Forty Nine: The Rose and The Prince
Chelsie has just gone back to the library to do her homework. She plans on meeting Traze after that to help her unpack her things as she's going to be staying in the Halls as well. But as she walks past the music room, she hears a beautiful melody coming from someone playing the piano. Judging from the way the keys are being played, she can tell that the person playing is a pro.
She moves closer toward the closed door so she can hear the music louder. She tiptoes a bit to take a peek inside the room and see who is playing. When she finally realizes who he is, her heart suddenly skips a beat. "Jeno?" She mumbles to herself. Just then, she feels someone poking her from behind so she almost loses her balance from tiptoeing.
"Chels, what are you doing?" Mark asks, his brows arched in confusion.
She straightens up her posture and greets him with a wave. "Oh, uh... I was just passing by."
"Really?" He squints at her in question. "You don't look like you're just passing by." He's about to say something else when the music starts to play again. "Were you trying to see who's playing the piano?"
She's amazed at how quick-witted he is, but she doesn't want to admit it to Mark of course. "N-No. I mean..."
He chuckles at her. "Why don't you knock and see for yourself?"
She sighs. "I don't really want to know."
"I'm sure you do," he says firmly, as if he knows something she doesn't.
"What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be making up with your brother?" She diverts the topic back to him.
Mark gulps down. "I am not going to make the first move."
"First move? Mark, just swallow your pride and talk to him. He is your older brother after all," she lectures him. She feels bad that she has to say that to him, but he needs to know and realize it.
He doesn't answer back at once. Just then, the door swivels open, startling the both of them. Chelsie's eyes widen in disbelief upon seeing Jeno looking back at her. "Chelsie? Mark?" The prince is obviously surprised to see them both standing there as well.
"Jeno, you were the one playing?" She asks him to which he nods in response. "I... didn't know you play it so well."
"You heard it?" Jeno asks back.
She nods. "I... was passing by and then I heard it so I stopped and-"
"She's been out here for a while but she doesn't want to disturb you playing," Mark suddenly blurts out.
Jeno nods. "Is that so? Are you going somewhere?"
She shakes her head. "I was going to head back to the Halls."
"Same," Mark answers. "How about you?"
"Oh, uh..." Jeno pauses in hesitation. "I think I might stay here for a while." He flashes them a smile. "I'll see you tomorrow in class."
She nods at him, not failing to notice the sadness in the prince's eyes. She wonders what's wrong with him, but she doesn't want to be nosy. It's just weird that his mood suddenly changed since today. She always sees Jeno smiling as if he doesn't have any problems so it's unusual to see him down like that.
"You're worried about him," Mark points out.
She doesn't realize that Mark is still there walking beside her, not until he spoke. "Aren't you? He looks off today."
"Yeah, he does," he agrees. "It's probably a royal problem."
"He didn't tell you anything?" She asks again.
Mark shakes his head. "He's not really the type to open up his problems."
"I could say the same to you," she remarks.
He chuckles. "There's your Halls." He points at the building and waves at her. "See you tomorrow, Chels!"
"You better have made up with your brother by then," she tells him before stepping inside the building.
When she reaches inside her room, she already sees Traze unpacking her luggage on the lounge floor. "Chelsie, thank God! You're here!" Her sister exclaims upon seeing her. "I thought you said you'd be here by 5?"
"Well, I got stuck somewhere," she reasons out, setting down her bag and kneeling on the floor to help her sister. "Are you almost done?"
"I just got here," Traze says, piling up the floor with her clothes. "How's your day?"
"Uneventful." She omits the part where she just saw Jeno earlier and how she can't help but think about him. "You?"
"Same. The food here is delicious, though," Traze admits. "Also, how is Prince Jeno holding up?"
She stops folding the clothes and looks at her. "What do you mean?"
"You don't know?" Traze asks in disbelief. She just shakes her head. "The King is in a critical condition. It's all over the news."
Her heart drops. So that explains why the prince looked gloomy all day. She hasn't really been watching the news as she's busy studying. But she can't believe that Jeno is going through that alone right now. She suddenly thinks of going back to the music room and see if he's still there.
Out of impulse, she stands up and tells her sister that she forgot something in the library. Before stepping out of the room, she gets something from the fridge and slips it in her pocket.
She doesn't know how she got back in the music room in no time. But she's relieved when she hears him still playing the piano. Slowly, she walks up the door and knocks softly. "Come in," he answers so she slides the door open.
She stops at the door, looking at him. He looks quite surprised to see her there again. "Sorry. Can I bother you again?"
Jeno blinks at her before nodding. "That's alright. You don't have to apologize."
She moves closer to him and hands him a bar of chocolate. "I'm not sure if you like sweets but whenever I feel sad, I just eat a chocolate and I'm instantly happy again." He doesn't speak at once, just looking at the bar. "You don't have to eat it. I just... I was just hoping it will make you smile a bit."
He presses his lips into a thin line and forces a smile. "Thank you, Chelsie. I appreciate it."
She smiles back in return. Seeing him smile now makes her relieved. At least, she finally made him smile. It's the least she can do after all the things he's done for her.
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