Chapter 4: The deadly gem.
A mad ringing noise was in my ear. Then light blind my vision. Images from early hit me light a ton of bricks. The gray cat. The darker hanging cat. The note. It begins. The room I was in started to form and I realize the white I was looking at was the ceiling I sit up and see leafpool next to me in a hospital bed and scourge was slightly sleeping beside me. I poke him and he jumps up almost falling over. I stifle a laugh and he looks at me surprised.
"Your awake!" He smiled.
"Yeah how long have I been out?" I ask blinking.
"Two hours." He said plainly. "Why were you with leafpool? She's squirrelflights sister you know." He said almost with a pain in his voice.
"Oh we were just talking and she also is mad at squirrelface and we are both bookworms. Also dont you have classes? I'm not that important." I say.
"You are important! Your important to me. Your amazing and I wont let you stay alone." He said almost instantly.
"Ok if you say so." That got a grin on my face. "So what happened? With that cat?" He frowned.
"What cat?" He asks confused. Of course he didn't know about it. The school would want to cause a panic.
"Oh sorry I'll tell you later okay." I said and then the door opened.
"Oh I see your awake." The school nurse said. I nodded. "Well you should probably go home and rest so I'll call your parents."
"Oh you don't have to I was going to scourges house tonight." I lie quickly. He glances at me oddly then nods at the nurse. Then I heard a gasp I turned my head to leafpool she had woken up and the nurse turned her attention to her.
"Your okay to leave the day was cut short." She mumbles and made her way to leafpool. I got up and picked up my stuff but scourge took it from me and put it on his back.
"I passed out I didn't have a heart attack..." I say with a quiet laugh. He smiled.
"I know." After that it was a silent walk to the forest and the tree house. Soon we were inside and sitting on the bed.
"So... what happened?" He asked.
"There...there was a cat... it was dead..." I explain slowly my heart beat increases. His eye widen.
"It was stabbed then hung." I continue. "But before all this happened...I saw a cat..." I stutter.
"What did it look like." he asked looking almost ready to have a heart-attack. My heart almost beat out of my chest remembering the gnarly cat. "It was a gray cat with bright blue eyes...and it was holding a bloody knife..." I wince.
"No..." he choked on his words. "NO this can't happen" he whimpered.
"What? Do you know who it is?" I ask. He opens his mouth and closed it with a sigh. After a minute he started again.
"It.... its my sister...ruby..."
"Your sister?" I asked astonished.
"Uh um yeah. Your mom probably told you about the black murder that apparently I did?" He asked shamefully.
"Uh yeah my dad did." I replied.
"Ok well it was my sister that did it she. She blamed me for it, she is insane and she killed that cat and she knows who you are...oh god I...I'm putting you in danger. What if you gets you oh no no no no! She wont touch you. Ashfur you...I don't know what-" I shut his rampage of words with a hug and I look at him
"Calm down." I say slowly trying to stay calm for our sake.
"Where can we go? That's safe?" I ask.
"Urm... oh! I know a place. I can explain to you that happened. Okay?"
"Yeah, where is it."
"Oh I realized we don't have a car..." he mutters.
"I know! Leafpool can drive because she was the one that spotted the cat uh ruby." I say realizing she was now in danger too.
"Oh crap oh yeah. You know where she lives?" He asked hopefully.
"No. But I have squirrelflights number and I can ask her for leafpools number and then ask for the house number!" I say. I'm such a genius!
"That might work!"
"Ok." I take out my phone and text squirrelflight.
AF' Hey squirrelflight I need leafpools number.'
SF ' Why you going to make out with her or something?!'
AF ' Um no I'm gay stay out of my business squirrelface.'
SF ' HAHAHA that's hilarious and I'm getting bored so her number is 208-2618 see you later loser'
AF ' Thanks'
I quickly add the number to my phone and call leafpool.
"Uh hello?" Her voice answer.
"Hey leafpool it me ashfur but we need to talk in person can we come over?"
"Um who's we?" She asked.
"Me and scourge. Its important."
"Ok fine." She gives me the address and I look to scourge. "Got it!" He nods and said me might be gone for a while so lets go to your house and get some thing I already got my stuff." He nodded to a black bag.
"Okay." We exit the tree house and a while later we ended up at my house with two packed bags and then we were on our way to leafpools place.
We knock on the door and a older male orange tabby cat with closed eyes and a stressed expression came to the door and started talking.
"Okay im sorry but we would no like to buy-" he opened his eyes and dramaticly sighed "Your not going to sell me things are you?"
"Ah no we are her to see leafpool." I say.
"Oh thank god! Come in." He said and we stepped in to the cozy house. Hearing a heavy thuds on the stairs leafpool comes in to view and grabs mine and scourges paw and drags us upstairs.
"Saving you from boring political parties. " she mutters. We travel the flights of stairs and end up in the attic which I assumed was her room. Looking around I see the walls were painted olive green and a tan carpet lived under her single person bed that had a black comforter and black pillows. A bookcase lined the smaller wall and half of it was probably full of' medical books. Books and paper was spurn around the room and various herbs, xrays and pills were on a large oak desk.
"So what are you guys here for?" She asked jumping on to her bed and it squeaks in protest.
"Uh yeah big problem..." I say and scourge continues the story.
"Oh. My. God. That's terrifying!" She squeaked eyes wide. "But why would she want me?"
"She wants me to feel pain so anyone I'm in contact with me she'll kill them. Plus you spotted her. " he answers.
"Oh" she said almost silently.
"So if you don't want to die you might want to come with us." I say in a hushed voice. She nodded slowly processing the situation. Than gets up and packs lots of books clothes thing like that she then puts it on her back and we exit. Leafpool tells her parents that she was going on a mini vacation for the spring break and was going to call every week and bring home stuff and study.
We reach the garage and I see green s.u.v with black rimming the edges.
"This is it." She said opening the back of the s.u.v and stuffing her bags in waved us over. We walked over and put our bags in the trunk.
"I call shotgun!!" I yell quickly running over to the door and flying in and I hear scourge chuckle and leafpool laugh. Leafpool popped into the driverseat and scourge went to the backseat.
"So scourge where are we going?" Leafpool asked starting the suv.
"This is kinda insane but uh New york." He said.
"Are you kidding hell yeah!" She grinned. And with that we start heading towards new freaken york.
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