"I don't need your help."
I slapped Namjoon's hand away as he tried to reach for me. I winced at his hurt expression, opening my mouth to apologize but the younger cut in with a slow nod.
"Ok hyung, I understand."
I was going to tell him to stop but the words didn't form. What could I tell him? I shut my mouth, just letting myself watch as the other walked off with his head down.
He's not coming back after all the other times.
"I don't need him..."
I sighed and sipped my drink, watching the woman who was singing on the stage, something about love and heartbreak.
If you didn't want your heart broken then don't fall in love.
People say you just can't help it when you're in love and I scoffed because how pathetic did that sound?
I scowled as the woman started crying all the way through her song and the crowd then erupted in plain cheers.
Out of fucking pity.
Bet they wouldn't know what talent was even if it slapped them in the fucking face.
I swirled my shot around before downing the caramel liquid and letting it burn a trail down my throat. I pushed the empty glass away before maneuvering through the crowd and heading for the stage, turning a corner before arriving at a blocked door.
The guard gave me a once over before nodding and stepping aside, opening the door and letting me in.
I've been back here hundreds of times and almost everyone knew who I was.
"Where'd that guy go? Namjoon or something?"
I sighed and sat down on one of the shitty couches and looked up at the younger who was staring at me with a raised eyebrow.
"He left, for good this time.."
Jungkook frowned and shook his head. "Why do you keep pushing people away hyung?"
"Because....they leave sooner or later.."
The younger shook his head again. "Not everyone....I won't."
I scoffed. "You will....everyone does.."
Jungkook was looking at him with that look now, the one that made you feel like you're being pitied and cared for all at once. I hated that face. I pushed past him, walking up the flight of stairs leading to the stage to avoid the dark eyes full of emotions I didn't have time to care about.
"Sorry Jungkook, I'd love to talk more but the stage is calling for me."
I breathed slowly as I inched closer to the top of the stairs and peered around the wall, looking at the people who were either drunk, fucking, or bored.
I frowned.
Why come out if you're gonna do absolutely nothing?
Just stay home and sleep.
I looked down at my feet as I suddenly got nervous.
This happened all the times, the nervous jitters I get when I look out at the crowd of people waiting for me to do something. But then the adrenaline kicked in. There's a strange surge of energy when I'm on stage, pouring out my heart, rapping out things I can't say out loud because when I rap, the underlying messages are like secret little letters to myself. No one needed to know anything but me.
No one needs to understand
I took a deep breath, walking out onto the stage and the lights flickered around my form. I turned my head, nodding towards the figure who suddenly appeared up on the railings, above everyone. Jungkook looked back at me and returned my nod as he started up the stereo and deep bass came blaring out.
I closed my eyes and breathed, listening to the beat.
The words flowed out naturally, it was something I did too much.
It was in my blood.
Just instinct.
My voice ran through the room and sliced though the tired atmosphere and it was like something snapped in the people around me. People suddenly started getting lively, jumping around, clapping, cheering, trying to keep up with the unknown verses, feeling the passion that I was spitting out with words and sweat.
I smirked because this was what I wanted to do, this was what I was born to do.
To change people.
To change how they feel.
How they see things.
What do you see now?
Someone who can break the boundaries between something vocal, physical, to strike mental cords, to draw emotion.
I rapped about life, about family, about friends, about solving problems, about love, heartbreak, about tragedy, about miracles, I rapped about feeling.
And I might've known what these feelings felt like but I might've not.
Things to shout at the world just come bubbling up unconsciously and you just forget.
Why you were even living.
When you haven't experienced a damn thing, found anything, anyone to live for.
But it's ok,
'Cause that was what living was for.
To find that thing, that someone who makes you want to live
Live to see them another day.
By the time I was finished, I was drenched in sweat and my voice was hoarse but the crowd was deafening.
I grinned despite my exhaustion and waved, jogging off into the small room under the stage. I grabbed a water bottle from the small fridge located in the corner as I plopped down into a plastic chair.
"You were good tonight, hyung!"
I turned my head to the side and raised an eyebrow
"Aren't I always?"
The younger laughed.
"But I have a right to be."
Jungkook nodded at my response and I smiled, tossing the younger my water bottle before heading out.
"Sorry, I'm gonna go now."
"S'alright, I'm used to this now and I'm expecting someone soon."
"Jimin right?"
The younger nodded.
I shook my head as I walked out the open door, getting hit with a cool breeze.
Jungkook was a good kid.
He doesn't need to be around me.
I walked along the dirty streets before rounding a corner just to get grabbed by my sleeve.
I scoffed as the other shoved an arm under my neck and threatened me with a puny knife.
"Give me your fucking money!"
I rolled my eyes and looked around the stupid ass alley I was pulled into.
How fucking stereotypical, something straight out of a shitty movie.
"Got none, so get your dirty ass arm away from me and let me get home and sleep."
That seemed to anger the male and he tightened his hold on my neck, getting real close to my face.
I cringed as the guy yelled at me, spitting on my face and getting his nasty breath all over me.
