Some days later, Sid started a kids camp at their water park of a home. Kiara's leg was slowly getting better, and she managed to hobble on it to get around a couple times. Most of the time she just sat on an ice ledge, watching the children running around her.
One time, Manny brought her a rabbit he'd accidentally stepped on. Kiara would have enjoyed the meal, if Diego hadn't teased her for eating roadkill instead of hunting.
That did it.
The second Kiara could walk on her own, she would take the saber down.
One day, Diego was out on a hunt by himself. He'd tracked a lone anteater, busy dropping water from his nose onto an unsuspecting ant hill. The saber hid behind a chunk of ice, readying himself to jump.
Just as Diego got over the ice, he was suddenly met by Kiara. Thrown off, Diego lost his direction and leaped into the water.
Both Kiara and the anteater were rolling over in laughter.
Diego climbed out of the lake and shook himself dry. Kiara caught the deadly look on his face, but the kid was still laughing. The saber roared in anger, and the anteater kid went running away to mommy.
"Tsk tsk! Diego, eating children? How beneath you! But maybe that's all you can do! Big mommy and daddy animals too scary for you?" Kiara teased him in a baby voice.
Diego roared and jumped her, pinning her beneath him.
"WHAT is your problem with me?!"
"My problem with you? I think the real question is what's your problem with you?"
Diego stepped back confused, giving Kiara the opportunity to step away.
"What? That doesn't even make sense!"
"Guess you need a bigger brain. And here I thought you had a big head; must be empty in there!"
Kiara bonked his head with her paw and ran back towards camp, an angry Diego on her tail. The other animals screamed and ran out of the way, but Manny ran towards them. Diego had just gotten his paw on Kiara's tail when Manny pulled him away.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Calm down, you two!" The mammoth scolded them both.
Kiara stuck her tongue out at him from Manny's side, and Diego snarled at her. Manny instantly turned toward her and she sobered up.
"Enough! This has gone on far enough! Both of you, apologize!"
"Never!" They shouted unanimously.
"NOW!" Manny shouted and the two cats let out a tiny apology to each other.
"Good. Now let's find our other idiot!" Manny lead them to find Sid, and the two cats pawed at each other until Manny threatened to fall on them both.
"Hey, hey! Woah! Who said you kids can torture the sloth?"
The cats came around the mammoth and Diego was amused to see his friend buried to his neck.
"Manny, don't squash their creativity."
"Hey Manny! Diego!! My bad mammal jammals! Wanna give a sloth a hand?"
Manny wrapped his trunk around Sid's neck and yanked him out of the ground, disappointing the kids.
"Look, I opened my camp!" Sid motioned to the kids' place behind him. "Campo del Sid! It means camp of Sid!"
"Congratulations. You're now an idiot in two languages!" Kiara teased him.
"Shhhh! Not in front of the K-l-D-G! These little guys love me! Right, Billy?"
"Don't make me eat you!" Billy teased and the other kids laughed.
"Funny, kid! That's why they're called kids!"
"I told you Sid," Manny said as he began walking away. "You're not qualified to run a camp."
"Oh! Since when do qualifications have anything to do with childcare?"
Kiara turned her head in confusion. That was a pretty cheap argument.
"Besides, these kids look up to me, I'm a role model to them!"
He spoke too soon as a moment later, the kids had his feet tied in ropes.
"I can see that," Diego teased him.
This time, the sloth took the comment to heart.
"You guys never think I can do anything, but I'm an equal member of this herd! I made this herd, and you need to start treating me with some respect!" Sid demanded sadly as he hopped away.
"Come on! Sid!"
"Sid! We were just kidding!"
"Hey! Let's play pin the tail on the mammoth!" The kids shouted eagerly, frightening the adult mammals.
Sid didn't come back, so instead Manny gathered the kids for story time.
"...And so, in the end, the little burro reached his mommy, and they lived happily ever after!"
"Good job!" Kiara complimented him as she and Diego sat beside him on a rock.
"Question! Why does the burro go home? Why doesn't he stay with the rabbit?"
"Because. He wanted to be with his family,"
"I think he should go with the girl burro! That's a better love story!" A tweety fluttered down and sat on Manny's tusk.
Kiara smiled warmly at the little bird, then stole a peak at the male saber sitting next to her. She quickly looked away before Diego could turn.
No, Kiara! You can't like him! You can't let him like you either. It'll only end in sadness and disaster.
"They lived happily ever after!" Manny said exasperated. "You can't get more satisfying than that! One big happy family! That's the way it's supposed to be!"
"Then, where's your big, happy family?" One of the kids asked, leaving Manny in a trance.
Diego looked concerned towards his friend, and had enough of the kids.
"Then, the hungry tiger eats the pesky little kids!" He jumped at the kids, scaring them away.
"You ok, buddy?" Kiara jumped down next to them.
"Sure, why not?!"
"I just thought you..."
"Story times over, the end!" Manny said coldly and walked away.
"See?" Diego turned to Kiara, "Maybe eating kids is not that bad!"
"Out of the way! Run for your lives!" A kid ran under them before Diego had even done anything.
"Hey, watch it!"
"Where's everybody going?" Kiara asked no one in particular as the whole herd was moving.
"The world's coming to an end!" Another animal answered.
"What are you talking about?" Diego came next to her.
"Fast Tony! He says the world's going to flood!"
"Folks, I hold in my hand a device so powerful, it can actually pull air, right out of the sky!! Gather round, gather round!"
Kiara rolled her eyes at the drama. Ugh! I hate salesmen!
Thankfully, the charade didn't last long as Manny came back.
"Why are you scaring everybody with this doomsday stuff?" He demanded.
"I'm trying to make a living here pal," Fast Tony whispered to Manny then rolled away to another ice stage.
"It's all part of my weather forecast! The 5 day outlook is calling for intense flooding, followed by... the END of the world!"
Kiara shook her head in her paw.
"Come on! Don't listen to him! Fast Tony would sell his own mother for a grape!" Manny ushered the crowd.
"... I mean no! I would not! Haven't you heard? The ice is melting!"
"You see this ground? It's covered in ice. A thousand years ago it was covered in ice. A thousand years from now, it will still be ice!"
"Say, buddy." An anteater came up, "Not to cast aspersions on your survival instincts, but, haven't mammoths pretty much gone extinct?"
"What are you talking about?"
"I'm talking about you being the last of your kind!"
Manny was left speechless, and quickly thought of something to say.
"Aa.. Your breath smells like ants!"
The anteater smelled his trunk, but wasn't dissuaded from his question.
"Be that as it may, when's the last time you saw another mammoth?"
"Oh, don't pay any attention to him Manny." Diego spoke in support of his friend.
"Mammoths can't go extinct, they're the biggest things on earth!"
Kiara tried to tune everyone out. Stars this conversation couldn't end faster!
"Look! Some idiot's going down the eviscerator!" One of the mammals shouted, and everyone looked towards the biggest, steepest waterslide in the park.
"Please tell me thats not our idiot!" Manny asked desperately.
Kiara was happy for a change of topic.
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