Author's pov
Nikki is laying in her comfy bed, which she seemed to grew attached too whenever she isn't working out. She is on the first day of the second week vacation and she is honestly feeling better. Her friends and sister -she honestly don't even know what to call them at this point- tried to contact her but she ignored all the calls. She doesn't want to speak to them, she wants to be as far away from them as possible.
She knew that they also have their lives to live but they could have at least asked what's wrong. She had done it many times even when her world was falling apart. Nikki Bella may be an ice queen but the few she loves, she makes sure to be there for them. She sighed and ran her hands through her hair as she continued to think. She hated having to be left alone with her thoughts and emotions but she knew it was what is needed at this moment. She came to realize things she never dreamed of and things she didn't even knew she was denying. She hated those honest feelings but at the same time she adored them. Yes, she was pretty much a confused and uncertain mess.
Nikki grabbed her laptop from the nightstand besides her bed and turned it on, logging in. She came onto the device for one reason and one reason only. She knew she is breaking the promise to herself, but she needs to know. It may be the only thing that can help her. Nikki inhaled deeply getting ready for what she was about to do. She is about to check the guy who broke her heart 13years ago and left her broken and wounded.
The guy who killed her illusion of the word love, the guy who made her believe love was an illusion, the guy she was once married to, the guy who made her hate heartbreakers, the guy who she loved the most at one point, the guy she married, the guy she divorced, the guy she hates the most now. The guy that turned her heart into the ice block it is today. That guy's name? Lance StoneWood. At one point she was mrs. StoneWood, Nicole StoneWood.
She married Lance at 18 and they got a divorced at 18 and her family members only recently found out about that. Brie knew all along and she knew that's why her twin changed for the worst. She knew that was why Nicole was always overprotective of her when it comes to relationships but Brie didn't think it was a good reason for her to never fall in love again. She herself was married and divorced but she loved again and this time she knows he is the right one. Brie wishes Nikki could see things like she does.
Nikki clicked his profile and saw his profile picture is of him and some small child probably around 4-6, she looked like him a lot though. "Must be his daughter," she said out loud, sort of annoyed he was able to make children. She promised herself never to check on him but she needed to know if he thinks about her still or not. She needed to know if his life is hell or not -boy she wants it to be hell. She groaned and continued scrolling through his account information and found out he lives in Miami (or not since people do lie about where they live on Facebook). She found out he has a new wife now of 9 years, they have two daughters and a next on the way. She found out he is a lawyer and most of all, she found out he is happy and forgotten all about her.
She hated the fact that he was happy and got to live this great life while she has to suffer when she did nothing wrong! Nikki hated the fact that evil people gets great lives! Couldn't he still be living with his mom and working as a hotdog?! She questioned herself, rage taking over her being. She slapped the laptop shut and got up from the bed pacing back and forth. Why? Why he gets all the good things and I'm still broken over him? She asked herself as she let out a frustrated scream, throwing a picture of herself against the walls of her bedroom, watching the glass that held it shatter into pieces. She knew that was sort of like her heart, she knew something would break her protective layer and send her into pieces and she was right. She just didn't knew it would have been Seth Rollins.
Nikki then made her way down the stairs into the main area, getting herself a bottle of whiskey and began to drink it from the bottle, it is hers anyways. She shrugged and continue to feel the burning sensation going down her throat but it didn't seem to numb the pain like she hoped it would. "Screw you!" She then threw the half drank bottle of whiskey across the room watching as it broke and the liquid tried to escape from her as it ran along the floor, some glass pieces wanted to go with it and others just stayed there and laid wherever they chose.
Nikki knew this was her breaking point and as much as this may sound twisted she was waiting for it. She knew it had to happen on its own. Now that it finally did she is happy about it, she embraces it. She may look and seem like a lunatic but she doesn't care. She watched the liquor still trying to escape, running but slowing down, she laughed at it. "You can never escape, just get dried up and fail to exist." She told it and walked into her kitchen taking a knife from the knife stack she had and began to stab all her pillows, price and logic were the furtherest things from her head, she needed to get it all out and she is. Tearing everything apart just feels so good! Nikki was getting a thrill out of this as her laughs grew louder, she felt alive and the stress leaving her, she felt good. She kicked the sofas down, the coffee table as well, she just kicked things she saw!
Ten minutes after and most of her stuff was destroyed, with the exception of her flat screen tv, no matter how mad she was she could never destroy that, she loves that TV. Now Nikki is on the floor beating it up while yelling and the tears started making an appearance again. It is like the Orton vs Cena feud. It happens, again and again, over and over and over. She sniffled while she laid on the floor, totally exhausted and battered. She wasn't sure if these tears were going to mark the end of her crying over certain things or her meltdown was useless and she still wouldn't be over it. Only time can tell now, she thinks to herself as she made no move to get up and fix up.
She wasn't even hungry today, she didn't even eat anything and this was the first time since she fainted she had done that. "Help me! I need help. Just be there for me, please," She said out loud to no one. She wanted to be in love and have a family but the fear of having those things only for it to be yanked away from you because he didn't love you anymore or cheated on you is what made Nikki the woman she is today. She decided that it will be fine to just stay alone instead of getting heart broken, it was better to her. She didn't know that she would have been breaking her own heart. She never knew that, she didn't even thought of it. Until, Seth.
Few minutes after, while she is still on the floor weeping, her doorbell rang. She was pissed off and confused as to who it could possibly be at her door. The neighbors won't just show up like that, no fans had her address and WWE Isn't in town so who the actual hell is it? She did ordered a Louis Vuitton bag from online though. It was suppose to get here Thursday but today is Tuesday, do they even deliver earlier than the deadline? Her confusion grew as she thought more about it. She raised to her feet and started to head to her front door. If it is my bag then my day just got turned around for the better. Nikki beamed to herself not caring that she may scare off the delivery guy with her appearance.
"Hi, I'm Nicole-," her sentence got cut short when she realized it was Seth at her front door. Seth looked at Nikki's appearance and felt his heart clenched. She looks horrible but still manages to be beautiful. He thought. She thought why isn't he running? Haven't he not see me? Why is here? She cocked her head at him. "I already knew that," Seth decided to say, referring to how she answered the door. He wanted to make her at least crack a smile but she didn't, she stood there like a living dead woman. "You got to leave," She replied to him, not even seeing his humor or where it was coming from, she can't think and she wants to be thousands of miles away from him. Nikki thought she was up until he showed up at her front door. Where is this going? She knew he wouldn't just give up and she knew she wasn't strong enough to fight. Seth looked at the woman with tear stained eyes, mascara stained tears on her cheeks, smudged lipstick and sort of messy hair. He never seen her cry and he didn't think he would. Even though she isn't crying now he saw the evidence loud and clear. Don't let this turn out to be a horrible incident, they both thought.
(A/n: so what do you guys think? What will happen? Hope you enjoyed it. 😍❤️😜)
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