Return and kiss
Nikki pov
I sighed while pulling my bags into the arena for Monday night Raw, divas champ has already missed two weeks and a next would be unacceptable. I'm happy to be back but also I don't want to be back, yes it makes sense.
"Nikki you are back!" Tom greeted as I smiled at him. I actually missed him.
"Yip, champ can't be missing for too long," I replied as he took a few of my bags. "Thanks," I muttered.
"No problem," He told fixing the bags to suit him. "Yeah it was already raising questions. So did you have a good time?" He looked at me while I think. The thing is I don't know if I did.
"It wass..... Unforgettable to say the most," I honestly told, it truly was. He was getting that it may not had been the best of times for me.
"Well, memories makes us stronger. Anyway, we are here," Tom stopped as I looked up at the divas champ locker room.
"Uh, let me unlock this. Hold on a second." He hummed in response as I dug through my bag and pulled out my key. I opened the door and walked in as Tom pulled in my bags and rest them by the door.
"Thank you." I smiled at the green eye lad.
"Anytime. Got to get going. Nice you seeing you again. Got to get going!" He waved and ran out as I chuckled a bit, closing the door. He can be repetitive at times.
"I'm back," I told the empty room as I went through my suitcase and pulled out my ring gear, definitely knowing I'll be on tv for sure tonight. You heard Tom, people are already missing me.
I got changed into my blue gear, now usually Brie and I match colors but let's just hope she is wearing blue or else she will have to change it, simple. Am I being a bitch? Only the biggest one but I don't mind it. I called the make up artist in and have her do my make up and then we both left my locker room.
Before I go to my match I have to go an check in with either Stephanie or Carrano and since Stephanie's office is closer, I chose her. I knocked and she told me to enter so I did and to my luck Mark was already there. I smiled and mentally pat myself on the back for the good choice.
"Hey," I shyly said with a huge smile.
"Miss Nicole, please take a seat." Stephanie smiled, pointing to the black leather chair which was facing her.
"Thank you. Hey, Mark." I waved at him as he waved back, sipping his coffee.
"So you are back. Got to say the division missed you. But when you were gone we did this angle where we had divas saying that they were taking out the trash for you. So now that you are back we will have Summer attack you. You will get angry and the divas will ask if you want them to take care of her for you. You will say no and then go down to the ring and she will defeat you. Which will have the other divas laughing at you since they beat her but you didn't. So at the next Pay preview, which is battleground. It will be you vs Summer. Summer will have mostly all the divas in her corner and you will have Brie. It will be a lumber-jill match," I smiled and nodded, loving the idea thus far. "So when you get thrown out they will beat you. Then throw you back into the ring when Summer is about to win, Brie will run into the ring and pull her off. Then the rest of the divas will come for you two. I will come out and bring the rest of the authority sending all the divas but Brie backstage. I will then have Seth distract Summer and you pick up the win. Sounds good?" She finished and looked at me for my approval. My mouth was wide open. "That is better than good! That will be legendary! Thank you so much for having my back and giving me this opportunity, Mrs. McMahon and you too Carrano," I thanked the two as I shook their hands.
When I was finished with Stephanie and got my schedule I decided to find Brie, even though I'm not speaking to her at this point. I pray that I don't run into anyone of them, mostly Seth. "I held my cap as I walked and found Brie speaking to Dolph. I walked up too the two and hugged my ex boyfriend. I looked at Brie and saw she was in blue too. I guess we really are twins.
"You are back," Dolph commented.
"In the flesh," I flashed him a smile. "Dolph, I need a moment alone with this Bella right here." I pointed to Brie as he nodded understandingly and left us alone with a wave. I turned to Brie and she folded her arms. "Look who's back. Glad to know you aren't dead," Brie sassed me with a bitch attitude. Is she serious right now? "Oh my gosh, you can see me? For months I thought you couldn't," I replied with the same attitude as her but mine held way more sarcasm. "Of course I could have seen you but I had my issues too, you know." Brie looked at me while saying. "I know but when I have or had a million and one issues I always make at least a little time for you." I truthfully told as she sighed and unfolded her arms.
"Yeah, that is why I feel like a shit sister," Brie admitted and it made me smile a little. "Well you sure have a funny way of showing it." I told her as she nodded, knowing I'm right. "I tried to call you but you won't answer. Nicole, you know how I get. You are my twin for crying out loud! If it wasn't for you retweeting stuff I'd think you were dead!" Brie argued.
