I stopped in my tracks when I heard the words. For a long time all I wanted was to hear those words. Then why was I thinking so much about it?
"Shawn...I really like you, don't get me wrong. And trust me that I hate to hurt you more than anything in the world. This is really hard for me to say but to be honest I feel like I will never be the girlfriend you deserve. Much less if I'm leaving in a few months. That's not fair to you."
He shook his head and took my head in his hands. "Emma Reynolds...you will forever and always be enough for me. And even if one day we break up I promise to always love you, even as a friend."
Before I knew it I'd kissed his entire face and said yes. Literally, before I knew it. Still to this day I don't remember saying yes. The only thing I remember is the walk back to where my friends were and having the same reaction as Shawn when we saw it.
Vincent and Tamara were kissing.
"Wha- I thought he liked you!" We started walking up to them. "I thought that too. Apparently he likes her a lot."
When we were right next to them I said, "Don't you need to breathe or something?" My two best friends jumped and stayed away from each other. Shawn and I shared a look and smiled. "This seems familiar don't you think?" I asked Shawn with a wide smile on my face. "Hmm... I think it does. Oh! And don't worry Tami, we won't tell."
Shawn and I high fived and went to the car holding hands. Definitely the best beach day ever.
Tami and Vincent arrived to our car and demanded we open the windows. Shawn and I opened the windows and they stared at us. "How did it go? I'm guessing it went well consdering you're sitting in the same car smiling like to idiot's in love." We both laughed. "It went great. And how about you?" I said. My best friends blushed and attempted to hide it.
They started laughing out of nerves and we made fun of them. Then Shawn went serious and said, "Well Vincent, if you hurt my little sister know that I'm coming for you." Vincent's face quickly changed from happy to scared. Tamara slapped Shawn's arm and said, "I'm older than you, you know? If anything I should be the one warning Emma about hurting my little brother." I smiled. "Don't worry. I won't attempt to hurt him."
The four of us left in our two separate cars to the pizza place near school.
We ordered two large pepperoni pizzas and started talking. "So...there's only a semester before senior year. Let's do something crazy, what do you guys think?" Shawn looked at me. He gave me a confused look and I slightly shook my head. Tamara and Vincent looked between us trying to figure out what he knew that they didn't.
I hadn't told my friends that I was moving because I was scared.
I was afraid that they'd take pity on me leaving and become closer to me just because of that. If they were actually willing to be my friends against Ashley's wishes I didn't want it to be because I only had a few months left with them.
I also didn't want to tell them, at least that day, because I didn't want to ruin the happy mood going on. We were all extremly happy and I wasn't about to put us all down by dropping the news that I was leaving.
"What do you want to do?" Vincent looked straight at me. He knew I was hiding something. Just my luck.
Tami smirked and said, "I have an idea..."
An hour later we were standing in a somewhat dark alley with spray paint cans ready. I could smell the regret coming from the future already.
My friends looked far from scared. In fact, I doubted they were even thinking about what would happen if we got caught. Yes, I was a lot more confident but I was still a goody-two shoes. A boost of confidence would never be able to change that.
I looked at what they were all drawing. Tami was painting something that looked like flower. Vincent was making an owl and Shawn was making a girl looking at the ocean.
My eyes drifted over to Shawn and his face was something I cannot describe.
He was so concentrated in his work I completly forgot there were other people there. I went over and hugged him from behind. He looked behind his shoulder and smiled at me. He put his arm around my shoulders and kissed the top of my head. Then he let go and continued with his art. Whoever said vadalism is not art should really consider looking at Shawn's work of art.
Since I couldn't decide what to do I just made a galaxy that actually ended up looking like the universe had a bad case of diarhea.
When we were all done we stepped back to look at our street art. It truely was beautiful. Well, theirs was beautiful. Mine looked like crap next to theirs.
We decided it was time to go but not before we decided what our next adventure would be. "How about camping at the beach?" Vincent suggested. I gave him a confused look. "Is that safe? Or legal?" He gave a smile that scared the three of us. "Well my uncle kinda owns a part of the beach where we could stay. If we get caught at least we wouldn't get in too much trouble."
My palms started sweating and I was trying hard to find an excuse not to do something illegal again. "Don't you think that's a little dangerous? Don't get me wrong I really want to do crazy things before I...before we get to senior year. But isn't that a little over the line?" He rolled his eyes at me.
"Come on! You wanted to do something fun and this is fun. Please!" He gave me his puppy dog eyes which he knew I couldn't resist. "Fine. But if we get in trouble and end up in jail, I'll kill you." He and Shawn high fived and Tamara and I rolled our eyes.
"It's time to go. You're mom's going to kill me if I bring you home late." I nodded. "Bye guys!" I hugged my best friends and said, "I love you both so much." I hugged them even tighter. I let go and they gave each other a look. "Are you sure you're okay, Emma?" Tami place her hand on my shoulder. "I'm better than ever. Don't worry. I'll see you tomorrow."
We were standing at my apartment door, neither of us wanting to let go of the other. "I'll see you tomorrow, boyfriend. Oh I love saying that. Shawn Becker is my boyfriend. Amazing." He pecked my lips and took my hands. "And Emma Reynolds is my girlfriend. Wow. I never thought this day would come." I once again looked inside his brown eyes that I love so much. "Neither did I."
This chapter is short compared to the last few but I'm so happy with how it turned out and how it ended.
And I've never related so much to a character since I am also leaving my home in a semester😭
(If you caught the song reference comment, I want to know how many are paying attention hehe:) )
And almost ONE HUNDRED VOTES!!! This is beyond amazing, thank you!❤
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