4. Girls
The herd began their migration towards the rumored ark. They had gone long for almost 3 weeks, and for every one, Sid had an annoying extinction song.
"Sid! I'm gonna fall on you again, and this time, I'll kill you."
"Yeesh! Someone doesn't like the classics!"
Manny sighed. Sid was hopeless.
But then Manny saw his reflection in some barely there icicles.
"What if you're right? What if I am the last mammoth?
"But Manny, look on the bright side!" Sid came up beside Manny as the sabers walked behind. "You have us!
"Not your most persuasive argument, Sid." Kiara said as she crossed him, but at that moment, there was a trumpet.
And it didn't come from Manny.
They perked their ears out to listen, and there it was again.
"Mammoths?" Diego asked the obvious.
"I knew it! I knew I couldn't be the last one! I felt it in my trunk!" As Manny got excited, he didn't realize he had caught Sid in his tusk.
As the mammoth raced away with the sloth, the two sabers shared a look and ran after.
They jumped the last bush and as Manny stopped, Sid flew over to whoever was making the noise.
The gang watched as a calicothere used a log.
"Sorry! My stomach, hates me!"
"Well, Don't that put the 'stink' in extinction!" Sid walked away with his nose clogged. "Whoa! Sheesh!! Oooh, Nasty!"
Kiara knocked him in the shoulder as she walked away from him, while Manny too went off by himself.
"Uh... Manny?"
"I... need to be alone for a while, You go on ahead. I'll catch up."
"One truly is the loneliest number," Sid commented as the boys began walking back, but were met by hurdles.
Diego watched Sid get hit by a pebble, before he too was attacked.
"Ow! Hey!" He found two possums up on a tree.
"Ohh, these work great!" One said to the other about their pebble sticks.
Diego couldn't stand it, and chased up the tree with a growl.
"Missed me, missed me! Try and come and kiss me!" The little rats got away and lead Diego and Sid into a bigger trap that had them tied up in a twist.
"Never!" the saber replied with pride, but the possums made him regret it.
"If any one asks, there were fifty of them. And, they were, uh, rattlesnakes." Diego said to Sid as they both lay on the ground, all tangled up.
"Here kitty-kitty," the possums didn't give it up.
"Big mistakes you miscreants!" Diego tried to hold on to some sense of dignity.
"Miscreants?" And they began to tease the kitty.
"Uh, Diego, they're possums." Sid tried to correct him, but that snapped whatever leash was holding the saber back.
Diego leapt off with a growl, done with games.
"Retreat!" The rodents made a dash for it.
Meanwhile, Manny was walking all lonesome somewhere else in the forest, not knowing that Kiara was keeping an eye on him from afar. He took a minute by himself at the lake, but as soon as he turned back, something big fell out of a tree.
As her mammoth friend screamed, Kiara leapt off to defend him. She stopped short just a few feet away when she saw who had fallen out of the tree.
"Some of us have a tough time holding on to branches. I mean it's not like we're bats or something. We don't have wings to keep us up!" The other mammoth said as she got to her feet.
A female mammoth!
"And you were in the tree becaaause?"
"I was looking for my brothers. They're always getting into trouble."
"Brothers!? You mean... there's more?"
"Sure! Lots of us!"
"Everywhere? Under rocks and holes in the ground."
Meanwhile, Kiara heard them before she saw them. EVERYONE heard them as they came running over the hill.
"Cat gone wild! CAT GONE wild!" Two possums cried as they ran past her hiding spot.
Damn it, Diego! She thought.
Kiara ran for the possums, intending to get them out of the saber's way. She'd just got them in her jaw when Diego jumped with a roar, his jaw clamping on her neck instead. Kiara roared in pain and the possums dropped out of her mouth as she slid hard into a tree.
"Kiara!" Manny and Sid ran to her side, and Diego stood in his place, shocked at what he'd done.
The sabers knew what had happened, but the others only saw it as a predator attack.
"Kiara! Speak to me! ssPEAK!" Sid cried dramatically.
"I... I'm fine." Kiara whispered as she lay against the tree still.
