Birthday gifts
Seth pov
So it has been like 9 months since the whole closure thing with Nikki and I can honestly say we both kept our distance. Saying that I can also honestly say keeping away from her is the hardest thing to do. Not only that but the fact that feelings for her aren't going away. Okay I didn't expect them to completely go away, of course not. But I did hope for them to deteriorate. Like nine months is a good amount of time to start loving someone less right? Wrong, at least for me. Maybe if we didn't work together it would have worked, I don't know.
Now that we are on the topic of feelings and love and shit, I have to admit my feelings have grown for Carmella. She is really a wonderful girl and Nicole was right, Carmella doesn't deserve to be afraid of love and relationships. She is too loving for that. I've been treating her nicer, going out on dates whenever we get time off and isn't planning our wedding. By the way, wedding are are expensive! Holy cow, they are expensive! I'm okay with serving people corn and butter with a glass of water but of course Carmella opposed to that. They are here to celebrate our love, not the food. But unfortunately, people only truly go to weddings for the food. I do too but I'm being a hypocrite right now, so let me be! But now isn't the time to talk about the wedding which is coming up shortly by the way. This is about my feelings. One thing I was right about was Nikki always being my number one girl because I'm still stupidly and madly in love with her. How could you not be? Not only is she gorgeous but her mean but sweet at the same time sweet personality is a winner. Too bad I can't be with her. Did that rhymed? Winner and her? In a way it did.
Anyway, right now everyone is gathered in catering, celebrating Nikki and Brie's birthday. Yip, today is their birthday. I got them both gifts actually. Not only did I get Brie a gift because we are on good terms now but because I have a bit of a fear of her and I don't want her to rip my arms out for not getting her anything. And of course I had to get Nikki something.
I called Nikki outside with me to give her, her gift. I want to personally give it to her because it is sort of special, okay, really special. I opened the door to the balcony and let her walk in first before I did, closing the door behind me.
She looked at me with a playful but questioning look on her face. If she only knows how beautiful she looks right now, with the wind blowing in her hair and her eyes sparkling which the city lights seemed to enhance their shine . She wore a black tiny dress that was see through at certain parts with black and sliver strap heels. Her hair had a puff thing going on in the front but the back was straight down. All in all, she looked absolutely amazing but she always does, so.
"Sup Rollins?" She greeted with her wine in hand.
"Hey, Nicole," I replied not really knowing what to say. Shit.
"So why did you bring me out here?" She questioned sipping on her red wine. Man that girl loves wine.
"Because, I want to give you my gift..... Personally that is," I causally responded. Her eyes lit up with excitement.
"So your gift is so much better than the rest you have to give it to me personally right?" She joked as I shrugged with a huge smile.
"At least you know." I playfully winked at her making her laugh, shaking her head.
"It will hard to beat Truth's gift, he gave me twelve dollars and told me have fun with that," She informed me, I 'oh-ed' before laughing, guys back here aren't too normal.
"I don't know how I can top that but I'd try," I sarcastically joked.
"Cocky aren't we?" Nikki teased.
"You already know this." I teased, we laughed again. She can always make me laugh the loudest or cry the loudest, now that is love. "Anyway, here you go." I reached into my back pocket and pulled out the long, rectangular, red box handing it to her. She looked at me cautiously while taking the box.
"You sure this is for me?" She asked, I nodded really excited to see her reaction. Or should I be scared......? She raised her shoulders and hand me her glass. I took it and rest it on the table behind me. She slowly opened the box and gasped, covering her mouth with her hand as I smiled. She looks so shocked and overwhelmed, I love it. She then pulled out the charm bracelet
"Oh my gosh. Seth...." She struggle to find words but hugged me before pulling away, looking at her gift in awe. I took out the bracelet and put it on her wrist. Nikki looked down at her wrist, smiling like a kid. "You shouldn't have," She remarked resulting in me shaking my head.
"I really wanted too," I sweetly smiled at her. "Now calm down so I could explain all those charms," Jokingly ordering, she nodded and took a deep breath. She still seems super glad and all but this is most calm I can get her to be. Plus the smile painted across her face is way too cute to get rid of completely.
