't even notice him.
He clears his throat to get her attention, which he successfully does. "Hey," he greets her with a smirk.
Traze frowns at him. "I should've known it was you."
"So why didn't you tell me you're finally studying here?" He asks straightforwardly.
She stops writing and faces him. "Because I didn't think it's important to you. Besides, you've got bigger problems on your own."
"Well you could've at least messaged me so I don't get surprise when you suddenly walk in to one of my classes," he says, trying not to sound annoyed.
She squints. "You were in the class earlier?" He nods. "I didn't know you're into music."
"The same way I didn't know you do," he states, not breaking his stare at her. "And why were you with the prince earlier? Why can't you just stay away from him?"
Her mouth opens in disbelief. "And why would I do that?"
He crosses his arms over his chest. "Because I said so."
She shakes her head. "You're unbelievable."
"Did he say he likes you?" He asks in wonder because the way the prince is acting towards her definitely suggests that he's into her.
"No. He didn't." She exhales. "Taeyong, can you just stop? I just don't want to lose this opportunity of studying here. I'm not privileged like you so I can't afford to slack off."
He swallows hard. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that."
"Thank you." She proceeds to writing again, but he doesn't leave his spot beside her. "Are you going to stay here?"
He nods. "I rarely stay in the library but since you're here, I will." She doesn't answer him anymore so he continues to stay beside her until his next class is on.
Taeyong excitedly walks out of his last class and proceeds to wait for Traze outside her room. He doesn't want to appear clingy but he can't help it. He just wants to see her and ask her about her day. He feels like a child in love wanting to know everything about her.
When he finally sees Traze's back stepping out of the room, he runs after her, stopping her by the arm. She turns to him in surprise. "What are you doing here?"
"Waiting for you," he casually says, grabbing the books she's holding. "How's your first day?"
"Taeyong, we're not supposed to be seen with each other." She frowns at him.
He stops and looks at her. "Why? Are you scared that the prince might see us?"
"It's not that." She takes a deep breath. "Never mind."
He smirks in victory. "Are you staying at the halls with your sister?"
She shakes her head. "I don't have a room yet."
"You can stay in my room," he offers.
She pauses, arching a brow at him. "What a perv!"
He notices her face getting red so he chuckles. "You're the only one who's thinking of something else."
"W-What? I'm not." She glares at him, speeding up.
"Hey, wait up!" He catches up to her again. "I'll drive you home then."
She's about to say something but stops, confusing him. "My sister is right there."
"So what do you want me to do? Hide?" He asks, looking at her, but she turns to him. "She's with your brother." This time, he stops to look at her line of vision. True enough, he sees Mark with her sister, but his brother suddenly walks away, upon realizing that he's looking at him.
"How long are you going to keep this up? You don't expect your brother to come after you, do you?" She starts to lecture him. "You're the one who screwed up so you should be the one doing something about it."
He doesn't answer her at once because he knows she's right. He should be the one making a move for Mark to forgive him, but instead he's running away. Before he can speak again, Traze's sister finally approaches them. "Chelsie!" She greets her sister.
"Why are you together?" Chelsie asks, not looking at him, but he ignores it.
"Oh, we have the same class," Traze reasons out.
Chelsie nods. "I see. Are you going home now? Can you give mum a hug for me?" Traze nods, smiling so Chelsie leans over to hug her sister.
"See you tomorrow, then." Traze finally waves at her sister.
"Your sister doesn't like me that much, huh?" He finally speaks when they're left alone again.
"Of course, she doesn't," she states. "She probably knows about you and Mark now, seeing how close she is with your brother."
And with that, he finally falls silent, thinking of a way to make up with his brother. Otherwise, he might have to suffer its consequences.
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