. 2
I didn't know how much time had passed, I was too busy playing Pokemon crystal on my game boy color, surprised that it still works, when I was younger it was this game that my mom had gave me called Tony Hawk's Pro Skater, and I still have it to this day, because it was the last thing my mom gave me for my birthday, I turned the game boy off, wishing I was in the games so I could hopefully live a better life than i do now, but, that's impossible, and will always be, but, maybe there is someone out there like me, who wants to have somebody to just talk to, h e h, seems my loneliness has gotten to me, but, i'll just do 360's until i'm tired for now, w a i t, who is that......be-BECKY, is that really becky,,,,,,,,,,,no, that can't be, my mind is just playing tricks on me, there's no fucking way, but if it.....i....s
(passes out)
(20 minutes pass)
(wakes up)
u...h..what the hell happened (gets up), where the hell am I, and where's my board, i look up, there is this girl just standing there up on a low balcony, she just stares at me, doesn't speak or anything, she just stares, not worrying about her, i go look for my board, and i find it, but it looks like its been re-modeled, like the wheels were replaced, and the deck has been painted and says "OFWGKTA", i wonder what that means, after looking at it for a while, i notice the girl is gone, i wonder how i got here anyway, did she find me and bring me her, she probably did, but why, why the hell would she do this, that question wraps around my brain as i hear a loud cry of joy, and i look, it's the girl from before, but she runs up and hugs me, i don't know who she is, but, apparently she knows me, h e h, this hug feels good, it's what I've been needing for a while, i push her off for a second, then i realize, it was Paige, Paige Hoff, the only friend i had before the "incident" happened, She says to me "where have you been at all these years", i tell her I've been running away from a god named Truth that always wants to hang out with me and talk, she weirdly understands what i mean, she says "but, it's been 8 years since then, you could have came back". i tell her, come back, come back to what, motherfucking people worrying about me now than then, the news trying to get a interview from me because my dad is about to get out of jail on parole, i don't want people, i want one person, "i understand that, i can relate to your pain, but who will be with you" she said, i respond, saying, well, that's what I've been trying to figure out, she says "well, i'm here, i guess i could come with you, but first come to my house so we can plan at least", i respond, saying "if this a trap?", no, she says, but i still keep some distance just to make sure, we leave the building, or whatever it was, and she points something, something black and blue, it's a.....car, i ask her, why are pointing to it, and she said, just watch, and when she got closer and pointed, the car turned into some sort of shack, and i was very confused, but, she explained, she says this is the mini-house she has, and, we go inside, it was nothing much in there, a mini- fridge, a bed, and a PC with a monitor, she tells me to go get some sleep, knowing me, i should've disobey her command, but, i was also tired, so, i....went to sleep..
-next day-
(wakes up-yawns), what time is it, does she have a clock, n o p e, well, i'll just check the PC, wow, it's 6: 03 AM, i go back in the bed, Paige is sleeping, then i fell her arms wrap around me, she talked in her sleep, saying "i l o...ve y...ou", when she said, i felt a little j o y, i guess, but then, i hear a sound that sounded like a loud b o o m, but i don't go check for it or anything, but, i'm glad I've kind of found someone to talk to., but, hopefully, this will last forever......h o p e f u l l y.
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