Antivirus Operation
Antivirus Operation is a sci-fi open world RPG. Set in a futuristic alternate Earth where 99% of humanity has abandoned the real world for a virtual world created by a mysterious sentient AI called Ouranos. Transferring both their consciousnesses and their bodies into the mysterious virtual world. The 1% of humanity that stayed in the real world became historians who preserve the history and occasionally upload their beings into the virtual world in order to debug it. These are 'Operators'. You, the MC, are one of these Operators. But you've been retired for about 5 years since your last dive into Ouranos's virtual world, called the Quantum System. But now you're being forced out of retirement to deal with an issue in the Quantum System. So welcome back Operator to a new dive into the Quantum System.
The story begins with you and your manager meeting up for the first time in five years in order to initiate the dive. You sit down on the chair and your manager begins the dive preparations. First you pick your avatar male or female. (No matter which one you pick your manager will say that you don't normally pick that avatar). Then, you input the name of your Operator account in order to save this new dive onto your account's record. Finally, you relax your consciousness in order to enter the Quantum System and become your avatar.
When you wake up in the Quantum System you find yourself in an outlying field of chaotic wildlife, plants, and stone. You look to the west and see a bustling city that you don't remember but you reason it could have been established in the five years you were gone. You decide to head to the city but before you can even start walking some sort of monster jumps at you. Instinctively you hold out your hand and summon a sword that you use to cut the monster in half causing it to dissipate in a cloud of code. You figure that's part of the problem that your manager called you back into the Operator business to deal with. Before you put your sword away you see a large group of those monsters surrounding you. Out of nowhere you here a voice call out to you. A boy with blonde hair lands in front of you holding a spear. The two of you look at each other and nod before beginning to fight the monsters. You win easily with all of the monsters turning into code. The boy turns to you after the battle and introduces himself as Miles. A Processor soldier from the Quantum System Protection Association. An organization of people called Processors who use special weapons and abilities to kill of the Vira-Banes and protect the Quantum System. You remember the QSPA and Vira-Banes being explained in the case-file given to you before you began your dive. You introduce yourself to Miles but leave out how you're an Operator. Miles asks you why you're this far out of the city. You try to think of an excuse but nothing comes up off the top of your head. But Miles makes one up for you, without knowing, and reasons that you must be from another branch of the QSPA. You go along with that excuse and Miles explains that he's out on a mission to exterminate some Vira-Banes that have been causing a ruckus outside of Cinelei City and the director of the QSPA branch in Cinelei asked Miles and another Processor named Talon to exterminate them and prevent them from moving closer to Cinelei. So the two of you decide to head into a nearby forest where Miles says Talon should be.
You and Miles enter the forest and it doesn't take long to find Talon fighting Vira-Banes. You notice that the weapon he's wielding isn't something like Miles's spear but instead a pair of gloves that seem to be controlling a robotic falcon glowing a jade-green color which destroys the Vira-Banes. You and Miles quickly enter the battle and the three of you destroy all the Vira-Banes easily. Miles introduces you to Talon and Talon introduces himself as well. He says that he's exterminated the second-to-last waves of Vira-Banes in the sector. Meaning there was one more wave coming that. The three of you readied yourselves for it even though you didn't know when it was coming. You didn't have to wait too long because a large amount of Vira-Banes came running at the three of you. You fought all of them off easily until a larger Vira-Bane walked out of the brush which Miles and Talon identify as Thor. You three begin to fight it but don't do much damage to it. Until a blue energy blast hits Thor knocking it back. The three of you look back and see a boy with a bow. Who Miles and Talon identify as Robin. Robin says he'll take care of Thor and jumps up before firing another energy arrow from his bow piercing through the monster's body destroying it. Miles exclaims about how the mission is complete but Robin begins to explain why he's there. It's because the Director of the Cinelei QSPA Branch wants to see Miles. Talon asks what Miles did this time but Robin said that Miles is innocent and the Director just wants to see him. But Miles still didn't see that as a good sign.
The four of you return to Cinelei City and quickly make your way to the Cinelei Branch of the QSPA's HQ. On the way Miles explains different shops and establishments you see around the city. Lulu's Place a 5-star restaurant, Hunter's Pharmacy, Pixie's Tech Shop, and one you feel the urge to visit later Master Ullum's Divination Emporium. You shake off that feeling for now and continue to the HQ with Miles, Talon, and Robin.
You arrive at the HQ and are immediately whisked up to the top floor with Miles to see the Director of the Cinelei Branch. You arrive to the Director's office and see him speaking with a physically younger boy. They were talking about some sort of seminar and how the Director named Tyr hadn't been to one in five years and how that could really hurt his public image as both the Director of the Cinelei QSPA Branch and the Guardian of Cinelei City. Tyr takes note of that but comments on the younger boy named Scylla's reputation as Guardian of Atlantatian when he shuts himself away from his people except for when he throws his lavish parties at his palace. Scylla comments how he'll handle his city's affairs the way he wants to and that Tyr will do the same. No matter what the other says. Scylla takes notice of you and Miles and says goodbye to Tyr and that he hopes to see him at the next Seminar of the Guardians before leaving.
