Lover 36\\ The States.
Gray's POV
I sighed....the last day of our contract is tomorrow then....
What...we'll still see each other right? We will break the contract she will go to College and so will I.
I finished College at an early age but.....I....I just want to go to College...with Juvia.
Juvia left to talk with the other girls on a coffee shop I'm left here with Natsu and Gajeel they were both playing video games in my room.
Leo was here too.
Juvia's POV ❤
I sighed as I took a sip from my coffee.
"What's wrong Juvia?Is something troubling you?"Lucy asked sitting across me while Erza and Levy sat across each other.
"You've been acting so glum something wrong?"Erza-san asked.
"Remember that job I told you before when Mr. Silver hired Juvia?"I said.
They nodded. "Yeah we were pretty worried what would happen yet you,but I'm glad its JUST a Maid position."Levy said.
"'t really like that.."I said.
"Huh?What do you mean?"They asked curiously.
"Juvia......wasn't a maid to Gray-sama...she was a...a Slave."
"What?!Why that little-!!"
"I-its okay erza-san! the contract will end tomorrow then J-juvia will be moving to the States.."I sweat dropped.
GruviaDuh: What is this state Juvia is talking about?Find out maybe on the next chapter!
"Oh..yeah.."They said sadly.
"We'll miss you,Juvia-chan."
"Juvia will miss you too."
"Too bad Mira isn't here."Erza said.
Laxus's POV ♠
"What?Juvia is going to the States at Tomorrows night flight?"I said in disbelief.
"Yeah I also cant believe it....She really wanted to go to Fairy College with everyone..But..."Mira said.
"The facilities of a famous College in the United States heard about Juvia's skills and techniques as a wizard and invited her on an interview to go to their College."
"What about Gray?And their contract?"I asked.
"Well you see....their contract as Master and Slave is going to end tomorrow."She said.
"Well...she better not leave. Ice prick is gonna get cold and depressed again."I said.
"Juvia said that it was her parents wish also for her to get into that College right before they left her on the Orphanage."
I made a small noise. "How do you know about this stuff?"
"Oh I've been asking people who knows Juvia like her Orphanage caretaker,her old friends and her Dumb Ex who doesn't deserve Juvia one bit because he was a damn prick."She said irritatingly at the last part.
"O-o-okay...."I sweat-dropped.
Gray's POV
"Yo,Gray!Drink up!"Gajeel smirked handing me a beer from the fridge.
"Nah I'm good."I said and grabbed a Cola instead.
"Sheesh,more for us then!Ha Ha!"
Damn these loud friends....
Wait....I use to call them idiots...but.....
I sighed and ate a pizza.
I checked my phone to see I've received 2 texts from Juvia.
From Juvia: 11:10 P.M
Hi,Gray-sama. Are you done eating your lunch yet??
Juvia is just curious. Ha Ha Ha....^_^
From Juvia: 1:21 P.M
Gray-sama,Juvia is just hanging with the girls for awhile juvia don't be home till 9:20 P.M
I spit out my drink.
"What?!Isn't 9:20 P.M too long?!What the hell would she be doing?!"I snapped.
I looked at the three to see them looking at me weirdly.
" okay?"
"Juvia won't be home till 9:20 P.M"I tsked.
"Aww,Icy will be missing Water."Gajeel teased.
"Shut up,What is she doing these days?!"I asked curiously.
The last few days and this morning she left off the Mansion early and just left pancakes on the table for breakfast.
The moment I talk to her on the phone she hangs up because I could hear someone calling her name.
"Huh?Didn't you know?Juvia is moving to the States and attend at a college there."Leo said.
"I never thought she would hide something from you."
She.....she's moving?!
"What are you talking about?"I asked.
"You see I heard Mira and the other girls talking that Juvia is attending College at the United States she's Lucky she can speak full English. She's moving tomorrow night for her flight that's where you end the contract right?"Natsu said.
I looked at my lap....
"The contract......"I remembered it was on my drawer...
"Gray.....if you plan on stopping her....then don't."I heard Laxus said.
He sighed. "Mira said that Juvia told her about her parents....juvia heard her parents saying that they wanted her to attend at the United States College even though her parents hated her they wanted her to go and Juvia wanted her parents to be proud so she has been working ever since then to get into that college."
"And it seem like the United States College facilities is getting a glimpse of her powerful magic and is inviting her for an interview."
"S-she didn't tell me that!She knew that when I was gonna end this contract she'll move away for some College shit?!!"I yelled.
"Bullshit!"I yelled and grabbed the contract where she signed it....
I ripped it in half.
'You'll disappear after the contract is over and we agree to never see each other again'-Gray from before.
"Gray...that..was the contract right?"Leo said while sweating.
"Screw the fucking contract."I growled.
The 4 went out.
I stared at the contract to see half of the paper was Juvia's full signature.
'Gray-sama will be happy if Juvia will go away after the contract expires right?'
"Tsk."I ripped her signature.
"Sorry Juvia.....but.......I'm not letting you go..."I mumbled and dialed Fiore's Airport mumber.
"Hello Good afternoon"
"I would like to ask about Juvia Locksers flight tomorrow night...."
"Yes.........*shuffle*"the lady said some things about her Flight.
"I'd like you to CANCEL her flight..."I said through the phone.
Oh my Gray....What have you doneeee?????!!
Gray ordered the Airport Facilities to cancel Juvia's flight to US!!
Why will Juvia do?!
Will she fail on achieving to make her parents proud?!
Will she find out what Gray has done?
I HATE PEOPLE LIKE THAT! Bruh, I'm not a good person, only my friends and cousins know that. -___- I'm so sorry for the people who thought I was the type of girl who forgives Gruvia authors and then writes a crack ship on their story a little, I could care less about these type of authors.
Yup, so I'm gonna NOT follow those type of Gruvia authors ^_^
I ONLY ship GrUvia, if you replay are a TRUE gruvia author, then don't bother to write any crack ships just to make Juvia jealous or stuff, because what you are writing is completely against GRUVIA!!
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