Fortuna Tarot
Okay so first idea I had was for a game called Fortuna Tarot. It's an open world RPG game with a Tarot Card theme. The backstory is that it takes place on an alternate Earth where the tarot cards have a high priority in the world. Specifically four tarot cards. The Star, The Empress, The Tower, and Death. These four tarot cards are the 'Elemental Types' of the game. People called Tarot Readers have been blessed with these tarot's energy giving them powers beyond imagination. These tarot's called Tarot Alignments in this world give the Tarot Readers the ability to deal Star, Empress, Tower, or Death DMG with their combat kits. The main character of Fortuna Tarot is called the Visionary who is awakened by the first character you meet and a Star character. His name is Jace.
Jace is a 5 star, Star-Aligned Character (he wouldn't be released in the first version of the game. He would be released in either 2.0 or 2.1) who has what looks like a catalyst from Genshin as a weapon. Though in Fortuna Tarot their called either Memory or Destiny Readers. Jace is a member of the Arcana Memoria Order. An order dedicated to collecting memories from around the world and store them in Arcana Memoria Shards. Fortuna Tarot's version of Genshin's weapons or Honkai Star Rail's Light Cones. He's a tarot reading diviner who uses memories as a medium for his sight into the future.
Jace temporarily joins your team and helps you fight off mind controlled security officers of the Arcana Memoria Order so that you (The Visionary) can escape the Arcana Memoria Order's HQ which is where Jace awakened you. Though while on your way you meet your first boss enemy. The Crimson Crystal Champion. You and Jace defeat the boss enemy. Well almost defeat him. When a girl with scarlet hair and a pair of pistols defeats him with a bullet. The girl introduces herself as Lia a Sub-warden from the prison known as The Tower in the city of Lockey. The next city over from the city you're currently in. The city of Crookit. Lia explains that the Crimson Crystal Champion was actually an escaped prisoner from The Tower who made his way to Crookit saying something about his destiny of destroying the Visionary was about to come true. But now that he's been neutralized Lia can return him to The Tower. For an explanation The Tower is a maximum security prison in Lockey for Tarot Readers who use their abilities for criminal purposes. The Tower is split into different districts each with their own Sub-warden. Lia is Sub-warden of the Scarlet Sparks District. So Lia takes the Crimson Crystal Champion back to The Tower. At this point Jace tells you that you need to work on your combat skills or you'll be pummeled so he gives you a set of Suits.
Suits are Fortuna Tarot's equivalent of Genshin's Artifacts or Star Rail's Relics. There's a Wand, a Sword, a Pentacle, and a Cup. The Wand is essentially your equivalent to Genshin's Flower, the Sword is the Feather, the Pentacle is your Circlet and I guess Sands because there's no fifth Suit, and the Cup is your Goblet.
After giving you your Suits Jace escorts you out of the Arcana Memoria Order's HQ and up onto Crookit's Main Street. Jace then takes you to a building where you meet Jax. Jace's older brother and a man with a lot of political power in Crookit. Jax welcomes you to Crookit and that's where the first part of the main story ends.
I haven't thought of much of the next parts of the main story but I do know that there'll be parts of the story for each Tarot Alignment in each city representing them. Crookit will be your first stop as the Star. Lockey is next with the Tower, I haven't thought of a city name for the Empress yet, and for Death you'll be going to Yinying Swamp. A city built on top of a swamp protected by the city's representative who's a Tarot Reader with the Death Tarot Alignment.
Now i'll tell you about the characters I've thought up so far.
Jace is a 5 star, Star Aligned character wielding a Memory Reader. His signature Arcana Memoria Shard is called 'Childhood Innocence, to Divination Resonance'. It shows a picture of a young Jace reading a book with a tarot reading diviner on the cover. His normal attack deals five instances of Star DMG as he throws five Tarot Cards that float around his Memory Reader. His Tarot Skill (Elemental Skill equivalent) he holds four Tarot Cards in his hand which deals AOE Star DMG to enemies. Depending on the amount of different Tarot Alignments in the team his Tarot Skill will take the shape of the symbol of a random Tarot Alignment that's the same as another member of the team. Dealing a small instance of DMG from that Tarot Alignment as well. His Tarot Unsealing (Elemental Burst equivalent) allows Jace to reveal a Tarot Card unique to his deck called The Behemoth which causes an explosion that deals AOE Star DMG. The amount of DMG dealt by his Tarot Unsealing is based on the amount of Tarot Alignments there are in the team.
Lia is a 4 star, Tower Aligned character wielding a pair of pistols. Her signature Arcana Memoria Shard is called 'Sun Rise Calls for Fun Times'. It shows a picture of Lia stretching next to a window with sunlight pouring through it. Her normal attack deals six instances of Tower DMG by shooting Quick Shot Bullets from her pistols. Her Tarot Skill allows her to jump backwards and release two Sure Fire Bullets from her pistols that bounce around and collide on an enemy and then explode dealing AOE Tower DMG. Her Tarot Unsealing allows her to shoot Meteorite Strike Bullets into the air from her pistols causing a rain of bullets to shine down and deal AOE Tower DMG.
Jax is a 5 star, Empress Aligned character wielding a knock-off Destiny Reader that is surrounded by playing cards instead of tarot cards. His signature Arcana Memoria Shard is called 'Grief Drowned in Gambling'. It shows a picture of Jax at a casino rolling dice. His normal attack deals five instances of Empress DMG with Jax throwing Playing Cards at enemies. His Tarot Skill allows him to dash forward while dawning a pair of gantlets to hit the enemy with dealing Empress DMG. His Tarot Unsealing allows him to enter Play it Safe Stance and summon his greatsword Golden Gambling and slash enemies with it dealing AOE Empress DMG. With the Play it Safe Stance active thanks to his Tarot Unsealing his normal attack and Tarot Skill's DMG is doubled based on his Max HP.
Penumbra Yingxing is a 5 star, Death Aligned character wielding a scythe. Her signature Arcana Memoria Shard is called 'How Long Until My Sisters Find Me?'. It shows a picture of Penumbra Yingxing facing away from the screen and looking out into the distance. Her normal attack deals three powerful instances of Death DMG with her scythe. Her Tarot Skill allows her to dash forward as a shadowy figure dealing AOE Death DMG but it lowers her HP a certain amount. Her Tarot Unsealing allows her to summon forth a Shadow Ravenix to strike down enemies dealing AOE Death DMG. The DMG is increased based on how low her HP is.
Lastly, we have (my self insert. It's my game idea my rules) Trix Matthews a 5 star, Star Aligned character wielding a Destiny Reader. His signature Arcana Memoria Shard is called 'The Tarot Council Collects What Is Owed'. It shows an image of Trix holding a man up by the throat. His normal attack deals six instances of Star DMG with him causing the reality around his enemies to shatter. His Tarot Skill allows him to create a Diviner's Mirror which deals AOE Star DMG with at least six times before it disappears. His Tarot Unsealing allows him to reveal a Tarot Card called The Armageddon which causes reality to shatter and deal AOE Star DMG to opponents.
So yeah that's Fortuna Tarot. I know it's probably a lot more Genshin ripoff-y than anything but I like the concept of the game.
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