The thing about my sister is that she hates when I'm right so she will find a reason as to why I am not. "Whatever Brianna. Call it even?" I tried to make a deal with her stretching out my hand to her, she is lucky I love her. "Deal." She smiled an shook my hand pulling me into a hug, gross. "Ew, we aren't that good yet. Why is it so gross when we hug?" I questioned pulling away from her with a smile. What? I still missed her, she is my twin. "I don't know, it almost feels incest," Brie said and I agreed. Of course, it will be easy to make back up with Brie, this is what we do. I can't live without that bitch. Don't tell her I say that, you can tell her I call her a bitch though.
"How did you know I was wearing blue?" She asked as we began to walk.
"I didn't. I said if you aren't wearing it, you'd have to change," I admitted.
"I miss your bitchy ways Nicole," She told with an eye roll as I pushed her with a smile.
"Nikki you are back!" I heard that all too familiar voice, no not Seth's, but Dean. I can make back up with Brie but I'm not sure about the rest. I didn't know if I wanted to turn and look at him or just kept walking, so I froze on the spot. I looked at Brie who gave me questioning looks. "Nikki..." I heard Dean's voice becoming closer so I ran off, I don't want to deal with him. But with me running off I ran into Seth. We froze and looked at each other, I hate this. "Uh, you're back." He decided to break the silence, watching me. "Yes. I...Uh...." I didn't know what to say, I really don't.
'Nikki." I turned to see Dean and Brie making their ways towards us. I exhaled loudly. I didn't want to deal with this. "You what?" Seth asked and I shook my head not having words to say. "I have to go," I decided on as I tried to leave but they pulled me back. "Look, Nicole, I'm sorry." Dean apologized and I nodded but didn't look at him, didn't wanted too. "No, look at me." He raised my chin to look at him with his finger ever so softly. "Don't touch her like that!" Seth yelled and I knitted my brows at him. He claims to love me but left me and is in a relationship, he should butt out. "Why?" Dean asked obviously confused with his friend. "Uh because she doesn't like it." Seth lied because he doesn't know what I'm feeling. "I don't mind, Dean," I softly said as I saw Seth's mouth opened as he got slightly annoyed. "Look, I'm sorry Nicole," Dean apologized again, I don't want to forgive him but I do.
"You passed me straight in the halls, never even bother to check on me and waited until I fainted to act like you care," I told him what's on my mind.
"Nikki I do care about you! I wasn't acting. Thing is, I'm stressed over Renee, okay. I thought I had feelings for her still but I don't. I want to get back at her but I don't how. I'm sorry I was stupid enough not to take you on. I only passed you straight because I didn't want to burden you with my problems." He sounded so sincere. I looked into his blue eyes and saw nothing but honesty and hurt in them. How can I say no to that?
"Fine. But do it again and there won't be any take backs. And you should know, I'll be there for you and when it gets too much I'd shut you up," I said now holding onto his cheeks as he smiled. "I missed you Bella...N Bella." He told as we laughed a bit.
I saw he face harden and I removed my hands, confused. "What is it?" I turned to the direction his cold glare was directed too and saw Renee and her new guy, Joshua. Joshua didn't work here, but I heard she always bring him. She turned to face Dean with a smirk as if she is taunting him. Okay Renee is my girl but don't mess with my best friend like that.
I looked at Dean's hurt and cold eyes and without thinking I brought his face down to my level and kissed him. He was shocked but soon caught on and kissed me back, wrapping his arms around my waist. I got to admit, Dean is an excellent kisser. His lips are rough but soft and they know what they are doing. I placed my hand his hair and deepened the kiss to sell it more but I'm loving it.
When we finally pulled away I turned to see Renee's shocked and angered face as she pulled her man and walked away. Brie looks shocked but entertained. Then last but not least, Seth. Seth looked like he just had a seizure but has now caught back himself and looks as angry as ever, he looked like I just tore his heart out and stomped on it, full of jealousy. I'm sorry but he did this to me first.
I wasn't aiming to hurt him but I'm not really sorry that I did. Seth yanked me away from Dean and punch him square in the jaw. Dean stumbled to floor as Seth looked at me before walking off. That bitch! I rolled my eyes at him and kneel besides Dean along with Brie. "You okay?" I asked him not really concerned since he looked more shocked and angry than hurt. I mean the guy went through ladders that wasn't anything much to him. "Yeah. We are even now. But tell your lover boy if he touches me backstage one more time, friendship aside, I'll beat his ass," Dean told as I gulped and nodded, knowing he isn't kidding. "Got it," I shakily spoke, helping him up to his feet as I examine his jaw.
"That was entertaining, nice to have you back Nikki. Got to go find my bae. Bye you guys." With that Brie began to walk as I rolled my eyes at her, she can be so selfish. "Just meet me in catering before our segment and match!" I called after her, she placed her thumbs up. Why can't I hate her? Ugh.
(A/n: Nikki is back and the drama begun again. She fricking kissed Dean! ❤️💕💋✌️)
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