Drunk Mode.
Nikki pov
So, here I am, after signing autographs for hours, with Dean and Paige, hanging out in the back of a cab. We are going to meet Brie and rest at some clubbing place. It is like a little outing. Work is finish and now is time for the fun. Paige dragged herself along because......well she could. I know you are asking where is our vehicle, they are back at the hotels. We all plan on getting drunk and don't want to come back the next day for them.
"So let's play a game!" Paige announced and did fake audience cheering noise.
"What game?" Dean asked in a deeper than usual voice.
"Uh...I don't know!" Paige replied in a fake announcers voice.
"Ship it or trash it?" I suggested.
Paige high-fived me and Dean groan. We rolled our eyes at him, mockingly. The objective of the game is to say a couple or two people and say if you ship them being together or nah. Dean then rest his head on my shoulder since I'm in middle. "Get your cow size head off me." I push his head away and he looked at me offended. "My head isn't the cow size thing in here. Tell your boobs that." He fired back and Paige began to laugh mad loud as I punch Dean on his arm but laugh.
"Anyway. Here we go," Paige recollected us, "Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie?" She asked. "Ship," I told nodding, they are like one of the few lasting power couples in Hollywood. "Trash it," Dean said making Paige and I gasp and look at him. "What!?!" I yelled trying to figure out his logic. He casually shrugged like it is most normal thing. "To main stream for me," He gave his reason and I nodded, getting his point, I see why he thinks so. "Okay. Uh, Nattie and Fandango?" I questioned as I did a little mischievous nod.
"Nattie is married though. And not to Fandango but Tyson," Dean logically spoke.
"It is not based on actual facts you turd." Paige rolled her eyes, saying.
"Fine! Trash it. Fandango need a wild and adventurous girl, not Nattie," Dean told.
"What the hell is that suppose to mean?" I asked, laughing mad loud.
"Nattie is some lady with cats who acts like fifty, so no." Dean clarified even though it was already clear what he meant.
"Leave my Nattie alone. And I ship it. I see the way she looks at him and I think he have something for her too." Paige said and we bumped shoulders agreeing with smiles on our face.
"I see it! They want to bed each other," I smirked while saying, laughing as Paige made humping moves making me laugh louder.
"What you should be seeing is a mental doctor or any doctor. You two may have one too many concussions." Dean seriously said.
"Ambrose! You don't see the way she looks at him?" Paige asked.
"And they way he looks at her?" I added on to Paige.
"She looks at everyone like that! She loves Tyson and the look you so call 'see' in Fandango's eyes is a look for help." Paige and I shook our heads at Dean.
"You're stupid," Paige said.
"And a douche," I said
"And annoying," She told
"And sickening," I told
"And crazy."
"And unstable."
"And needs an eyes exam."
"And need a brain exam."
"AND I GET IT!" Dean cut off Paige and I's train.
We looked at his annoyed face then at each other and began to laugh again. He shook his head and sighed, probably regretting choosing to ride with us. Should have gone with the guys but he insisted the ladies need Ambrose around them. Even Randy left Brie to ride with the guys. Poor Ambrose. I smiled up at him, resting my head on his shoulder, trying to softening him back up. Paige joined in the love fest and lay on my shoulder and that's that.
We arrived like a minute ago and now we are walking towards the group. Apparently we were the last ones to arrive. Makes sense, since we had to stop so Dean could pee and for Paige and I to pee also. But unlike Dean in an actual bathroom. But the rest of the ride was fun with Dean cracking jokes. I walked over to them and hugged Brie form behind, scaring her a bit, earning chuckles from everyone. "Going into 'Brie Mode' tonight?" I asked my sister fixing the top of her dress. She gave me a devious smirk, nodding as I joined her.
Party soon got started and everyone is tipsy, Paige is dancing with Roman, Eva and Summer sitting there looking at everyone with a water in their hands (Eva doesn't drink again), Dean flirting with the bartender, Randy and Brie grinding on each other, Cameron dropping it to the floor, Naomi just swaying with her drink and Nattie doing the Nattie and the others are just all over. I rested down my cocktail on the table and turn around only to bump into Seth. "Now isn't the time to annoy me!" I told trying to move pass him but he held my waist. "Wasn't planning on it. Just want to get wasted with the prettiest lady ever." He whispered in my ear making me blush like crazy but I looked down so he won't see it. "Fine! Let's go get us some drinks before Dean and that bartender lady go off to have sex." I pulled Seth's wrist over to the bar and ordered us a couple of shots. "Competition!?" I asked loudly so he could hear me over the loud music. "Yeah!" He agreed and I smiled knowing I got this in the bag since Seth doesn't really drink.
Dean then counted to three and signaled us to go as we started to drink. Some of the drink escaping my mouth and running down my chin and into my top. Some people were chanting and that just send me over the edge, champ vs champ, who wins? Seth and I were tied so far. It was down to one more glass for each. We went to reach for our last glasses but Brie took mine and Paige took his as they finish it for us and started laughing. Yip, Brie is in Brie Mode and I'm going to enjoy it with my sister. Brie then got up on the bar counter followed by Paige, myself and Ambrose. "BRIE MODE!!!!" We all shouted as we earned claps. I started to hop off, almost falling but Seth caught me. Aww, rainbows. I laughed and hopped out of his arms, walking over to Eva and Summer where I gave both lap dances making them laugh and earning wolf whistles. Paige then came an dance on me as I danced back while Brie just fell and is now laughing like a manic and Dean is making out with the bartender. Tonight is absolutely great!