"So the Rose is for the time I got you one and you stomped all over it." I took the Rose charm in between my fingers showing her as she giggled at the memory of our meaner days to each other. "This bottle is just like the perfume bottle I gave you before you sprayed it in my eyes," I pointed to mini bottle that was on her wrist as she bit back a smile. "This a tape roll, for time you tape my mouth shut." I playfully glared at her as she send me an innocent smile. I took the next charm in my fingers. "This is the poison sign. Now, I was going to get you a plate of food to represent the time you made me eat Dean's whatever the hell that was, but I didn't, because it wasn't food. I found poison was a better sign. Since it did give me food poisoning." I dropped the skull, shaking my head at the memory making her burst out, laughing.
"I gave you a choice," She defended.
"Well I was stupid and tried to be brave, thank you very much." I defended but she just rolled her eyes, amused. I then explain the cupcake and the chocolate one. "This may look strange but this is a snowflake with a crown on it." I explained and she instantly smile knowing that I meant ice queen by that. "But if you look closely at the flake itself you will see two small hearts in it." I pointed out and she lifted her wrist closer to eyes and took hold of the pedant and smiled upon seeing it. "That represents us being both known as ice hearts before we completely melted for each other." Our eyes met and my breath hitched because her eyes is my weakness and I can see joy in them but I also can she see that she still loves me. It made me smile but we agreed not to be together, it sucks really. I was seconds away from kissing her before I shook myself out of it. "Well that's my logo." I went back to saying pointing at the 'SR' charm. "And last but not least, the number one on the infinity sign because you will always be my number one girl, always." I finished by saying looking her straight in the eyes. She smiled brightly at me.
"I can't believe you remember all that stuff." She gently told.
"They mostly did injure me in some way so it was quite memorable. Plus, I remember each moment with you," I confessed.
"Wow you are so cheesy but I love it." I chuckled a bit, still looking at her. And I know in my heart she is the one I'm destined to be with. This moment feels so right. I really want to kiss her but I can't, we promised that to each other.
"I really wished I could kiss you but we can't," she confessed matching my feelings.
"It sucks," I sighed, sadly.
"Well I can still do this." She leaned up and place a sweet kiss on my cheek making me blush. She then looked at me and laughed while cooing.
"Blushing like a schoolgirl," Nikki poked fun at me. I then kissed her forehead before looking at her shocked and brightly red face, smirking. "Jerk," she mumbled before we laughed. We then hugged and I never felt anything more right, it just breaks my heart we aren't meant to be together. We have to move on.
"Now pass me my wine." She pulled away, playfully ordering.
"It only have like two drips," I truthfully pointed out.
" isn't meant to be wasted." She 'taught', making me shake my head. The door then opened and Brie, Randy, Roman and Dean walked in. Brie and Nikki rushed to each other, showing their gifts off, seems like Randy gave Brie a diamond necklace, wow. I smiled and greeted the guys as they questioned and mocked me about the gift but I couldn't careless.
"What did you get her?" I asked Dean as we walked over to the railing.
"I gave her my favorite leather jacket." I gasped at what he told me. He loved that thing.
"Wow! Now that's shocking," I replied.
"Tell me about it." Roman agreed with me.
"What did you give Brie?" Roman asked him.
"I brought her the boots she wouldn't shut up about that was all sold out. Oh and two bottles of wine," Dean informed us.
"I brought her a guitar. She said she wanted to learn how to play it." I shrugged saying.
"Yes, fuck you for that. You won't be the one hearing the horrendous sounds she will be making with that thing." Randy hit my arm saying as Brie gasped.
"Shut up! I'll learn to play it! I love it, thanks Seth," Brie hugged me and I simply smiled at her.
The rest of the night was spend there laughing, Carmella and Paige joined us and I can honestly say we all laughed our hearts out.
(A/n: sorry for any errors but my dogs are barking and I couldn't focus😨😑. Anyway hope you enjoyed it 💕🐾🎶💖❤️💋)
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