Part 6
Lia's P.O.V
Calum walks back into the kitchen leaving me out in the hall alone. What the fuck does Luke consider sweet? Calum definitely isn't.
"Hey sweetheart ya think your dad has any alcohol in th-."
"I said I don't know, princess." I cut him off mid sentence. He turns around and shoots me a confused look.
"Princess?" He mutters out.
"Well since you have a pet name for me I thought you should get one too." He mouth curves up into a smirk and he walks back over to me.
"Listen here, sweetheart, the only reason your still alive is because of me. I could've told the boss what Luke was really doing and why he hasn't come back yet. You'd be dead my now. Both of you. I actually could've killed you myself by now. Luke's not here." I shiver at his words and he leans in close to my ear. "Who's to stop me?"
He's right. I don't know if Calum is as forgiving as Luke. Me breaking out in tears probably won't stop him like it did Luke. I don't even know if I could fight him off as long as I did Luke.
"Y-your right." He leans back and stares at me for awhile. But, I can't count on Luke to always protect me. "Princess." I mutter out.
He lifts his hand like he going to slap me. He does. And it hurts. Like hell.
"Your nothing. The only reason Luke took pity on you is to get in your pants. I've probably gotten father than Luke has." I lie on the floor for awhile and then slowly get up. He's back in the kitchen.
I walk into the bathroom and look at my face. Luckily it's only red. Should go away soon enough. I close my eyes and listen to the sound of my breathing. Luke's gonna be home soon. Then Calum will leave.
"Hey sweetheart! You okay? Didn't hit ya too hard, did I?" Why the hell does he care.
"I-I'm okay!" I yell back. He walks around th corner and stands in the doorway with his shoulder leaning on the door frame.
"Luke's gotten himself into some deep shit." He says staring at me. I just nod. "But with that mouth of yours, you should be okay when he's not around, sweetheart." He sounds like a fucking teacher or some shit.
"I can take care of myself, princess." He lets out a breathy laugh and smiles at my words.
"Sweetheart, you can't fight everyone off. I know Luke gave in. You didn't fight him off. He could've over powered you so easily." He's right again. Luke gave into my crying and sobbing.
Just then we hear the door open. "Where the hell are you two?" Calum quickly leaves to greet Luke at the door.
"Watch her. Her mouth will get her into some deep shit." He just said becuase of my mouth I can take care of myself. He meant sucking dick. I fucking hate him.
"Well I'm gonna go. Bye sweetheart!"
"Bye princess!" I hear him chuckle and the door slam shut. I walk out of the bathroom and Luke has soda and other food like chips and cheetos.
"Luke, when you said you were going to get food I thought you meant real food that we could like cook with." He smirks and opens one of the bottles of soda.
"You saying you would cook for me?"
"In your dreams, babe." I say as I leave the kitchen and make my way upstairs. I pull out some clothes from my dresser to change into after my shower.
"How was Calum?" I guess I don't get any alone time.
"How great can a killer be?" Luke shrugs like Im right.
"I mean, what was the princess thing about? First your calling him princess then me babe?" He laughs a little then I just shrug.
"Everybody has pet names for me. Cant I have a little fun?" I say making a pouty face at him causing him to roll his eyes.
"But seriously, what did he talk about?" Luke's tone instantly becomes serious.
"Um, just some stuff about if we had any alcho-"
"You know what I mean. About the guys trying to kill you."
"Oh yeah, that, hah. Just that I need to respect him and that without him, we'd kinda be dead." Luke just shakes his head and shifts his weight to his other leg.
"He can kinda be a prick."
"Well, I'm gonna go shower." I say trying to change the subject. He just nods and stands in my room as I leave.
Sup my little nuggets? I hope you like it. Sorry this chapter was kinda boring... Next chapter should be pretty exciting!
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