Five: Misfortune
TAEYONG paces back and forth at the lobby of the hospital, waiting for his friends. He's still confused as hell as to why the girl passed out, when he didn't even hit her with his bike. What's more surprising is that she's the same girl he met at the pub days ago. He never thought and wished he'd meet her again, but fate really has its own ways of ruining his life.
"TY! What happened?" Yuta asks, as soon as he sees Taeyong at the lobby.
"Is it Mark?" Hansol asks.
He shakes his head. "I think I hit someone."
"You hit someone while driving? Are you drunk again? You can get into jail if that person sues you, mate," Yuta says, matter-of-factly.
"I'm not drunk, Yuta. I don't even think I really hit her," he answers, defending himself.
"Her? So it's a girl?" Hansol asks curiously.
He sighs, nodding and controlling himself from cursing out loud again.
"Wait, what do you mean you don't think you hit her? Then why are you here?" Yuta asks again.
Before he can answer, a nurse approaches him and instructs him to come and hear the doctor's findings about the patient. The three follow the nurse to the station in silence. When they reach it, the doctor motions them to come nearer to the patient's bed. "The patient has no signs of fracture or bruise. But she is suffering from fatigue right now. Maybe she overworked herself and just needs rest."
"So she's not injured anywhere?" he asks.
The doctor nods. "And we just found out from her blood chem that she has her period now so that's one factor why her blood levels are low. For now, we have to let her stay here overnight to make sure her vitals will completely turn normal. If not, we'll have to keep her here for a few days to rule out her anaemic state."
"Period? What's that?" Yuta asks curiously.
Hansol turns to him, narrowing his eyes. "You don't really know?"
Yuta shakes his head innocently. "How am I supposed to know? I didn't study medicine."
The doctor chuckles a bit. "Period. Menstruation. It happens to girls once a month to get rid of toxins inside their body."
"A-ah... is that it? I... uh..." Yuta answers, stutteringly and scratching the back of his head. Hansol taps his back in return.
"By the way, are you a relative?" The doctor asks, turning to Taeyong.
"No," he answers.
"Ah. Her boyfriend?" the doctor asks again.
"No!" he exclaims this time, startling the doctor. "I mean, no. I'm not..."
"Oh, alright. But we need to let her parents or relatives know that she's here. We need someone to sign the admission sheet. Just inform the nurses at the station once you get hold of her contact person. Please excuse me," the doctor says, leaving them.
"So what are you gonna do now?" Hansol asks him.
"Doesn't she have an ID or cellphone?" Yuta asks.
He glances at the girl lying on the bed with her eyes close. "Do I really have to go tell her parents? I'll just leave some money and then we'll leave."
Hansol, being the eldest from the three stops him in the arm. "Are you hearing yourself? What if Mark gets hit or found lying unconscious on the streets? Would you want him to be left alone inside the hospital without you knowing?"
He gets struck by Hansol's words. Of course he doesn't want that. He'd rather be the one found lying unconscious rather than seeing his brother suffer. "You two stay here. Keep an eye on her and I'll go search for her address."
"I'll come with you if you want," Yuta offers.
"I'll just ask Mark to come. He can figure this out better than me," he admits, exiting the hospital.
WHEN Taeyong reaches their dorm, he finds Mark sleeping so soundly. He doesn't want to wake him up because he knows he stayed up late last night studying again. Taking a step back, he's about to go out but Mark suddenly flinches and sees Taeyong on the door. "Oh, blud you're back. Where'd you go? Are you gonna go out again later?" Mark asks, yawning and sitting up in bed.
"I was gonna ask you to come with me but you're tired. Just sleep," he says.
"No, it's alright. Where are we gonna go?" Mark asks, standing up.
"We're gonna find someone's address."
Mark frowns in confusion. "Are you in trouble again?"
He sighs. "Not exactly. But there's this girl who fainted and I had to take her to the hospital, but I don't know her address."
"And who's this girl you're talking about?"
"I don't know her. She's a complete stranger."
Mark nods. "Alright. So where do we start searching? Do you have her ID? What's her name?"
He pauses, realizing he doesn't even know her name. But he remembers that she's probably working at the local where he last saw her. "I don't know, but I think I know where she's working."
"Okay. We'll start with that."
