Chapter 6: Picnic
"Scourge?" I whispered, facing towards scourge who was laying in the other bed looking at the ceiling. He glanced towards me.
"I...I can't sleep." I sighed. I watched as he got up and took my hand pulling me out of bed. He puts on the radio and it's a song that I know called 'Don't stop by Foster the people' I smile as he takes my hands and starts to dance around with me. I giggle as he spun me around. We danced around and laughed until the song ended, we collapsed on my bed all sweaty with big smiles. We heard a yell from leafpool tell us to turn the music down and we laughed harder. After a moment he got up and shut off the radio. He came back and laid down beside me and put his arm around me snuggling into my chest. I put an arm around his back and we fell asleep.
I opened my eyes and smiled to see that scourge was still asleep. He looked so adorable, still cuddled up to my side. I looked at the clock on the radio and saw it was already 10 am. I think we should probably get up. I shook scourge and whispered trying to wake him up nicely. His eyes flutter open and he smiles.
"Hi." I smile back.
"What time is it?" He asked.
"It's ten." I replied. His eyes widen.
"We need breakfast! Come on!" He wiggles out of my grasp and pulls me up. He runs to the door and yells.
"They have poptarts!" I roll my eyes and smile at his childish nature and follow him to the kitchen. I passed the living room to see leafpool and socks chatting on the couch. They seem to be getting along. I head into the kitchen and see scourge with four poptarts in the toaster already.
"Hey! I got you some! It's chocolate!" he squeaked pointing to a box on the counter.
"Okay then thank you." I smile and walk over to him standing by him as we wait.
"Oh good you guys are awake, we were just going to wake you." Sock smiled as he and leafpool walked into the room.
"Yep, we just woke up and I learned scourge really likes poptarts."
"Uh yeah." Leafpool raised an eyebrow as scourge squealed with excitement as it the poptarts popped.
"Do you have chocolate milk!?" Scourge asked grinning.
"Yeah, it's in the fridge." Socks said looking at him weirdly. We all watched as scourge grabbed the chocolate milk and two cups and started pour it happily.
"Okay then, scourge really likes poptarts." I laughed and scourge pushes a plate and cup towards me, he then smiled the cutest smile ever then whispered.
"Not as much as I like you." Socks and leafpool awed and I smiled back. We then dug into our food and we both eat with glee. Socks fills us in that bone was out working at his job as a cleric at a supermarket, and that we were going out for a picnic. I was really excited, I've never been out on a picnic. I never really had friend before this anyway, I wouldn't give this up for the world.
We finished our breakfast and got dressed while socks made some lunch and put it into a basket and grabbed a guitar. I looked at him weirdly and he smiled saying 'Its for music' We all then headed out the door happily chatting. We walked down the streets of New York pointing out landmarks and each counting different colour cars. In the end leafpool won having counted 138 white cars; as we strolled up to a busy park socks waved us over to a deserted pathway. We traveled down the path and ended up in a clearing with a picnic bench.
"Wow, it's nice here." Scourge muttered looking around.
"Yeah, me and bone come here all the time." Socks said placing the basket and guitar on the table and sat down.
"Why doesn't anyone come here?" I asked.
"Don't know, maybe it's haunted, ooooo spooky." He laughed. I shook my head and sat down on the other side of the bench.
We laid out all the food and drinks and we chatted abut while we ate. Every once and awhile a butterfly would fly past us and I would watch it with big eyes. It was about 1 pm and socks picked up his guitar up and grinned.
"Who wants to sing?"
"Oh, can I?" I asked siping a bit of water.
"Yeah! What song? I know a lot." He said, I whispering my request to him and he nodded with a smile.
"You don't understand, you don't understand, What you do to me when you hold his hand, We were meant to be but a twist of fate, Made it so we had to walk away" I started tapping my foot to the beat.
"Cause we're on fire, we are on fire, We're on fire now!" I smiled, repeating the line again.
"I don't care what people say when we're together!" I sung getting up and dragging scourge with me. We danced around as I sung and leafpool clapped to the beat. I finished singing and socks and leafpool cheered. I bowed and thanked them and me and scourge sat down.
We stayed in the park for another hour singing and dancing and having fun, then out of nowhere it started down pouring.
"Oh no!" Socks yelled. We quickly packed up the leftover food and bottles, and took cover under the trees. We walked through the woods and finally made it to a main road, lots of taxis drove back-and-forth I waved and arm out and called one over and we all got in. We told the driver the address and we were on our way.
We entered the house and started to dry off, about five minutes later we heard the door open and we all looked towards it with wide eyes.
"Hey I'm home!" We heard Bone call from the front door everyone sighed with relief. Bone came around the corner a minute later and smiled at us.
"Where did you guys go?" He asked walking over to socks and kissing his cheek.
"We went to the park." Socks said hugging bone happily. "But it started raining."
"Oh, well how about we play some board games, eat supper then call it a night?" Bone suggested. Everyone agrees, and we set out to play clue first.
More filler, but I hope you all liked it! Also a special thanks to Hetialiafan1234 and Calebfesta! You two are awesome, so I'm continuing this story for you guys. I can't wait to write more, but for now I need a Minecraft break so I hope to see you in the next chapter!
Remember to watch your daily dose of yaoi
Peace out my homosexual loving friends! ❤️❤️
(BTW I hate 1D but I love this song. :D) Song ash sings : Happily - One direction
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