Tagged by LunarEclipse0823
Let's just jump STRAIGHT IN!
1. Meaning behind username
So when I was little, I really loved the name Lily. I don't know why but I just did. (Maybe cuz I thought it was a pretty flower? IDK) And well...
My name's Crystal
So I guess I decided to merge them. And 123 is just there because Crystal_Lily was taken.
2. Favorite book
Uhhhhhhhh I can't with this question—
3. What types of books do you read?
I'm gonna be honest. I don't read so much anymore because school has been hogging up my schedule. But the book I'm currently reading for school is called Wasted: a Memoir of Anorexia and Bulimia by Marya Hornbacher. It's a really deep book and I love it!
Other than that, I still LOVE fanfiction even if I don't have enough time to read them ^^'
Also, anything with romance is right up my alley
4. What types of books do you write?
I write fanfiction because it's literally the only thing I CAN write. I'd say I'm a decent writer, nothing really special about me. I don't think I'm terrible but I'm not excellent either.
I'm still improving and I have A LOT of room to grow
5. Recommend 3 books
First, Wasted: a Memoir of Anorexia and Bulimia. I don't know how to describe it but I really love it. There's just something about the way the author explains her experience that I can fully relate to her.
Second, The Breadwinner by Deborah Ellis. I read this book a few years back and it was a memorable read. It's realistic fiction and I really liked it. There's a whole series, so read that too!
Third, Stargirl by Jerry Spinelli. I don't remember what year it was but it was some year in elementary school where all the kids would sit around on a rug and listen to the teacher read aloud a book. A few years after that, I went to the library and stumbled upon it. I picked it out and read it; it brought me back to the experience at school and the happy memories of simpler times.
6. Tag 10 peeps:
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