Nikki's pov
I looked at Seth when Dean closed the door and walked over to him. He gave me a gentle smile as I looked down at my feet for a few seconds. The tears stopped and I don't want them to return any time soon and looking down doesn't help that case so I looked back up at him.
"Do you want to sit?" He asked like a gentleman and I smiled and nodded, making my way over to this famous couch I use to be on a whole lot.
"Thanks," I mumbled as he sat besides me. I don't want him so close to me but I have bigger issues to worry about. "So, I know, you know, why I'm in here," I started, turning to face him, fully looking into his sad brown eyes. I miss the glint of playful evilness that use to be there when I looked into them earlier on. He sighed and wiped his face with his hands. Why does men do that?
"Yeah I know. And before you start let me say one thing?" He looked at me and I nodded. "I don't regret it Nicole. I won't go back in time and change that kiss. It was perfect." He told sincerely and felt the tears building back up.
"I wouldn't change a thing either." I confessed as he looked at me shocked. I won't. It was perfect, it was like we were having a conversation through our lips and a war with our tongues yet our touch remain gentle. I felt the anger and love he have towards me in the most beautiful way. I mean it almost made me happy to go through want we went through if it meant we'd get a kiss like that. Almost. Some parts of me wish I didn't have feelings for him and the pain is way too much.
"You wouldn't?" He looked shocked out of his wits, a small laugh escape from my lips.
"Never, if I had the chance to go back and stop it from happening I wouldn't. But at the same time it may not have happened because if I had a chance to go further back, I would have changed the fact I fell for you, Seth. I don't want to be hurt and that's all you are doing. We weren't even a couple really, and you still managed to break my heart. You'll always be a heartbreaker, Colby, and I can't deal with that. I don't deserve it."
I really hope he understands where I'm coming from. I know it may be a bit harsh but I'm hurting. He looked me in the eyes, it was hard but I looked back in his, tears then fell from both our eyes. Why are we like this? He reached out and place his hand on my cheek, still looking into my eyes as I inhaled.
"Well, I'm breaking too Nicole. I have never cried over a girl or anyone really and I have cried over you. If I had the chance to go back in time will I change it? Yes. For me? No. I'd change it because I don't like seeing you broken. I don't like knowing the woman no one saw cry is now walking around with tear stained eyes and it's all because of me. I miss hearing you laugh and being cold to everyone. You never gave me a chance to be with you Nicole when that's all what I wanted. I may always be a heartbreaker but you will always be the queen of ice, giving no one a chance, too scared to fall. Guess what, Nicole? You still fell. You're still hurting and I'm sure you are questioning yourself about what would it have been like if you had dated me. Things would have been different Nikki. You already had me whipped but I wouldn't have admitted it in pass but I am now. If you had just say yes, we would have been the power couple because I'm in love with you. I'm not blaming you because with your fear and my pass it only made sense. But just know I don't regret loving you."
Wow. It's the only thing I could say. I'm processing every one of his words. His hand still on my cheek and the tears are flowing down. Maybe he is right. Maybe if I did give him a chance things would have been different. He just looks so honest and hurt and I hate the hurt part but I like it because I like to know I'm not the only one hurting.
"Maybe if you had fought a bit longer. I was already caving into you. Or Maybe we still would have been playing games that was going no where. At least now we know how we feel about each other," I told as I removed his hand from my cheek and hold it tightly in my lap. It's strange how your hands really seem to just fit with someone else's. I wiped my eyes with my free hand and then wipe his. I looked at him, flashing him a smile. "But you are going to be married. We weren't meant to be-"
"Yes we are! Nikki I'd call off the wedding right now to be with you! I want you!" He cut me off by pleading with me. All I could do is smile and cry. It's weird really......... And somewhat crazy but love is crazy.