Tyr then welcomes you and Miles into his office. Where Tyr explains to Miles about a progress report he forgot to finish for his last mission. Miles apologizes and says he'll make up for it by finishing it after writing up the progress report from this mission. Tyr reminds Miles of the proper way to address him as he leaves and this is where it's revealed that Miles is Tyr's son. Miles leaves the room and you're about to follow when Tyr stops you. He tells you that he knows you're an Operator but won't reveal your secret to anyone else without explicit permission from you. You thank him for that and he explains he also knows your mission. Tyr explains that he doesn't know what the problem that you need to fix in Cinelei is but knows that it's on the rise and needs to be dealt with to ensure the peace of the Quantum System. You agree and Tyr excuses you. Before you leave you ask who that boy Tyr was talking to was. Tyr explains that his name is Scylla the Guardian of Atlantatian the City of Water and Music. Tyr explains that Guardians are beings created by Ouranos the sentient AI that created the Quantum System. The purpose of the Guardians is to protect and govern the seven cities of the Quantum System. Each representing a different element. Tyr the Flame, Scylla the Water, Amaterasu the Light, Njoro the Wind, Perun the Lighting, Itztlacoliuhqui the Ice, and Yum Kaax the Nature. All Guardians having been around since a disaster in the Quantum System 200 years ago. You process all this information quickly and thank Tyr for informing you. As you leave Tyr says that his name isn't actually Tyr it's his Guardian name the public knows him by. His real name is Scott and that's what you should call him when the two of you are in private. You nod and leave.
You meet up with Miles, Talon, and Robin outside of the HQ and Miles asks why his dad kept you. You say it's classified and on a need to know basis. Miles caves and lets it go. Talon says that he and Miles need to go write up their progress reports from the mission and Robin needs to get back to the mission he was assigned that morning. Robin says that you can explore the city while their gone in order to familiarize yourself with it. And oddly recommends Ullum's Divination Emporium to you. You were already planning to go there anyway so you say goodbye and let everyone go their separate ways as you go to explore the city.
You head to Ullum's Divination Emporium where you meet Master Ullum the owner of the shop. Ullum asks you to sit and says that with his mystical divinations you can use his cards to summon new allies. This is when you unlock the Gacha system known as Divinate. The animation is a card or ten being pulled from a tarot deck and then each card's front side glowing the color of the rarity of the item or character you got before transitioning to the splash arts. You do your first single Divinate and pull Robin after getting Miles and Talon for free during the forest mission. After that you leave the Emporium and on the UI there would be a card symbol that when you click it or press F3 you open the Divinate menu where all the banners are. Or you could go to the Ullum's Divination Emporium in any city.
Now onto character game mechanics. And I just wanna make it clear that all playable characters in this game if it was a real gacha game would be male. I don't care. You can come for my head all you want but this is necessary in my opinion. Anyway all the playable characters are called Processors and come with the elemental types known as Evolutions: Flame, Water, Light, Wind, Lightning, Ice, and Nature. For weapons each Processor already has their signature weapon when you pull them. If you've played Aether Gazer it's a similar situation to that. The weapons are actually called Antiviruses in this game and instead of equipping different Antiviruses on Processors you equip special little stat boosters called Codes and those are what you pull for. Each character has a signature Code that shows a picture of them.
Skillsets for Processors are structured like this: Normal Attack, Break Skill, Hack Skill, and Ultimate. Now for the Processors I've thought of.
Miles, a four star, Light Evolution Processor. His Antivirus is his spear called Bane Buster and his signature Code is 'Miles-In Dad's Shadow' and shows Miles holding his spear with a silhouette with his father in the background. Miles's Normal Attack deals Light DMG to enemies. His Break Skill slashes his spear dealing Light DMG to all enemies hit by it. Miles's Hack Skill summons a ball of light that explodes dealing AoE Light DMG. His Ultimate causes him to slash enemies from multiple directions before colliding and dealing AoE Light DMG.
Talon, a four star, Wind Evolution Processor. His Antivirus is his robotic falcon called Aeolus and his gloves together their called Droid Tamer Project 1-Aeolus and his signature Code is 'Talon-Just Starting Out' which shows a young Talon first meeting Aeolus. Talon's Normal Attack deal Wind DMG to enemies as he summons Aeolus to fight. His Break Skill lets Talon use Aeolus as a firearm that deal Wind DMG to the enemy it's aimed at. Talon's Hack Skill summons Aeolus in the center of the enemies to swirl and deal AoE Wind DMG. His Ultimate lets Talon put on a visor to let him see through Aeolus's eyes and fire at enemies dealing Wind DMG.
Robin, a four star, Ice Evolution Processor. His Antivirus is his bow called Snow Slinger and his signature Code is 'Robin-Hood of the Night' which shows Robin in a cloak with his bow and a white fox by his side. Robin's Normal Attack deal Ice DMG while shooting arrows. His Break Skill lets him aim an arrow before firing and dealing AoE Ice DMG. Robin's Hack Skill lets him summon a white fox that deals Ice DMG even when Robin isn't on the field. His Ultimate lets him shoot an arrow into the air and summon other arrows that deal AoE Ice DMG.
Scott (Tyr), a five star, Flame Evolution Processor. His Antivirus is a greatsword called Divine Flames and his signature Code is 'Scott (Tyr)-First Day as Director' which shows a younger Scott at his desk on his first day on the job as Director of the Cinelei QSPA Branch. Scott's Normal Attack deals Flame DMG. His Break Skill lets him launch his greatsword into the ground and create explosions dealing Flame DMG to enemies near them. Scott's Hack Skill lets him slash dealing AoE Flame DMG. His Ultimate lets his spread wings of flame and slash enemies dealing AoE Flame DMG.
Matrix (Scylla), a five star, Water Evolution Processor. His Antivirus is a staff called Divine Waters and his signature Code is 'Matrix (Scylla)-Star of the Show' which shows Matrix on a stage singing his heart out. Matrix's Normal Attack deals Water DMG. His Break Skill summons a stream of music staffs that deal Water DMG to a single enemy. Matrix's Hack Skill creates a shield for him and his teammates. His Ultimate lets him dance before launching a musical tsunami at his opponents dealing AoE Water DMG.
So yeah that's all I've got on Antivirus Operation for now. Thanks for reading.
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