Chapter 1: Loved.
Ashfurs POV
So you wanna know the story of me and the icey blue eyed cat? Well then listen up!
--------Ten years before---------
"Squirrelflight will you um go out with me?" I asked with a nervous smile looking hopefully in to the eyes of a orange cat with a white paw and neon green eyes.
"Hahaha very funny! Wait..... are you serious?"she frowned "No way!!" She looks at me like I Insulated her.
"But-t *sniff sniff* I like you! " Tears brimmed my eyes.
"But guess what? I hate you! And i have a boyfriend, creep!" she laughed harshly. The tears overflowed from my eyes and I ran from the evil humiliation and into the bathroom and sat in front of the door and started sobbing, the girl I liked........ hated me..... *sniff*.
"Um.... bro a-are you ok?" A black cat with bright ice blue eyes asked with a husky voice starting at me concerned.
"I.....I......No I'm not. " I say in between sobs. God I feel like such a wimp. He walk over to me and slid down to sit beside me.
"Urm... you wanna talk about it?" He asked awkwardly not knowing what to do in this situation.
"Sure." I said and heavily sighed. I sadly started my story and he listened intensely, icy eyes trained on me the whole time.
" now she hates me!"I wail hugging the black cat tightly for comfort. He was surprisingly very fluffy but had three large cuts on his chest that had no shirt for some reason.
"It'll be okay Ashfur." He soothed hugging me back as I cried.
"Sorry" I say pulling my self away from his soft fur oddly because I didn't know how the guy would react.
"Its okay" he said softly. He pulled me back to him rubbing my back soothing I start to pur and smiled.
"Thank you" I say and snuggle in to the warm body of the black cat and start to dose off.
My dreams were the most normal dreams I have had in years.
I wake up in the warm furry arms of the unknown black cat. His arms were cradling me as if he was protecting me. Like some that cared. The soft sounds of his snores told me he was asleep. The heavy sound of rain pattered on the roof of the school and thunder cracked in the distance. I pull myself closer to the black cat and hoped he wouldn't leave me. I hate thunder. I sigh and study the cat that was hugging me he was all black but one white paw. I see he is wearing no shirt and some beat up pair of pants. He had three scars on his chest and I noticed that he had long cuts along one arm. He was a cutting him self. I sadly thought and heard him awake up.
"Ashfur? You awake?" He asked in a sleepy but sexy voice. Sexy? Did I think he was sexy?
"Oh yeah" I responded.
"Come on lets get out of here." He mutters and stands up and pull's me up.
"Can I stay with you?" I ask hoping he'll say yes. For some reason I felt safe around him. He didn't give of a bad vibe.
"Of course." He smiled and puts an arm around me and leads me out in to the hall and we collect our stuff and exit the school. I only remember that It was raining by the time we got out and I laugh as the black cat got soaked by the rain. He grins and run towards me and lifted me swiftly in to bridal style and pulled me out in to the rain and we both got drenched to the bone. We laughed over and over again until I heard thunder crackle and I whimper and pull closer to the black wet cat and he smiles at me and starts to rush to the forest across from the school and after about ten minutes we reach a tree house and he lifts me up inside. I scan the inside and find a matres with a pile of blankets and a few pillows on it and some empty beer bottles scattered around the floor, a basket of clothing was in a corner and milk carten box was upside down with a small t.v on it an old looking PlayStation connected to it and two controllers sat on the floor, a small beanbag couch was sat in front of it. Christmas lights were strung around the small room in the tree house to light it up and a small door lead in to what I guess was a bathroom. Posters of bands I never heard of and some scary and funny movies were scattered around the room and a calender was sitting beside the door.Dates crossed out in many different places words written under them but I couldn't see them. He sighs and places me on the makeshift bed and says " I'll be right back I'm gonna go grab some towels." I sit and wait for him to return and I inhale the sweet scent of chocolate. He comes back with two old towels and hand me one. "Thanks" I smile and start drying my self off.
" gonna stay the night?" He wondered out loud.
"Ha ha yes!" I giggle. "But whats your name?"
A smile appeared on his face and he said "My name is Scourge."
