complete bloodlines doujutsu
vote for a bloodlines for storrys
used one will have this on top and under the description of them
bloodline name blessing of hecate
eye of hakate
moons are a bright glowing blue, the dot are white, and background is a mix of different purple
this allows the use of all element bloodlines, all body bloodlines, all doujutsu, all forms of magic. (rest of the things are in the story son of hecate the great goddess.)
awakened by hecate
first to have it is naruto
uzumaki namikaze clan
magi eye
idea from magi kingdom of magic
the 8 pointed star. the symbol is golden the dot are silvery blue, the lines on the dots are black and the background is white. frazes into eyes.
magi's will have a rounded ruby on there forehead and there hair braded
dark magi's will have lose hair
kings candedet (people with megic vesels) look the same
all powers from magi kingdom of magic.
the person can be (naruto is all of them and has all powers and jins finds a spell book in the ruins of the hidden whirlpool village. he will have a staff from a spell from a dark jin that gives him dead bone pulse and ash bone from kaguya) a magi, king's canodet, jin equip, dark magi, dark jin equip.
some can be born with solumons wisdom, eye of the ruhk (don't know how to spell it. no flames) or powers of darkness like mind cintrol.(naruto has all of them)
awaken by losing someone close to you or believing someone close to you dies in front of you
magnoshtica clan ( school from magi kingdom of magic)
bloodline name
minds eye
center is black and on the sides are yellow blue green and pink. always on.
physic powers, mind walking, all powerful genjutsu, crystal release, and hypnosis
awaken by mentaly snapping
esper clan
bloodline name
gorgon eye
idea from Greek myth of madusa
pupil is slited the thing around it is a snake and it is green. the rest is the original persons eyes. the pupil become slitted and the snake come from behind it and then bite it's own tail. some of the person skin is covered by snake skales
turn people to stone, hair of snakes, mind control, poison (poison Dragon slayer magic), water release, earth release, becone part snake like lower body become it and hands can become them
as well and control snakes and serpents
awaken in dream when see the father of all snakes and serpents, the hydra
hydra clan
bloodline name night caller
Luna eye/lunagan
the moon and stars are glowing silver and the background is as black as the night sky. frazes in the eyes
person with bloodline is pale and has a moon on there left hand
shadow release, night vision, star release, ocean release, ice release, water release, silver release, and genjutsu
a awaken at night of a full moon after 10th birthday
Luna clan
bloodline name day walker
solar eye/solargang
the sun is a glowing yellow and the background is a peaceful sky blue. frazes into eyes.
people are tan (killer bee)
lght release, gravity release, blaze release, tiajutsu, and can see every thing around him, like a huyga.
awaken at mid-day day on tenth birthday
solar clan
eclipse caller
eclipse eye
the sun half is yellow, the moon is silver the stars are silver and the background is a dark deep purple blue. frazes into eyes.
light tan (naruto)
powers of both solar and Luna eyes
awaken during solar eclipse dawn or dusk on 11th birthday
solar + Luna clans
bloodline name
ruin eyes/fuinagan/ sealing eye
the eye is a completely silver and the lines look like lava. always on and the circles always change.
master of seals and can even change reality. can use reaper death seal without a cost. can even copy bloodlines.
awaken after level 1 seal reading mastered, brake a complex seal alone, find the shinagami death mask, or complete stress
uzumaki clan
bloodline name blessing of death
death eyes
the skull and wings are a glowing green and the background is black. frazes into eyes
person is pale
can see ghost spirits and control them, hell fire release, dead bone pulse, all killing ash bone, summon the dead, reaper death seal without cost zanpactos and make barriers
awaken in dream seeing limbo and shinagami or first kill
shinagami clan
bloodline name
tenshgan angeleyes
the cross is silver and has a glowing affect with the pupil in the center. the rest is pure white with no other color. the circle in the eye changes to silver . Angel wings and halo
holy water release, golden heaven fire release, Angel wings, light release, holy release, heaven release, tyijutsu, and prophecy
awaken in dream seeing heaven and Kami
christ clan
bloodline name
Yamigan/devil eyes
the dots are pure black and the chain is silver. the background is sharingan red. eyes change first to red. the dot grow at the different parts and the chain comes from the pupil and rap the dots. wing tail horns
hell fire release, lava release, possession, demonic release, demonic wings and tail, blood release, dead bone pulse, genjutsu, sealing chains that are black and blood red, and hellish release.
awaken in dream seeing hell and the devil king yami
gremory clan
bloodline name
wakfu eyes
the symbol in the eye is a glowing bright blue. background is white. phases into eyes
always has a hat, doll, bow, or artifact with an eye(naruto has all)
all powers from wakfu show (as in all from dragons to demons)
life or death situation
Hugo clan
bloodline name
void eyes
it look like obito's mask when he was tobi but deep scarlet red and no hole. the rest of the eye is black as night. it spins and grows from pupil
basical like kamui. darkness and shadow release nightmares (Freddy powers)
awaken after first kill
vindows clan
bloodline name
magic eye level 1
idea came from eye magic from fairy tail and adding the sharigan to it with many other supernatural magic anime
(this is in naruto the great magic lord)
the background is white but the circle changes color with different emotions like blood scarlet red for boiling anger dark blue for sadness black for calm and so on. spins and grows form outer eye.
can use simple magics with incantations, magic circles, or with a weapon of a cirtan power. can call basic elements to attack (water earth fire air lightning) can sometime use shadow/darkness and light magic, and can gain a familiar.
awaken when completely pissed off
first to have it will be naruto
uzumaki namikaze clan
loodline name
magic eyes level 2
background is white each circle is a different color the center is black, the lines are black, and the outer circles are as fallow; red, green, purple, grey, blue, gold, brown, and silver. activated it grows or shrink from the pupil.
can use all elements, sub elements, rare elements, multi weapons with powers, (naruto has all of them) healing, adveance seal making, summon the demons from the books of zeref, multiple familiars, copy a jutsu or stance and find a spell like it or to reflect the attack at another person and all supernatural powers (look up supernatural powers on google)
awaken when making a deal with a god
(kyubi is a minor god because is he part of the juubi/god tree)
first to have it is naruto
uzumaki namikaze
(the ones before this were my original drawing and the one that is next came from online.)
bloodline name
mummy's blood
this idea come from the powers of the mummy from 2017
the person that has the bloodline will have 2 pupils. they are both the same as the original eyes. they will also gain tattoos on their body's. the eye will split and make the 2 pupils.
person is tan
bandage body (paper magic from fairy tail but with long bandages and the mummy powers from Ben 10), insect call (control insects and aractnids), mind control, sand release, string release (strong like from the one peace devil fruit), poison release (poison Dragon slayer magic), curse release (powers of zerefs demons), hex release (hex release are charm caster and hex with spells Ben 10), control the dead, weather release, blaze release, life steal, chaos release (chaos emerald powers), crystal release, plant release, glass release, blood release, ash bone pulse, complete genjutsu, control animals, shape shifting, complete heal, god hood, darkness release, shadow release, disaster release (tempest powers fairy tail), and heat (control the temperature)
awaken when one of the clan stabs himself with the dagger of set at a time of distress.
dagger will show itself.
Set clan
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