Oh Okay
I just woke up from a nap so let's do just this!
1. What accomplishments are you most proud of?
Umm I think I'm going to go with getting into a really good high school. It's ranked in the top 10 for the best high school in my state. So I'm pretty proud of that. :)
2. Which of your friends are you proudest of? Why?
But I'm proud of everyone...
Irl, I'm proud of both of my friends for getting into another high school that's also ranked in the top 10.
On wattpad, I'm proud of LunarEclipse0823 for making an amazing book and creating another one :)
Also proud of EchoStar2005 because he successfully scared the crap out of me a week from his birthday XD
3. What's the most beautiful place you've ever been to?
I've been in the same place my whole life but one time, my dad took me biking by the seashore at 5 in the morning. We watched the sunrise over the water and it was the most beautiful sight I've ever seen.
4. Do you feel like a leader or a follower?
Most of the time, a follower. I SUCK at talking to people and that's why I don't make many friends...
But when no one is cooperating in a school project or something, I take initiative and just become the leader :/
5. What's the most courageous thing you've ever done?
I would think it's starting my first book (My One and Only NAJ! PJ x Reader). I just thought, "Hey! I've been on wattpad for a long time! Why not make a book cuz I'm bored?" And that's what I did.
6. When you're having a bad day, what do you do to make yourself feel better?
Sing. Listen to music. Binge-watch YouTube. Do homework...cuz I feel accomplished when I do something productive.
7. Which would be harder for you to give up? Coffee or alcohol?
Do you really think I drink alcohol? No.
And I also don't like coffee.
So I literally don't give a crap.
8. What is your favorite Wikipedia article?
Uhhhhhh I don't use Wikipedia...?
9. What is your favorite cheesy pick-up line?
This is gonna sound stupid but here we go
On a scale of 1 to 10, you would be a 9 cuz I'm the one you need
Credits to a campmate for making this up XD
10. If you could ask your pet 3 questions, what would they be?
I only have fish so...
Is it boring being stuck in that tank?
Can you talk to each other? If so, what do you talk about?
Is your home cozy? What would you change about it?
11. What would your perfect Saturday be like?
A perfect day would be going to the park with friends if it's sunny or staying inside and watching the rain fall while listening to music.
12. What would your perfect vacation entail?
As much as hanging out with family is great, sometimes, they drive me nuts. I'd like to just be in my bedroom with peace and quiet. I just want to plug in some earbuds and stare at the ceiling. I could do it for hours if I really had the time and just let my thoughts run.
13. What's one food you can never bring yourself to eat?
I can't really pick one cuz I'm a picky eater...
14. Who's the kindest person you know?
I know so many people but they're not all that kind. If you're nice to me, I would think of you as a kind person.
15. What's the first thing you do when you get home from a trip?
I'd probably lie on the sofa and go through my phone. Maybe fall asleep in the process lol
16. What's the funniest way that you've been injured?
Okay, so I have 2 and they both happened when I was little.
The first one: I got bit by a turtle. My dad poked the turtle and it retrieved to its shell. Then I poked it and it bit me.
The second one: I was sitting in a car with the door open and my dad was standing outside. Then I flipped forward and fell out of the car XD I wasn't hurt but I scared the hell out of my dad
17. What song do you have to sing along with when you hear it?
Any song I know. If I'm in public, I try to refrain from singing because I'm an embarrassment. But if I'm at home or listening to the radio in the car, I'd sing along to it.
18. What's the right age to get married?
I feel that the right age to get married is when it feels right. Have a stable relationship of trust and be financially stable too. Those are the 2 biggest things.
19. If you had to live in a different country, where would you live?
The UK would be cool because I would still be able to understand them even with the accent. Another choice is Japan. For the rest of the world, it's 2019. For Japan, it's 2050.
20. Do you think of yourself as naughty or nice?
I'd like to think that I'm relatively nice but I'm not a perfect goddess. So a balance of both.
21. If you were told you only have one week to live, what would you do?
I wouldn't tell anyone. I would spend time with family for the first half of the week and the second half with friends. The last day, I would spend it with nature, silence, and myself. I'd go to a quiet park and sit in a shady spot with a tree above me. A few pink carnations in hand and just wait. Maybe sob a little and die peacefully. That would be my perfect way to die...
Wow, that was deep...
Tag 15 people
*nopes out*
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