Story seven | Mystery
i like this idea! use it wiselyyyy i think it's pretty cool
main character lives a happy life, chilling w/ their friends and family, who they love and adore. one day, someone they love (best friend, love interest, family member, etc) disappears out of nowhere, not answering their phone. m/c is obviously upset abt this, and decides to begin searching for them, thinking they've been kidnapped or murdered or something. the entire middle of the story is about m/c searching for their friend and finding little hints on where they might have gone, most of them red herrings, leading nowhere at all, or contradicting other hints they've found. eventually they get annoyed and submit a missing person report to the government because it's been long enough for their friend to be qualified as missing, but are turned down, with an intense warning to stop searching for them, not including a reason why. the m/c is stubborn and thinks it's all a cover-up, and begins to doubt their government, still searching for their friend, getting dangerously close. about a month passes of their searching, which is keeping them up at night and making their health and happiness decline--they're absolutely obsessed with this mystery that they just have to solve. out of the blue, they get a phone call from their friend, who's calling from a hidden number to tell them (pretty harshly) that they're in the witness protection program because they saw a murder being committed, and to stop looking for them. m/c is shocked, obviously, but doesn't get to ask any questions because their friend hangs up. instead they decide to focus their time on the murder their friend saw being committed, and find it easily as they live in a pretty small town where not many murders are being committed, especially in such a small period of time. the trial has not been held yet bc of some complications with getting a witness (their friend) to testify, and so m/c is determined to prove them guilty, as a small way to avenge their friend. and then...
okay, a few options:
-the suspect gets out of jail/was already out and discovers m/c is trying to give them a life sentence, manages to brutally injure/kill m/c, who then either gives up their mission or just flat out dies
-m/c finds justice and gets the murderer locked up, doesn't try to find their friend again but misses them every day
-m/c finds justice and gets the murderer locked up, tries to find their friend again in an attempt to move back into their life, travels to where they are but finds them with another best friend/new family/new romantic partner; feels cheated and goes home
-or, you decide! <3
[main character]; [main character's loved one]; [murderer]; [murderer's victim]
research (bc this one requires a little bit of knowledge abt the united states' witness protection program):
When the government needs someone to testify against a criminal they want put in jail, but that criminal has access to enough resources to possibly kill that person; the government has a system to basically make that person disappear. It takes weeks, sometimes longer; and basically involves giving the person an entirely new identity from scratch - they get a new name, get moved somewhere far away (often small cities - small towns mean people ask questions; large cities mean there's too much of a chance of being recognized), and have some amount of resources spent on checking in on them periodically.
Basically, that person has to periodically check in; has to be available to show up for the trial (and then disappear again); and has to confirm any movements (including vacations) with the government. They get enough money to get them started in their new life; and are given protection from whoever they testified against and their organization.
How does it stay working:
It makes use of a lot of the same tools as spies do. As far as I'm aware, there's no public information on it - even less so than even spy agencies, which often have a few publicly known headquarters or other office buildings. Basically, unless you need to know ("Need to know" is a government term with a specific meaning - even congresspeople or the president in the US don't get to know these things unless they're specifically doing something that requires them knowing it), you don't get to know the details.
Basically, if you've got good enough information about a criminal of high enough status and risk, they may offer you protection in exchange for your information.
If you're deemed to be at risk of being killed, they'll give you a new identity, build a new life for you and send you out. They've got really strict rules about what you can and can't do, and if you agree and follow them, and make it through boot camp, you're guaranteed to survive as long as you're in the program. They have a hundred percent success rate. If you voluntarily choose to leave, you can, but it's on you then, they don't do anything at all for you.
You can never see family or friends again, cut all contact with anyone you've ever met.
There gonna get you a shitty job you don't need a degree for ( college degrees won't count, new name remember?)
Previous experience won't count. No references, new name.
No Facebook, dating apps or pictures of yourself online whatsoever.
(all of that copied from reddit so idk if it rly counts as research but stillllll)
that's all! this was a chunkyyy chapter so sorry abt that but i think this is a pretty good story idea so enjoy <3
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