Taeyong and Mark head out and make their way towards the pub, only to find out that it's still close since they usually open at 6 pm. "Damn. Why didn't I see this coming?" Taeyong sighs in frustration.
Just then, a group of hipsters passes by infront of them and walks towards the entrance of the pub. They're carrying guitar cases with them, which leads Mark to thinking that they must be musicians at the pub. "H-Hey, excuse me! Are you working here?" Mark asks a guy who looks younger, if not the same age as him.
The guy narrows his eyes at Mark in confusion, then glances at his friends. "Uh, we usually play here. Why?" he answers, turning back to Mark.
Mark nods, smiling and turning to his brother. "We're just wondering if you happen to know a girl working here?"
"A girl?" The only girl in the group butts in.
Mark turns to Taeyong and motions him to come closer. "My brother is looking for her address. She's in the hospital right now."
"There are lots of girls working here in the pub, though," another guy answers.
"Can you describe her?" The girl asks again. "What does she look like?"
Taeyong tries to remember the features of the girl. She has long, brown, wavy hair, almond-shaped eyes and heart-shaped face. He describes this to them, as they look at each other with creased brows. "She's wearing a plain shirt and jeans," Taeyong adds.
"Sh*t! Don't tell me it's Traze you're talking about?" The girl exclaims.
"Yeah. She's the only one wearing shirt and jeans here. I mean, mostly are wearing skirts. And she has almond-shaped eyes," the guy with a blonde hair says, matter-of-factly.
"If it's really her, then we need to go see her. Which hospital is she in?" The girl asks in a worried tone. "Wait, did you hit her with your bike?" she turns to Taeyong this time.
Taeyong shakes his head. "She fainted."
"But her mum's sick too right now," the first guy says.
"Taeil, Haechan and Jisung, go tell Chelsie about this. Kun, Winwin and Doyoung will come with me and we'll go see Traze," the girl instructs them.
FEW minutes later, Traze wakes up and finds herself lying on a hospital bed. She turns to the side and sees two guys, sitting on the couch. They can pass off as twin brothers if not for their hair colors. The two notice her looking at them so they stand up and move towards her. "Hello, are you feeling better now?" The black-haired guy asks, smiling. "Oh, wait. Sorry I'm Yuta, by the way. And this is Hansol." He turns to the blonde guy next to him.
Traze suddenly recognizes their faces, now that they're up close. They're friends with that guy who just hit her. "Where is he?" she asks, annoyingly. "Where is that guy?"
"Oh, you mean TY? He went to search for your address to inform your parents that you're here," Hansol explains.
"TY?" Traze mumbles, remembering the guy's face. "I need to get out of here. I need to see mum."
"No, wait. The doctor advised you to stay here overnight," Yuta says, stopping her.
"But my mum is sick. She needs me right now," Traze insists, standing up and ignoring the muscle pain she's feeling.
"But you're sick too. TY will kill us if he doesn't see you here when he comes back," Yuta states.
"I'm sure he doesn't care whether I'm here or not. Now please just let me go home and see mum," Traze says.
Just then, the door swings open, revealing Taeyong, Mark and her friends. "Traze! It's really you. What happened to you? Are you feeling better now? What did this dickhead do to you?" her bestfriend asks, pointing at Taeyong.
"That's not important right now, Iz. I need to go back home and see how mum's doing," Traze says.
"We already sent Taeil and the 2 kids to go see Chelsie at your flat," Kun answers. "Don't worry now, Traze."
"How can I not worry knowing that mum's sick?" Traze says infuriatingly. She's about to speak again, when Izzy's phone rings, silencing everyone.
"Taeil, are you there at Traze's flat?" Izzy asks over the phone.
Traze watches her closely, as Izzy pauses and nods while listening to the caller. When Izzy hangs up, she turns to Traze with a troubled look on her face. "What is it, Izzy?" Traze asks anxiously.
"Your mum... they're gonna rush her to the hospital right now."
A/N: Is it a boring read? Sorry if you don't like how this story is going. I'm depressed lately. A lot of things happened. I wish life was easier. <sorry for the randomness>
Anyway, if you enjoyed this chapter somehow, thank you very much for appreciating my work. I won't ask you to vote or comment anymore. I know that's a burden to you so just do it if you really like to. It's difficult to write when you don't have inspiration really. *sighs*
That's all for now. Thank you again! :')
~neoluv #stillwaitingforNCTcomeback -_-
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