"Wow really your mom named you that?" I ask instantly regretting it. God that sounded rude.
"No.... my real name is tiny." He trailed off.
"Oh ok well imma call you scourge then!" Hmm scourge a bad boy name! He laughs and I take off my shirt and started drying my chest. He gasps when he saw my chest I had a nice six pack that no one would have ever thought that I would have but my mom forced me to go to the gym so I wouldn't get beaten up. I glance at scourge that was starring at my six pack and I smirked and said "Like what you see huh" and with that he blushed and looked away but would sneak looks at me. Awhile later I asked if he had any p. j pants I could borrow and he nodded and passed me a pair of blue checkered pants and i put them on and he changed in to a pair of plain white pants. I glance out the small window beside the bed and see its super dark outside. As scourge locks the door I plop into bed and wait for him to lay beside me but he didn't. I look up to find him laying on the couch. I don't say anything and I walk over to him grab his hand and pull him towards the bed. I grin at his confused face and pull him to bed. Once we got comfortable I sigh and snuggle up to him and I put my ear to his back and heard his heart beating very very fast. He turned around and smiles sleepily at me and I smile back and nuzzle my face into his fluffy body and wrap my arms around him and he does the same to me. With that I fall asleep contentedly.
In the morning I open my eyes and untangle my self from scourge and I went to my book-bag to grab the energy drink I didn't drink yesterday and I opened it and took a few sips and decided to clean up the place a bit for scourge. I searched around and found a broom and I gathered all the beer bottles and put them in to the side and I started sweeping around and gathered a pile of dust and swept it out the door and I removed the bottles and then opened the small window to air out the tree house. I sipped some more of the monster energy drink in my hand. I folded the clothes and found a pot so I went out and filled it up with water from a stream about a minute away from the tree house. I returned and started to clean everything; the t.v, the PlayStation, the controllers and the walls. After I finished that I fix the bed well swiftly working around the sleeping body of scourge. Once finished with that I sit down on the bed drink the rest on drink and grin at my awesome work and I start to hear scourge stirring. He sits up and yawns and blinks afew time until he looks at me surprise and confusion is etched in his eyes. "You cleaned the tree house? "He asked looking around the shiny room.
"Well it was the least I could do." I grin and had another plan in my mind. I was going to treat him out!
"Wow!! Your amazing!!" He smiled a crazy smile and hugs me. "This... this is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me" I hugged him back and finally we let go and I tell him to get dressed we were going out! His eyes lit up and he obeyed me and I started to change back in to my clothes when he gave me a pair of his. I accepted it and glanced at the jeans, plain gray t-shirt, and black boxers. I slip everything on and they smell delicious like chocolate. Once he is done I take his hand and drag him out in to the spring forest. A cold breeze blows in my face and I shiver and scourge puts his arm around me and pulls me closer to him and I'm warm again. After a 15 minute walk we show up at a thrift shop we enter and look at all the weird and awesome things inside we pick out two outfits, one giant pillow, some wood planks, a gas powered small stove, an umbrella, a weird bright pair of yellow boots, a clock, duct tape, a journal, some books, and two baseball caps. I pay the store keeper and she packs our bags and smiles at us as we leave. Once out we started to walk to Starbucks but we ran in to Squirrelflights little pack of snobs. They laugh at us and grab a bag from me and then one from scourge and empty the contents from it on the ground and laugh at us for being so poor that we needed to go to the thrift shop. I snapped. I never snapped before.I was always the cat that had perfect grades, never got in to fights, and always followed the rules. But I wouldn't, I couldn't let them pick on me. I walk up to the girl I had like for seven years and I stared at her she had orange fur and darker orange tabby markings her eyes were green and she had one white paw. The girl I once wanted to be mine. All the feelings I had for her had flipped in to hate and with fists of rage I punch her in the face, giving her a bloody nose and I menacingly pointed my fist to the other snobs and helped scourge collect everything we bought and he laughed at the snobs and squirrelflight who was on the ground sobbing well the others just stared at us in shock when I past one of them I grabbed some of his pocket cash and we walked to Starbucks hand in hand laughing all the way.
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