Queen of ice.1
Nikki's pov
I stood in front of the mirror as I watched the tears fall down my face as if it was some sort of water fall. Wiping my tears away, trying to gather all the strength I have in me to stop crying. I used the palms of my hands to wipe both eyes before looking back into the mirror. My reflection shows a woman with red puffy eyes who looks so broken, or at least that is the reflection I'm seeing.
Inhaling deeply, I fixed my divas championship title on my right shoulder before raising my left foot to my chest, bending a bit, still looking in the mirror as I straightened my sock. Good, better.
Walking into my bathroom - yes, my bathroom. I have my own dressing room with a bathroom connected to it because that is the perks of being divas champ-, turning on the pipe to wash my face before putting on my make up and fixing my hair. There, I smiled at the myself.
I have to be the strong, confident, fearless woman everyone sees. Who I project myself to be. I'm not saying I'm lying about all those things, I'm not. It is just that I'm too weak to stop myself from crying at my thoughts. Too insecure to let anyone in and see the real me. And too fearful to fall in love. The fear of getting my heart broken is far too strong. But I rather own animals and be sad then sit up crying over someone who I gave my heart to only to have them stomp on it like a pavement.
I exited my dressing room, looking like the cold person everyone know me as and I will admit, I like it. "Uh Nicole, I, uhh wanted to know if you would go out with me some time?" Tim the stage manager asked. I turned my face to him, looking him up and down making him feel uncomfortable with himself and shiver a bit out of fear. Whimp. "Never, would I go out with you. Now tell me how much more time before MY match?" I looked down on him as he search through the papers on his clip board. "Uh, next half an hour. Nikki please give me a chance. I promise I will treat you like a queen-" I put my finger on his rather dry lips. Wants me to go out with him with that desert he calls lips? Uh, no. "Shut up and leave me alone. Okay?" I glared into his eyes as he nodded frantically. If I was suppose to go out with a guy it sure as hell won't be a whimp like him. I smirked and turned on my heal walking away from the weak, scared boy in a man's body.
"Hey." I told Brie sitting on her as she groaned and tried to push me off her. "Get off, you fool." Brie said, I laughed and poked her nose but obeyed her and got off. Brie is my twin sister, identical twin that is, even though we don't look so much alike as we use to in our early days, due to my breast implants which I must say looks great.
"You look super cute in that outfit with the belt." Brie said eating a mouthful of her salad. I looked down at myself and smiled, nodding. "Thanks bae. So would you tonight holding it for me while I fight." I told Brie, she rolled her eyes at me. "Whatever the champ says." She giggled and I joined in.
Our conversation stopped when her boyfriend, Randy Orton, came and give her a small kiss on her lips. "Hey babe." He said pecking her lips again while she blushed, "Hey hun." She replied and I made gagging noises catching both's attention. "Oh, hey Nicole. Got to caught up in my girlfriend's -Brie- beauty." I gave him a tight small smile and a raise of my head, making him turn back to Brie (who was glaring at me) awkwardly.
I took Brie's abandon salad and ate some before leaving the couple alone without a goodbye. I don't hate nor dislike Orton as Brie thinks. No, I just don't want him breaking her heart like Bryan did.
I walked to the gorilla with about five more minutes to spear before I go on. I sat on the plastic chair being the only one there apart from Seth and Emma. "Listen here tots, I'm sorry but I'm Mr. Money in the bank and I cant afford distractions. So yeah, we are done." Seth coldly said as he broke up with her, her eyes filling with water. "I am not a distraction. Seth please, I can forgive you. You and I could make it to the top where we can have everything." Emma pleaded holding onto Seth's upper arm. Pathetic, I thought of her. "We can't have everything, no human can, even the richest person don't have everything Emma. Step out of fairy tail land and into the real world." Seth fought back and I agree with him 1000%. Emma looked at him through her teary eyes, shaking her head. "You are so damning cold and a dick." She slapped him and I held onto my mouth. I have gotten those words so many times before. Seth just laughed. "That you was just begging to be with." He fired back at her staring into her blue eyes. The Australian blonde just ran off as he watched her smirking. He rubbed his red cheek for a bit.
Seth's attention then turned to me and I stared right back at him. "Don't get why you are watching me with that judgmental face, Bella." He said to me in his voice that I can't find words to describe the sound of; A bit raspy, smooth and throaty I guess those words come close to describing his voice. Which was weird since his voice is smooth but throaty.
"Are you talking to me or Brie?" I sarcastically asked him as he gritted his teeth. "Is Brie here?" His voice held an angry, annoyed and agitated tone to it. I looked around and saw my twin running toward us. I smiled and point to her. "Hi Brie." I said as she stood in front of me, smiling. She raised an eyebrow but waved at me. "She wasn't here when I asked you." Seth tried to defend himself while Brie seemed clueless. Which she was. "Well, they are two of us here and I don't know. Brie could have just left and I came and sit and you thought it was Brie." I shrugged as if it was nothing and Brie was now looking between us. "I know the difference, silicone." Seth said, smirking as if he had offended me or something. "Oh, you seem really dumb. Didn't thought you'd know." I smirked watching his opposed face. Just then my opponent for tonight, AJ came where we were and everyone went silent. AJ just watched us and her shook her head, I laughed and walked out to my music getting ready for my match giving Brie the title and she did look good with it.
