Part 14
Lia's POV
"N-no." I manage to croak out. He clenches his jaw and grabs my neck.
"Must I repeat my words?" He says harshly. I stare into his eyes before making either the worst or best decision I've ever made.
I spit in his face.
He lets go of my neck and stumbles back a bit. I look at the door then back at him. I sprint for the door and... it's locked. I bang on the door and scream.
"Ashton! Please, Ashton! Help!" I know he's not really here to help me but it's definitely better than being locked in here with Zayn. I fall into something hard when a hand pulls me by my hair. Zayn's hand to be exact.
"You little bitch." He says through clenched teeth and he throws me back on the ground. I finally start crying and he glares at me, hate apparent in his eyes.
Luke's POV
"Calum, where the fuck is she?!" I scream at him throwing a bottle of beer at the wall. He flinches when it makes impact.
"Do you think I fucking know!?" He asks standing up. "She's my friend too! I'm worried about her!" He says clenching his fists.
"What if they've killed her!" I say taking another drink of beer.
"I don't know!? All we can do is hope they haven't!"
Lia's POV
"S-stop." I say nose bleeding profusely. I put my hand out and try to crawl away from him.
"Why should I?" He says darkly storming over to me.
"Why are you doing this? Kill me already." I say spitting out some of the blood that got in my mouth.
"But that's so boring." He says making a fake pouty face. I spit blood on his leg and he bends down to my face. "I'll cut that tongue out of your mouth." He says grabbing my face. I wince when he touches my cheek.
"I said, kill me." I say again. He shakes his head and rolls his eyes.
"So ignorant. I'm trying to draw Luke in. Kill you both." He says smirking. I feel a lot of anger run through me and I hop up and I jump on him.
"Don't touch him!" I say, he throws me off of him and glares at me.
"Shut it." He says. He turns away and slams the door and walks away. I wipe the blood off my face and try to get up.
My knees give out from the exhaustion and I lay on the floor in pain. I close my eyes hoping to fall asleep, something to stop the pain I'm feeling.
Luke's POV
"Calum, I know where she is." I say staring at a note that was recently slipped under the door. Im shaking. I'm feeling a mixture in fear and excitement. I will get her back.
"I'm helping you." Calum says standing up and stretching.
"You don't need to. I don't want anything to happen to you." I say admiring how he's showing no sign of fear or nervousness.
"Luke, your gonna get your ass kicked. You had trouble fighting off a teenage girl. I'm helping you." He says rolling his eyes at me. I smile and nod because it's true. I'm new to this. Without him I'm practically walking to my death.
"Thank you. A lot." I say smiling.
"We might as well go as soon as possible." Calum says. Jump up and grab my keys. "No, not now. They expect us now. They just left the note. Wait till tonight." I slowly nod and sit down.
"Yeah, that's a good idea." He walks over and places his hand on my shoulder.
"Go to sleep. Your gonna wanna be rested. We will get her. I promise." He says giving my shoulder a light squeeze.
"Yeah, we will." I say standing up and going to her room. I lay in her bed and I feel a few tears escape. I quickly wipe them away and I force myself to fall asleep.
Lia's POV
When I wake up I'm in a different room. The blood is gone from my clothes and my hair is brushed back into a pony tail.
"W-what?" I say sitting up. These aren't my clothes either. I'm wearing black leggings and a black t-shirt. I walk over to the mirror on the far side of the room and see that I have a cut on my cheek and my eye is puffy but not a black eye. I look different.
I look over at the door and see its a large metal one. I try the handle, even though it's probably locked, and I'm right. I look over and see a vent. I can fit. Its not too small.
I look down at the screws and run my finger over them. I check the room for a camera and mentally smile when I don't see one. I need to find something to unscrew the screws.
The mirror.
I walk over and bite into my shirt. I squeeze my eyes shut and slam my fist into the mirror and gasp when I hear it break but feel a sharp pain in my hand.
"Shit!" I say I open my eyes and see my knuckles bleeding. It's not too bad. I grab to shards of the glass. A one to undo the screws and one to fight with. I cut a piece of the bed sheet of and wrap it around one end of the mirror shard so I don't cut my hand, leaving the sharp end exposed so it acts as a knife.
I walk over to the vent and work at the screws. I finally get all the screws off and I pull the vent cover away from the wall. I slowly climb in, and then putting the vent cover back over so it looks slightly normal. I also took the screws so they don't lock me in here.
I have to jump down here and run to the vent across the hall. Shit. A guard.
I unscrew the screws as quietly as possible and catch the vent cover before it falls to the floor. I slowly set it down and jump from the vent. I roll to the floor so I don't make noise. I grip the glass tighter and quietly walk up to the guard. I place my hand over his mouth and hold the glass up to his neck. He tenses up and doesn't move.
"Give me you keys." I say harshly into his ear. "Now." I demand. He shakily grabs them off his belt and hands me them. In one swift movement I slice his throat. He drops to the ground and coughs and then finally stops moving.
I just killed someone. I'll brag to Luke. I will see him again. I wipe the blood, that got on my hands, off on my pants. I walk over to the vent and climb in.
I see it. I just have to get from this vent to the door. Okay. Okay. That's easy. I look at the various cameras around the office and I swallow hard. I quickly unscrew the vent and drop to the floor and sprint for the door. I get outside and hit the button on the key ring and I see a black car beep.
I sprint over to that and clumsily get in the car. I drive from the building and then straight to my house.
Luke's POV
I awake to the sound of Calum screaming. I can't hear what he's saying. Is he happy? He doesn't sound pissed.
"Luke!" I hear him scream. In a rush of panic, I run down the stairs in what seems like a inhuman speed.
She's standing in front of me.
She looks so perfect. (<- HAHAHA)
"Fuck you!" I scream as I run and hug her. "You scared me!" I scream at her. I squeeze her tighter and she laughs.
"You sound like a mom." She says laughing.
"The blood looks good on you." I hear Calum say. I pull back from the hug and see blood on Lia.
"What happened?! Are you hurt? You look hurt!" I say panicked. She laughs some more and I drag her to the kitchen to clean her up.
"I love you." She says smiling at me.
Hey, I'm a terrible person. I tried to make up with the song reference. So yeah.... BUUUUUUUT I hope you enjoy fruit nuggets. Tell me if you like that name.
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