"Diego!" Manny scolded him.
"I... I didn't mean to do that." Diego apologized, hoping the female cat knew what for. "I was aiming..." he turned towards his intended prey, "for the possums!"
"Not a better answer!" Manny yelled.
"It's okay, Manny." Kiara said as she pushed herself to stand. "You heard him. He didn't want to bite me. Let it go."
Manny sighed. "We should move. You want a lift, Kiara?"
"I think I'll walk ahead by myself, thanks." And with that comment she walked off.
"You should apologize," the gang turned to see the possums still there.
Diego snapped back to them with a growl and chased the rodents down towards... another mammoth.
"Well!!" Sid exclaimed as he and Manny caught up with Diego. "Shave me down and call me a mole-rat! You've found another mammoth!"
"Where?" The girl mammoth asked interested. "Wait a minute! I thought mammoths were extinct!"
The gang stared at her.
"What are looking at me for?"
"I don't know. Maybe because you are a mammoth?"
"Me?! Don't be ridiculous! I'm not a mammoth! I'm a possum!"
Diego smiled. And here he thought Sid was the stupidest thing he'd ever come across.
"Right, good one! I'm a newt. This is my friend, the badger, and my other friend the platypus!" Manny introduced his two friends.
"Why do I got to be the platypus!" the sloth complained. "Make him the platypus!"
"This guy giving you trouble, Sis?" The possums scurried up the girl mammoth's tusks.
"Sis?" The gang shouted together.
"That's right, these are my brothers. Possum. Possum. Possum." She pointed at the possums with her trunk.
Diego's head was throbbing at this point.
"I don't think her tree goes all the way to the top branch!" Manny whispered to Diego.
"Manny, the brink of extinction is a bad time to be picky."
Diego got thinking about Sid's comment. Choosing mates was a tricky subject. The only female cat he'd come across was Kiara, and he'd made the wrong decision ever since the first time they met. But animosity aside, maybe Diego was falling for Kiara. Or was it just evolution?
"Ok!" While Diego was thinking, Sid went up to the other mammoth. "Manny wants me to ask you if you'd like to escape the flood with us."
"What the?"
"I'd rather be road kill!" One of the possums boldly said, walking closer to the gang.
"That could be arranged!" Diego growled in his face.
"Ha, funny!" The mammoth pulled her brothers away.
"Let me have a little word with my brothers."
"Ellie! Are you crazy? We're not going with them!" The possums complained as their sister took them into a huddle.
Manny whacked Sid with his trunk as the boys too had their own private chat.
"Why did you invite them?"
"Because you might be the only two mammoths left on earth!"
"He has a point," Diego added.
"I'm sorry. When did I join this dating service?"
"Since Diego met Kiara," Sid answered and this time Diego whacked him with his paw.
"My brothers and I would be delighted to come with you." Ellie came back with her decision.
"If, you treat us nicely!" One brother added.
Diego snapped at the rodent.
"See that? That is the total opposite of nice!" Now the other one.
"Maybe we'll have ourselves a little snack before we hit the road."
"Want a piece of us? Let's go!" He started waving his arms.
"Bonsai!" His brother yelled and jumped in the air.
"I got him!"
"Ow!" Diego yelled as one of them kicked his leg and he snapped around, grabbing one in his mouth.
"You know the best part? We're carrying diseases!"
The ground roared, having had enough of this debacle, and everyone stopped. Diego spat out the ferret in his mouth and walked ahead.
"Ok! Thanks to Sid, we're now traveling together, and like it or not, we're going to be one big happy family!" Manny said aggressively.
"I'll be the daddy, Ellie will be the mommy. And Diego will be the uncle who eats the kids who get on my nerves!"
Diego liked that idea.
"Now let's move, before the ground falls out from under our feet!"
Diego lead the way back towards the boat. His thoughts wandered to Kiara, if she was still on the track. She was smart, had good survival instincts.
Diego groaned as Ellie and her brothers joined the gang. Sure he and Kiara didn't get along, but if it weren't for those miscreants, at least she would still be with the gang.
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