"I HAVE GOT ON CAT UNDERWEAR!" Nattie suddenly shouted. Cool! I cheered, loudly clapping then laughing with Paige. She is my go to girl. "You go Nattie!" We shouted as Nattie bowed but fell making us laugh mad loud. Brie then went and rolled over, spilling her drink on herself. "Let me help you with that." Paige left my side and brought my twin to her feet, where she licked her hand making Brie giggle then pout when Randy separated the two ladies. Boring dude.
Seth pov
I'm going insane trying to keep up with Nicole. Between her and Paige I don't know which is worst. Brie is definitely in the lead but got close competition in those two. Randy looks like he wants to explode trying to keep Brie somewhat grounded. I'm getting dizzy trying to catch Nikki, while I'm very close to being drunk. Roman is chatting with Eva, Summer is now mad drunk, Dean is basically dry humping the bartender, Nattie is still on the floor receiving drinks. Cameron is outside on her phone, Naomi is now by Eva, Truth and Ryder are having a dance off, Titus and Darren is laughing at Brie. Rosa is flirting with some guys and Wade is talking to his ex, Alicia who is nodding and sipping on her drink. I'm never coming back out with these people again.
I pinched the bridge of my nose as I took the drink from Nikki's hand earning a whine but she shrugged and walked off. I sighed and finished it, soon taking Roman's as well but he said or did nothing. Brie then came jumping in front of me pouting when her drink is spilled from her cup. She looks so confused. I began to jump with her and next thing I know I'm just as bad as Brie and the rest.
I'm holding hands with the people spinning around in circles, laughing when we fall. "Screw it! I'm going to have fun!" Randy shouted and began to drink a bottle of vodka from the bottle. He is a legend, I clapped. "That is baby! We'll have such boom sex when we get back to the hotel!" Brie shouted having people look at her but she didn't mind. "Why wait?" Randy came over and took his girl, attempting to carry her to the bathroom but failing miserably, so they just decided to laugh it off. Dean wrapped his arm around my shoulder seemingly done with the bartender, she looks hurt but I could be wrong. Hell, I'm seeing stars right now!
I looked around for Nicole and saw her making her way to the bathroom holding some guy's hand. I got furious and went to follow them but got stopped by Ryder causing me to punch him square in the face. Then a brawl start which he was somehow winning because I don't know how. I then felt myself being lifted off on someone's shoulder as I struggled to break free but couldn't so I settled for saying cuss words. "Shut the hell up man!" Oh Roman! That's who shoulder I'm on. "No he stole my woman!" Was the last thing I remember before blacking out.
Paige's pov
I watched Seth as he soon blanked out after claiming Nikki as his. I shrugged it off and went by Brie who is sat on the table by Eva, claiming to Aldine on his magic carpet. Man she is cool! She is fricking Aldine and she has a magics carpet that I mistaken for a table, silly me. "Can I get on your carpet?" I asked Brie fixing my top. She looked at me, happily nodding. "Of course you can, Jasmine. Let's go an discover a whole new world." She held out her hand to me as I took it and sat behind her, feet wrapped around her waist. "We are flying!" I yelled out in my party voice, flying like I'm flying. "WOHOOO!" She cheered as we laughed. "Hey let's sing the song which they sang in the movie," Brie suggested looking back at me. I smiled and eagerly nodded, this is going to be great. "Um it goes likes. Why did Seth lose his cool? Why did Seth lose his cool?" She began to sing. Wow, Seth's name was used in a huge movie, how great is Seth?! "Why did Seth lose his cool? Why did Seth lose his cool? Why did Seth lose his Cool?!" I joint in with her singing as she rocked the table. Soon enough everyone started to sing, this song is massive! "His cool! His cool! HIS COOOLL!" We all finished up on the highest note and I know we sound like a group of Beyonce's and Sam Smith's.
"WE ARE FALLING!!" Brie shouted.
"MAYDAY!! MAYDAY!!" I joined
Soon enough the table toppled over and we fell. I landed on her back then rolled off her, laughing like lunatics. Hey we are Dean! Cool! Nikki then came out of the bathroom fully dressed jumping over to us. "I thought you went to get it on with some guy!?!" I shouted and Brie nodded, making ourselves comfortable on the floor. "I just kissed him! He wasn't that good so I left." She told coming over, laying besides us on the floor, this could be a thing. "Oh you left like Seth," Brie told an I nodded agreeing with Breezy. Nikki looked confused as hell. "Why did he leave?" She asked slurring out her words. Is that what I sound like? Nooo, I sound like a vampire mix with bananas, I'm so cool. "He claimed you to be his woman and fought Writer and then Roman dragged him out." I made a full stop sign after saying, knitting my brows together. "He is jealous!" Brie cheered and I hugged her arm as she pet my head. "Ugh, my poor Sethie poo," Nikki slurred out an pouted. Oh well. Hey, I'm sleepy.
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