"Think you're real funny eh?"
"Fuck no, nobody understands my sense of humor, you know?"
I smirked as the dirty male growled and jabbed the shitty excuse of a knife into my arm, dragging it down but it somehow got stuck. Tsk, how pathetic.
"Che, your grip must be real bad."
The guy scowled at me, letting go of my neck then and suddenly punched me. My head hit the back of the wall, hard and I felt something that was probably blood drip down the back of my skull. My head was spinning but I continued to smirk.
Don't show weakness, they'll thrive on it. Inflict fear with a confidence you don't have. They look for weak prey. Make sure you aren't prey, but a hunter.
"That all you got?"
I laid down on my old couch, staring at the spinning ceiling fan and just....thinking.
I got beaten pretty bad but the guy most likely had worse.
There were bruises scattered across my pale skin and cuts adorned my arms and legs, painting purple, blue, and red across white flesh.
I winced as I turned on my side, a large bruise covered my rib and I think I had a limp.
I chuckled as I thought about what state the other male must've been in.
I had landed a couple of kicks and punches on him but I managed to pry the shitty knife out of my arm, which was painful by the way, and slashed it across his face, purposely aiming for his eyes. I think I also remember jabbing it into his side but I couldn't be too sure as I ran off right after the other dropped to the ground.
A searing pain erupted up my arm and I hissed, looking down just to see red spreading across the gauze.
I got up and quickly ran to the bathroom, turning on the sink and unraveling the bloody gauze, letting the water wash away the blood and the sink was tinged a light pink.
After a couple minutes, I had re-bandaged my wound and was lying on my small mattress, staring at the clock as it counted up slowly.
2:36 7 2 7 2 6
My vision was blurring and I frowned because I was sure that the clock must've been broken and that 2:3672726 wasn't a time. My eyes drooped and I let myself nod off to sleep.
Ah...I'll probably be sore tomorrow.....
"I don't want to go!"
Jimin tugged me harder and I whined.
"Too damn bad!"
"But why do I have to go!? Just because you want to see that DJ kid doesn't mean you can drag me along!"
"Well we're already here so stop complaining!"
"Shut up!"
"I'm your hyung!"
"I don't care!"
I pouted as the younger pushed me into the club and I winced when the flashing lights hit my eyes.
"Jimin why- "
I turned my head to ask Jimin a question but I was met with absolutely nothing. I growled as I looked around and spotted the younger's stupid head speeding off towards the stage.
I grumbled under my breathe as I squeezed through the mass of bodies and reached for Jimin's stupid black and white baseball jacket.
"What the fuck are we doing here!?"
"Jungkook is gonna perform soon! Along with a really good rapper! His name is Suga! I bet you'll like him."
I scoffed and shook my head. "I doubt it. A lot of people just rap about sex and shit like that.."
Jimin stared at me before shaking his head furiously. "No no! He's really good! I don't know how to explain it but he's like- ....You can just feel his emotions. Just trust me ok?"
"Fine, whatever."
Jimin continued to go on about this Suga guy noticing my slight interest in the mysterious rapper.
"And he has blonde hair and - "
Suddenly the lights dimmed and Jimin jumped, turning back to the stage.
"Oh! He's coming!"
I chuckled as Jimin jumped excitedly and I directed my gaze to the dark form that was walking to the middle of the stage. The lights flashed back on and I sucked in a breathe.
It felt like some cheesy drama scene but I was absolutely captivated. Is this what an angel looked like?
The room was then suddenly blasted with deep bass and Jimin squealed.
"It's Jungkook!"
But I couldn't hear what he was screaming about because I was entranced with the guy on the stage. His eyes were closed and he smirked before opening his mouth
Suga was just so....intense. He moved along the stage with a lazy, confident slink, exciting the people around him. It was like he radiated a burning energy that made people just want to move.
I jumped along with the crowd and stared as the rapper spat out words faster than I could hear, words that really were deep...different than all the other people I've heard.
Kinda like RM.
He was also one of those people who actually put meaning into his raps but I think this Suga just had an air to him that made you want to listen to him and ignore him all at once. He looked like a beautiful disaster with a sharp tongue, harsh words, and hard eyes but everything was tinged with a soft coat of someone who has been through a lot and you just wanted to hear all his problems.
There was also a melancholic way he spoke, like words caught in his throat and they're finally spilling out except it's rushing out too fast and too uncontrollably, like they had been held in for so long and it enraptured me, pulled me in till I was lost in his voice.
My mother always said I had a tendency to pick up strays and tried so hard to heal them.
"Wasn't that great, hyung?"
I was still in shock from the performance, a strange numbness settled over my bones and I just nodded dumbly.
"Hehe, did Suga get to you? He does that sometimes....Did you think he was hot?"
That had me breaking out of my thoughts and left me spluttering.. "W-what!? NO! I-it was just....his rapping was really good....."
"Told ya so."
I glared at the younger as he continued to giggle like the little shit he was. "Shut it! He was just good! Stop insinuating crap!"
