Character #1
Kuroko Tetsua
Hair color: light blue
Eye color: blue
Like: his siblings, like to studying, chocolate milkshake, game, Soccer
Dislike: GOM, Kagami and Seirin, who hurt kuroko and his siblings, dont really like basketball
Kuroko Noah
Hair color: teal
Eye color: teal/blue
Like: helping people, his siblings, music, playing piano
Dislike: Gom, kagami and Seirin, hate bully, hate when someone hurt his family
Kuroko Aorta
Hair color: little Orange/ blue
Eye color: light and dark blue
Like: shiping his siblings, his family, basketball, her friend
Dislike: boy, fangirl and fanboy, who hurt her family, gom, Kagami and Seirin
Kuroko Tatusya ( kuroko/Tetsuya twin)
(Pretent his hair and his eye are Aqua color)
Hair color: Aqua
Eye color: Aqua
Like: cute stuff, brother and sister, vanilla milkshake, game, his friend, basketball
Dislike: Seirin, Gom, Kagami, bully, poeple who hurt his friend and family
Kuroko Taysumi
Hair color: same as aorta
Eye color: same as aorta
Like: her family and friend, basketball manger, party, having fun
Dislike: who hurt her family and friend, Seirin and gom, bully,
Kuroko Kaira
Hair color: same as Aorta
Eye: same as Aorta
Like: being kind, love cute stuff, animals, love nigou, family and friend
Dislike: rude people, bully, selfish people, traitor, who hurt her friend and family
Idk when chapter 1 will be out
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