Nikki pov
I can't stop thinking about Seth and it erks me! He is everything I hate about a guys. Cocky, self obsess, loud mouth, annoying and worst of all a heart breaker. So why can't I stop thinking about him? It is very, very annoying. That two tone crap is stuck in my mind. Maybe I hit my head a bit to hard out there in the ring? Yeah, I'm going with that.
"My favorite Bella." Seth greeted me as I walked out from my locker room.
"My least favorite Shield member," I answered
"The shield are no longer a thing though."
"Well it was and you were my least favorite. Now you are my least favorite person on the roster."
"Ouch. What did I ever do to you?"
I tried to walk off whilst I have the upper hand but of course the annoying little pest, followed after me. Ugh! He then grabbed my divas belt and I stopped in my tracks and held out my hand for it back.
"Give it back Seth." I warned
"No," He teased, laughing
"I always knew you had vag, but just like every other woman in here you have to compete against me in the ring. So hand it back."
"Ohhhh now you are calling me a woman. Me? I wasn't so much a woman that night when we had sex, now was I?"
He pissed me off with that statement right there. Why does he insist on always bringing that up? Why couldn't he just get some other comeback instead of that one? Doesn't he not know I'm trying my best to forget that? That I hate myself so much for that one night?
He was now looking at me with a sorry look on his stupid face going to speak but I shook my head. "Just give me back my title." My voice wasn't as strong as I wanted but it will work for now. He cautiously gave me my belt back. I began to walk off but stopped, looking back at him, seeing him just standing there looking sorry for himself. "Don't ever talk to me again," I told him one hundred percent seriously as I walked off, hearing him calling me back but one thing he said stuck out and it made me stop. "Open your heart and let love in." He isn't Oprah, so no, he can't tell me what to do. I showed him middle finger and continued to walk off.
"Hey." Dean greeted and I turned, looking at him upsetly.
"What?" I snapped
"What is your problem?"
"Your stupid two tone friend. I swear Dean tell him to stay far away from me. I don't ever want him to speak to me. Ever!"
"Yeah, whatever. Can you believe Renee broke up with me?"
His voice sound hurt but it looks like he doesn't want to show it. I know exactly how he feels right now. This is why I won't 'open my heart and let love in'. That really shocked me though. I thought they were so perfect for each other and that they would have never broken up.
"I'm sorry," was the only thing I could think of saying. He nodded and closed his eyes, leaning against the wall in the hall only both of us are occupying right now. "It is fine. I'm just in shock is all," He told me as I huffed out, hugging him. Dean and I grew really close and have a sort of weird relationship most people won't understand but he always have my back and it is time for me to have his.
I couldn't contain my curiousness though. My mind began to wonder and search all around for answers, high and low. I then pulled back from Dean and held onto both of his wrist, looking into his blue eyes. "Why?" He knew what I meant when I asked. I saw no reason for the two to break up. "She says I need to get my mind straight! What the hell is that suppose to mean?!" Hurt and anger laced his voice as all I could do is loudly exhale. "Do you want me to speak to her?" I offered. I will do it, he done so much for me with the Seth thing. I think it is only fair I also take one for the team. He shook his head and I'm sort of happy he doesn't want me too. That would have been weird. "No, let's just go get something to eat," He told as I nodded and let go of his wrist. We walked to the catering room side by side.
When we got there Eva came rushing to us sending a slight nod and wave to Ambrose before turning, looking at me, giving me a rose. I raised my brow at her with a funny look on my face. "Why the rose?" I looked at her, "Is this a special occasion for us or...?" I asked fiddling with the rose in my hand while Dean just stood there quietly. Eva gave a me the 'what-the-hell' look, shaking her head. "No, Seth send it for you and he says he is sorry. Gotta run, needs to pee." The red hair woman then took off quickly as Dean and I eyes followed her until she was out of sight. I then saw Seth smiling at me as I threw the rose to the ground and stomped it until petals started to come off. I smiled at my work and saw him looking at the rose in shock. "You know what Dean, Randy's locker room always have food, let us go." I pulled on the man beside me wrist, leading him to Randy's locker room.
"What the hell you looking at?! I don't like you so go screw yourself." I told some production guy who was sending me flirtatious looks. He immediately stopped and his face turned red in embarrassment. Good. "That was cold," Dean commented from besides me as I shrugged it off, opening Randy's door only to break up the love fest. "We are hungry, feed us!" I demanded as I pulled Dean in and lock the door behind us. "I always tell you, lock the door just in case Nikki comes." Brie told and I gasped as Randy and everyone else laugh.
I then help Dean and myself to some food, telling the lovers about what just happened.
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