The Author's note nobody asked for..
Now for the time you've been waiting for...
My random author's note where I splurge out random crap which nobody asked for. Gotta love those:)
So, yeah we've finally reached the end of 'Ice cream, Teasing and Awkward Situations. I'm not going to lie, it makes me ridiculously sad to end this story but as much as I want to, I can't drag this book out forever lol. Well, I mean I could... but haha no.
If you've gotten all the way through this book, I just want to know how extremely grateful I am. All your reads, votes, comments and kind messages have made me ridiculously happy for months now. And thanks to so many of you, I've developed a pattern of randomly breaking out into laughter or smiling like an idiot when I'm in public places and reading some of your comments.
So, yeah, cheers for making me look like an absolute weirdo....
I've literally been blown away by how many supportive, kind friends I've made on this app. It's literally been one of the main things that kept me sane during the pandemic. Also, I am genuinely shocked by how many people have stuck around to read the whole thing lol, I figured Mia's obliviousness or my bad writing would put you off at some point. XD
Also, by some stroke of a miracle, this book has managed to get 922,708 reads, 55,212 votes and 123,000 comments!! How??? Like, actually how? My honest to god, plan when I was beginning to upload this book was to get it to 1000 reads by Christmas. And, I thought I was being a tad bit ambitious lol. So, at this point, every time I see it grow, I just laugh and think wtf.
I remember being doubtful about whether or not I should post this story, but I am so so glad I did. Writing this story was so fun, but sharing it with so many funny and wonderful people, made it a gazillion times better.
Writing a book was an incredibly random thing for me to do to be honest, and if someone told me I would do this a year ago, I would have probably raised an eyebrow and been like haha no.
I pretty much started writing this book because I found myself suddenly with no life because Uni shut early, half my summer work experience placements got cancelled and blah blah blah, so a crazed voice in my head, suggested I write a wattpad books lol. And not seeing any reason, why I shouldn't, I did. And, I low-key also wrote it because I couldn't find the type of book I wanted to read on wattpad (that wasn't paid godamn it) so I was eh, I'll write my own.
So yeah, thanks for getting through my first ever book. I'm an absolute newbie at writing so it is far far from perfect, and there's times I look back at some chapters and cringe, whether from the grammar or the amount of cheese, but either way I'm super proud of it because god did I put a lot of time into this. XD
Questions and suggestions:
-Also, if you have any random questions about the plot that you are curious about/felt was left unanswered, please leave them here and I can explain it/make up something for you lol.
-Are there any Ethan POV's anyone is still dying to read because if so, I can keep note of them, in case I miss this book in the future and want to write some more lol.
What's next:
So, I'm writing another book at the moment which should hopefully be out by some time in the first 6 months of 2021. I'm about 20 chapters in, but I'm writing it kinda slow because my degree is killing me lol. It's going to a college rom-com about a poor girl who's goldigging a guys she hates for revenge. (I know, I know morally questionable but oh well lol) So, if you like the way this book is written, you'll definitely like that book as well.
And alongside that, I'm going to try and edit out some of the grammar mistakes, typos, and British synonyms I've left in this book as well as perhaps give the chapter titles proper names.
So yeah, thank you and goodbye!!!
(But not really goodbye because you can send me a message and I'll answer lol)
Next update: Never (UK time-between hours of never and never)*starts manically crying*
(but technically not because I might add some more bonus chapters to this book at some point lol)
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