the adventure
Ok so no ichigo and no (Y/n) its only the animals :)
Puppy Eren pov
I is tired so I went on the big soft bed thingy and went to sleep on covers master-chan calls it that but I was dozing off to sleep when Neko levi jump on me "WHYYYYY me is tirrrrred!!" He hisses at me "get your lazy butt up" I did as told and sat up I look at the door it was open "ooooo lets go out there" I point at the door neko levi nods "you first I have to get clean up" I nod and walk out the door taking small steps "levi me is scared" I never been alone "fine I'm coming" neko levi says he comes with me we walk out of master too and go exploring the weird house "ooo Wha AHHHHHHH" I hear levi Tch "OWWWW" "Baka that was a stair case" he says going down them without no problem "Owwwww that's hurts" I rub my head he tch again "come lets keep going" he says walking away "w wait for me" I got up and I ran up to him "I don't think we're supposed to be out here neko levi" he hits my head "it was your idea to be out here in the first place" I whine "why is you mean to puppy eren" I say rubbing my head "cause puppy eren is a stupid brat" I whine again "your mean I'm going back home" I say walking up the stairs but levi grab me buy the collar and drag me back down "your the one who wants to be out here so your going to be out here" he says with a glare I nod "how bout we go out there" I say pointing at a nother open door "fine but if you get lost in not going to do anything about it" he says walking out there "I I won't get lost" "good" we both walk out I gasp at the sight the sky it is blue I look around I saw a plants that has different colors "wooooow" I say rubbing around to see everything around me while neko levi has his back against the grass Purring
Neko levi pov
My back was against the warm light green grass while Puppy Eren was running around the garden "WOOOOW MUCH TO SEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" he says I Sigh and get up "It is nice out here" I say sitting down I heard the door open but I thought it was my imagination so me and Eren was playing until I heard "Hey were neko levi and puppy eren" ____ says me and Eren freak out so we ran all over the place "Hey look the door open" ichogo say he comes out and then burst out laughing "what what so fu- HAHAHAHAH" she joins im we stop and look at her then we run up to her Eren licks her legs while I rest on her shoe ichigo laughs and picks Eren up Eren licks his face "come on lets go back to the room".....
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