Epilogue II: The Coronation
Traze looks at herself in the mirror again. She has never worn such beautiful dress in her entire life. The cream lace dress makes her skin look more flawless than it is. She just thinks it's a tad bit short as it's showing her knees, but Chelsie told her it's supposed to look like that. Well, she doesn't really know as she's not a dress person.
Balancing herself from the four-inch sandals, she spins slowly, testing herself if she can walk with it. Her long hair is tied up in a messy bun today, courtesy of her sister so nothing's blocking her face. She almost trips when she hears a knock on the door. "Come in," she says, fixing herself.
The door opens, revealing her sister, who looks at her with a smile. "Look at you, all dress up like a princess," Chelsie comments, stepping in the room.
Traze sighs. "You know I hate dressing up, Chelsie."
Chelsie nods. "True. Anyway, your knight is waiting for you outside."
"I wish you could come though," Traze says, looking at her sister with a sullen face.
"I would love to, but Mark's coming home today," Chelsie answers, her eyes sparkling.
"Right. Girlfriend duties," Traze points out.
Someone suddenly clears a throat from the partly-opened door, catching their attention. "You ready to-" Taeyong stops when Traze turns to face him. "You look..." he pauses, looking away. "Amazing."
Chelsie stifles a laugh. "Give me some credit here."
"Thanks, Chelsie." Traze waves at her sister, walking towards the door to meet Taeyong, whose hands are all ready for her to take.
"My lady," Taeyong fakes an accent, earning him a slap on the arm. "Seriously, you look beautiful Traze."
"Well thank you, but I just wished you'd be there with me. I need someone to hold onto. These sandals are killing me," she groans as she struggles to descend the stairs even with Taeyong on her side.
"I have a good excuse not to go," Taeyong responds, gripping Traze's hands tight. "Just say hi to them for me. Also, stay away from Jaehyun."
"I mean... I'll try to." She shrugs, teasing Taeyong.
The coronation of the new King of New Humpshire is today. After almost a year, the people of the nation finally gave the Royal Family a second chance and this time, Traze is sure that they will be in good hands.
She sits with her mum inside a huge hall in the Palace. She doesn't know anyone in the room. They're definitely all royalties, judging by their fancy clothes and overall aura. Fidgeting her hands, she suddenly regrets going there. If not for her mum, she probably won't even accept the invitation.
Few moments later, the former King and his Queen finally appears on the front of the small stage set up in the hall. The sound of the cameras clicking fills the room as the King starts to speak. "Thank you everyone for giving us another chance to lead the country. The history of the Royal Family may already be tainted. We can't change what has already happened in the past but we can do better for the future."
A whole lot of speeches follow after that. Then, the three Princes walk up one by one. All three of them look dapper with their uniforms. The King finally takes off his crown as Johnny steps forward. Another speech ensues from the King before he places the crown on top of Johnny's head, appointing him as the King.
"On this memorable day I have been inspired by the knowledge that your thoughts and prayers are with me. I am aware that all of you have put your trust in The Royal Family again and so I stand here infront of you to say with all my heart how grateful I am for the opportunity you've given to me to lead the nation," His Royal Highness, Johnny starts his speech.
"What I can tell you now is that my Coronation is not meant to be a symbol of power but rather it is a symbol of new hope that our future will be far better than before, and by God's Grace and Mercy, I am honoured to serve you as your new King," Johnny ends the speech and everyone in the hall applauds him.
After the coronation, Traze tries to go up to Johnny, or rather The King, but he's too busy tending to the press people as well as everyone who is more important than her so she just lets him be. Her mum has gone back to her duties so she's left alone in the hall with no one to talk to.
Just then, she sees someone approaching her from the front. She fixes herself as Jaehyun comes closer to her. "Patricia, I'm glad to see you here," he tells her, smiling.
"Thank you for inviting me," she answers.
He nods, his smile slowly fades from his face. "I'm going to Moss Vale soon. I'll finish my studies there. Father finally allowed me to."
"Really? That's great," she says, but she notices that he's not totally happy about it. "I guess you're going to miss seeing your family."
Jaehyun nods, handing her something. "Please read it when you get home. Otherwise, you're free to throw it away as well. I'll see you around, Patricia."
Traze stares at the letter on her hand. She watches Jaehyun walk away without even saying anything. She suddenly wonders what the letter is about, but she has to wait until then.
Dear Patricia,
This will be my last letter to you. It has been a while since I last wrote to you. But what I really want to say is that I like you Patricia... from the moment I saw you at the charity event at the zoo, when you tried to comfort the crying boy and when you gave me your handkerchief. I remember that time I thought I had never encountered such kind-hearted girl.
I know there's someone else in your heart now, Patricia so instead of saying it personally, I'm just leaving you this letter. I don't want to say goodbye without telling you what I feel about you. I still hope I will see you around and maybe we can look back at this moment and just laugh it off.
P.S. If Taeyong is seeing this, I don't mean any harm. I just want to let it all out. That way, I think I will be able to start anew in a different place.
Your Prince,
"He's really not giving up until the end," Taeyong says, clenching his fists.
"But he's just saying goodbye," Traze answers back, lifting her head that's resting on his shoulder. "I can't believe you're getting angry for no reason."
Taeyong glares at her. "Are you seriously defending him right now?"
"I'm not defending him." Traze brings her hands on Taeyong's furrowed brows to straighten it with her fingers. "Can you just calm down? You think you look sexy when you're angry? Well, guess what, you're not. You're just looking like a grandpa right now."
"But he literally said in here, your prince," Taeyong points out. "If I-"
Traze finally leans towards him and gives him a quick kiss. "Are you done now?"
Taeyong bites his lower lip, arching a brow. "That's not enough."
She swallows hard, not really ready for what he's going to do next. And she's right. Taeyong already crashes his lips to hers with no warning. She can't believe how casually he can do that now and how she allows him to do so. It's been over a year since the first time they met and never did she expect to end up with the Knight of her dreams.
Traze can't imagine having a better happy ending than that.
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