"Colby if we were meant for each other we would have been together. The universe would have been pushing us together instead of apart," I soothingly told. It's hard but that's life at its best. Life isn't meant to be easy but learning. The look of absolute heartbreak and gut wrenching pain on his face is killing me but it will all be better, soon. "You have Carmella and she loves and cares for you, Colby. Don't push her away anymore. Don't make her become like me, scared to be in love again. You may not be in love with her but you love her and I know it. You will eventually become in love with her. So marry her and have your happily ever after and I'd have mine," I took a deep breath, preparing myself for what I'm about to say. It is going to be hard since I never told anyone but Brie, my brother and mother this but he needs to know. "Seth," I rest my hand on his cheek now making him look at me. "I do l-love you." He smiled but I know even though it made him smile it tore him down more inside. "But that kiss out there was our goodby kiss. I'm sorry," I removed my hand and cried louder, surprisingly, I didn't stutter. Then again, it's not that surprising because I'm somewhat use to it.
"I understand. I may not like it but I understand and respect it. And I will try to love Carmella more and be there for her. You'll always rank first but maybe that will change, I don't want it too but it may have too. I will love you forever Nicole and I mean it. You broke the heartbreaker like Dean broke your last make up." He smiled at me and I'm happy he is trying to ease the tension and make it lighter. I laughed a bit before I gasp.
"Wait, Dean broke my make up set! That bitch told me the airport guy broke it and he yelled at him for me! No wonder why he didn't wanted me to complain." I shook my head at the memory. Seth and I laughed a bit. The pain is still there but we could at least laugh right? Right.
"Well that's Dean. Do you mind if I hug you?" He adorably asked and how can I say no to that face?
"Course." With that we both stood up and hugged each other. I feel so at peace and at home in his arms. Too bad we're not suppose to be together. I inhaled his scent which was perfect by the way. I'm going to miss it and everything about him. I heard him inhaled and I pulled away from him with a raise brow.
"Did you just smile my hair?" I asked as he gave me a fake gasp but smiled.
"It smelt great by the way." I hit his chest lightly and fully left his embrace. That's when the door burst open and I saw Brie running in looking furious with a confused Carmella and Dean....just looking like well...Dean.
"You son of a bitch!" Brianna shouted as she made her way over to him and began to hit him with a magazine she rolled up as Dean burst out laughing. I glared at him and Brie, pushing her away from Seth whom was trying to shield from her.
"You are lucky I chose the magazine!" She told Seth with the scariest look I've ever seen her give. And I don't know if I'm seeing things or not but Seth looked.....scared?
"We are fine now! Don't hit him!" I scolded her as she looked at me angrily.
"Fine!" She shouted.
"Goo- OUCH!" She hit me in head with the magazine and Dean's laugh was heard again. What the hell? Brie is crazy. I looked at her confused and angry before I sighed. I had it coming.
"Now I see why Randy said he didn't want to be an eye witness to murder," Dean told still laughing as we all glared at him and he stopped. Flipping us off.
"You are crazy." I poked Brianna in her chest and then turned towards Carmella, walking over to her. "Look, I'm sorry for all the mayhem I've cost in your relationship but I just want to let you that Colby do love you. And he is all yours now. We have had our closure. You may hate me and trust me I understand, but please give him a next chance." I apologized and begged for Seth as Carmella looked at me with a look I can't quite read. Maybe she is studying me, I don't know.
"I don't hate you," Carmella shocked me and everyone else by saying.
"Why? She screwed up your relationship. If I were you I'd order a hit on her," Dean told as Carmella and I glared at him as he raised his hands, giving up.
"Right,. she started again. " I don't hate you. You may not be my favorite person right now but I don't hate you. I saw the pain you've been through Nicole. Sure you may have been the reason behind all my arguments with Seth but you always stood up for me and did nothing malicious towards me or any other diva. It, maybe, in a way it's your fault but the blame falls on Seth. I don't know much but I trust you weren't rubbing up to him." I held my heart at that. She is such a sweetheart. Seth better take good care of her. "Oh my gosh thank you so much Carmella. Don't worry Seth and I worked it out and he is all yours," I honestly told as a smile soon appeared on my face as we shared a brief hug.
"Well it looks like I have to go. Bye Seth, bye Carmella. Dean get your ass over here and Brie you too. I'm going to drop you both off at a mental home." They laughed but listened as we left the couple to sort things out. It feels good to get closure.
(A/n: you know I only realized when I was almost done writing it, I could have based it of off almost is never enough by Ariana Grande but oh well. Anyways I hope you enjoyed it. 💕☺️🐾❤️🎶❤️💕)
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