After losing to AJ as planned, I walked backstage, seeing AJ talking to someone and Seth watching me. Doesn't this guy have a life? "Please, Nikki, please. Just one date and I already made us reservations. Here is the slip to prove it. If you don't like it then no more," Tim came back holding a slip of paper in his hands. I took it and watched it. Hmmm, a five star restaurant and French owned. I took the slip and he brightened up. "Hey Brie, we have a date on..." I examined the slip to see the date. "Tuesday, dress nice." I said, turning back to Tim who had his mouth open, trying to say something. "Don't bother coming, but thanks for the reservations. Run along." I motioned my hand to him as he was to shock to do or say anything but leave. Now that was fun.
"Nicole-" Brie was about to start but I stopped her before she got started. "Brie, five star French restaurant, the one were Beyoncé goes to. Do you want to go or not. All you have to do to go is stay silent." I finished and watched as she grind her teeth together and walked off. Good.
"That was cold." Seth said and I groaned at him. He is too annoying for my liking. "I know. I'm the ice queen, respect me bitch." I told him and walked off, flipping my hair.
Seth's pov
I stood there folding my arms as I watched Nikki leave. She has a great ass by the way. She is like the coldest person I came across, well woman that is. The coldest woman I came across. I think me and her are tied for the coldest person I know.
Nikki was now out of sight and I turned around slightly to see Tim with red, watery eyes. What a joke he is? And he wants the ice queen to go out with him? Ha, please next joke. "You are pathetic," I said to Tim as he looked up with fear, sadness, weakness and a bit of anger. Like he could do me something? Ha.
I went in search of my best friend Dean Ambrose, seeing him talking with his misses, Renee Young. They aren't married but oh well, I still like to call her his mrs. "Break up the love fest, I'm here." I said patting Dean's back who sneered at me and I got my hand off him immediately. Renee laughed and kiss Dean for a bit before waving at me, leaving. We both watch her leave. "She have a pretty decent ass." I said, receiving a smack to the back of my head making me turn around to see Dean glaring at me. "Don't watch my girlfriend's ass, plus I'm all about the tits." He spoke gaining a smile halfway through his sentence. "Yeah, her tits are decent to. Anyway, where is Roman?" I asked turning to look at my old shield buddy and past, sort of present, on screen rival. "He is- what do you mean decent tits? Her breast are amazing!!" Dean stopped answering the question to 'correct me'. I gave him an -are you serious- face. I sighed, "Okay, I was just saying, now answer me." I said almost defeated not wanting to fight him. He shook his leg a bit, pushing his tongue to his right cheek making it look swollen.
He was contemplating whether or not to tell me or continue to argue. He stomp his foot a bit out of frustration. "Fine, he is in the office with Vince talking about his future." Dean gave in. I smirked and squeezed his shoulder. "Thanks bro." I said extra sweetly to piss him off more. He made mocking actions and rolled his eyes "I wish we had a match right now, I would actually kick and punch you." He said and I laughed.
"When do you not?" Being friends, especially best friends, you tend to really hit and punch each other, and hard. "When you don't annoy me." Dean replied hopping up on the crate behind him, sitting. "But you always do." I said confused and he let out a sly chuckle, smiling proudly. "Yeah." He smoothly said and I just watched him, now catching on to what he meant.
Roman came and joined us after about five minutes. We were all talking and laughing when Nikki and Eva walked by talking to each other. "I don't know, but Jonathan don't like it." Eva told Nikki who nodded, seemingly agreeing with Eva. "Of course he won't. I don't. Eva you can't fight now when you recently had breast implants." Nikki warned her friend seeming to have an actual heart and not just ice.
The ladies were totally unaware of our presence as they pressed against the opposite wall, talking. "I'll be fine once I don't get hit badly." Eva tried again and Nikki gave her a stern motherly look. "Eva, this business is so unpredictable. You can't prep for not getting injured." Nikki smartly spoke and I looked to the guys seeing them nod, agreeing with Nikki's statement. "But feel how warm they are." Eva said pulling her vest down a bit to give Nikki access. Nikki watched her but then sighed, placing her hand on Eva's breast, amazed. "They are!!!! And they look pretty neat to." Nikki told her and Eva smiled looking down her own top as Nikki moved her hand, Eva fixed herself. "But, please listen to me. My shin injury only took so long to recover since I pushed it back so much." She told Eva and Eva sighed, nodding. "I guess you are right, I'm going to tell Carrano now. Bye babe." Eva said and Nikki waved as the red head -who could pass for a Bella- ran off.
Nikki smiled in her direction but it instantly dropped once she saw me. "Don't you three have anything better to do than mind other people's business??" She coldly asked, waving a finger at all of us before it dropped besides her. "Nope. So, how warm are her boobs??" Dean asked very seriously and very enthused to know. Nikki seemed disgusted with him. "Very married." With that she walked off and I couldn't help but smile at the beauty who hates me.
"What a bitch" Dean's voice broke me out from my trance as I looked up to see him. "Well you did deserve it." Roman snickered and Dean pushed his shoulder slightly, making the Samoan laugh. "Yeah." I added in a daze.
(A/n new story which I absolutely love. Hope you guys love it to.)
✖✖ Story thirds chapter was posted, Jan 31st 2015, 1:25pm
Story end sept 2nd 2015, 9:16pm
Excluding the two epilouges ✖✖
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