Jimin waggled his eyebrows and I slapped the back of his head. "Stop it!"
"Haha, but if you want to see him, he's probably in the back. Let's go there now!"
I shook my head as the excited kid jumped off his seat and ran towards the back. I jogged after him, knowing he'd probably get into some sort of trouble like he always did.
I sighed under my breathe as I found Jimin being held back by a large burly man in a uniform.
"Jungkook! Hands off, man! Hoseok hyung! Help me!"
"Aish, this kid...."
I ran up to him as he flailed in the gaurd's grip and I almost smiled as he stood uncomfortably holding Jimin who was hitting his face and squirming around, screeching.
"I'm really sorry, sir for any trouble this guy had caused you. He's my friend and he's just really stupid."
I glared at the younger and he glared right back.
"You shut it! We're gonna go ho-"
"Ah, Jimin!"
I looked up and stared over the guard's shoulder to see a purple-haired boy walking towards us with an amused smile.
"Jungkook! Please help!"
The boy, Jungkook, chuckled and shook his head at the gaurd who nodded and let Jimin free. I sighed as the younger immediately jumped onto Jungkook.
"Jungkookie! I missed you!"
Jungkook laughed and hugged Jimin back. "Same here."
Jimin then looked at me and grabbed my arm, pulling me forward to finally introduce me to his secret boyfriend. "This is my friend!"
Jungkook smiled and stuck out his hand. I grinned and took it.
"Now that we got to know eachother, let's hang out!"
I shook my head and pushed Jimin's hand away from my arm as he pulled. "Sorry Jiminnie but I'm gonna head home..."
The younger pouted and I smiled apologetically before looking to Jungkook.
"You seem nice but if you hurt Jimin, I won't hesitate to kill you. Just take care of him, ok?"
Jungkook laughed and nodded, not threatened in the slightest and I was a bit surprised.
What had this kid gone though to not be afraid of my dark side?
"Got it."
I nodded back and smiled at the two before turning around and walking off towards the exit. Jimin probably won't be coming home tonight.
It was kinda chilly out and I tugged my thin jacket closer around me, just wandering around, thinking.
I jumped as a loud yell resounded around the area that I seemed to have wandered into and I looked around frantically. There were more yells and cursing, then the sound of a crack which made me gasp. I snooped around, trying to locate where the conflict seemed to be coming from and ended up by a tight alleyway.
I peered around one of the rundown buildings and let my eyes adjust to the muggy darkness. There was a large man in ratty clothes hovering over a smaller, feminine body, hands all over them. I clamped a hand over my mouth as I shrieked mentally.
This man was trying to rape a young girl!
I was gripping my right bicep hard enough to bruise as I came to a decision, to try and stop the other guy but when I looked back over, I caught sight of shocking blonde hair and a pale face. Blood seemed to be dripping down their eye and their jaw was clenched tightly.
A harsh voice bit out from the darkness, loud and clearly in some sort of pain and my heart jumped. I pressed my back against the dirty brick wall once more and breathed slowly.
That voice...
It was Suga.
I heard a yell and I panicked, jumping out from my hiding place and inched closer to the two but Suga caught my wide eyes and I winced at his beaten form.
The other man had now kicked Suga in the stomach and he groaned, falling to the floor and I tried to yell but Suga had lifted his head and shook it at me.
Go, I don't need help.
"What the fuck you looking at?"
It seemed that the mugger didn't notice me yet and I stood there completely conflicted. I could help but he had a weapon and I didn't. Calling for help seemed like the next best choice but no one was around. Fuck. What am I going to do?
Suga then spun his head around to squint hard at the other man, breaking eye contact from me and I clenched my hands as the blonde smirked painfully. "Just some fucking trash." That earned the blonde another kick and I bit my lip, tasting blood. I'm helpless.
Suga was then grabbed by his collar and the man growled down at him. The blonde just smirked and slammed his forehead against the other man, causing him to stumble back and curse. I gasped at the sudden move but then Suga looked to me before speaking with a hoarse voice that caused me to shiver. "Just go."
Guilt ate at me as I nodded hesitantly and ran till I reached familiar territory.
This was for my own good. I couldn't fight. I would just cause him more problems.
I sighed as I crossed an empty road and walked past a few convenience stores and headed into the nearest one. I had tripped once or twice and I was bleeding. Fucking bad luck. So I bought some bandages and cleaned my wound in the bathroom there, ignoring the cockroaches infested in the corner.
The cashier had given me strange looks as he scanned a box of bandages and a bag of cookies. I would've done the same in his position.
As I trekked past a streetlight, heading back to my apartment that I shared with my best friend (and ex), I looked down at the blue bag and wondered, Where did Suga live?
Hello my lovely little beans, how are all of you?
Do you like this? It's longer than I wanted and I kinda want to cut it in half but then it'll be more confusing so...yeah.
This is a repost because someone had asked before. I took it down because I was sure I wasn't going to finish it, I still don't think I will.
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