Chapter 7
Author's note: I highly recommend you listen to the My neck my back song, which is featured in the chapter as it will make the read about ten times more funny.
Listening carefully to every word, I hastily scribbled down the solution that my Maths teacher was solving off the board. I enjoyed Maths and I was good at it. It didn't come naturally to me, but I studied hard to get the grades I wanted, unlike some people who everything seemed to come naturally to.
When I was finished, I had a quick glance around the classroom. Most people were slumped over on their desks looking bored out of their minds. Continuing my scan, my eyes locked onto Ethan who was sitting across the room by the window.
He was leant back on his chair with a look of ease on his face. I could see he was faffing around with his phone underneath the table. He was keeping it away from view as we weren't supposed to be on our phones in class.
All the teachers adored him because he was smart so I doubt they would even care if they saw him with his phone anyway. He was such a spoilt brat.
Turning back around to face the front, I almost shot out of my seat when I heard some loud music on full volume coming from the direction of my bag.
All you ladies pop yo' pussy like this
The whole class turned towards me to see where the source of the music was coming from. What the hell was happening. Why the hell is the music coming from my bag?
Shake your body, don't stop, don't miss
Springing into action, I all but leaped towards my bag before I could face any further embarrassment. Irritatingly for me, my phone was buried under a pile of books, which I proceeded to chuck onto the floor too much in a rush to care.
Lick my pussy and my crack
Finally reaching my phone, I proceeded to hang up the call. I slowly peeked my head up from under the desk terrified to see what awaited me. The room went incredibly silent as I stared back at the many probing eyes of my fellow classmates and teacher. Then I heard a lone snicker before the whole class erupted into an avalanche of laughter.
Kill. Me. Now.
With a deep breath and as much dignity as I could, I proceeded to stand up to make my way back to my seat. Only just coming down from the shock, I started to process what had happened. That was most certainly not my ringtone and I always kept my phone on silent so why had it gone off? Plus, nobody ever calls me in school hours as I literally only had 2 friends.
I gasped, as it hit me like a truck.
It was Ethan.
He must have tampered with my ringtone when he had my phone.
I swiftly snapped my head around to face him, to find that he was already staring at with a wide grin and an evil glint in his eyes.
"Mia, you might want to put your phone on silent next time," the teacher said with a chuckle. Great even the teacher was laughing at me.
After everyone had recovered from their laughing fits, the Maths teacher proceeded on with her class. When she had her back turned, I turned back round to face Ethan and shot him the middle finger.
He just laughed before blowing me a kiss.
This seemed to catch the attention of April, one of the more popular girls in my class who for some reason was shooting me a particularly nasty look. Maybe she wanted to be humiliated too, who knows.
It was Thursday afternoon and I was at my locker sorting out my folders. I hadn't forgotten what I agreed to do today with Ethan, but I was very much hoping that he had forgotten. I spotted some of his soccer friends and I noticed he wasn't among them, which I chose to take as a good sign. A slow smile stretched out on to my face as I realized, I might be able to escape this arrangement.
Speed walking out of the building, I started to make my way through the parking lot. I almost reached the end of it before I spotted an expensive-looking black Mercedes out of the corner of my eyes. It's driver, Ethan was lazily leant up against the hood waiting for someone.
He made eye contact with me almost immediately, causing me to freeze in place. We proceeded to have a staring match for what felt like 10 minutes when in actual fact was probably just 10seconds.
Then I ran.
I bolted my way towards the exit like a mad woman as I pushed my feet off the ground frantically. I heard the sound of fast-approaching footsteps from behind me, footsteps that sounded as though they were getting dangerously close. Glancing over my shoulder I saw Ethan about a hair's length away from me sporting a very pissed off expression.
I screamed as I felt a hand snake itself around my waist and drag me back. I struggled in his grasp for a few seconds before giving up as I realized, I wasn't achieving anything. With a heavy sigh, he loosened his hands from around my waist so he could snatch my wrist and haul me along after him.
The only sound I could hear were my heavy breaths as I desperately tried to regain my breath back from running so fast. I couldn't help but be jealous that he didn't look exhausted at all from having to catch me. I soon realized to my embarrassment that this was because I had only gotten about 4m away from the car before he caught me.
He unlocked the doors of his car and we both climbed into the car. I immediately noticed the whole of his car smelled like him, with that annoyingly intoxicating smell that only he seemed to have.
I glanced at him, watching as he started up the car. "Wow, it's nice to finally make it to your car, I was beginning to think I'd never get the pleasure," I spat sarcastically as he put the car into drive. I was referring to his stunt earlier this week where he had left me stranded on the road, after offering to give me a ride.
He snorted "Oh yeah I had almost forgotten about that. That was hilarious," he said grinning his head off.
"You're such a dick," I spat at him in annoyance.
"Now, now Chubs let's play nice. You don't have to call me names if you want to flirt with me you know," he said looking at me in amusement.
"Trust me, I'm not flirting with you," I said with a scoff. "Also why do you insist on calling me chubs? It's incredibly annoying."
"Duh, because you have a chubby little face like 12-year-old," he said in a baby voice as he reached across the gear stick to squeeze my cheeks.
Offended, I slapped his wrist.
"Ouch. Don't slap the driver, can't you see I'm trying to drive," he said in exasperation, as he shook his head at me.
"I can and I will if he's being a little prick," I gritted out.
Turning my attention back to the road, I realized that we were already at his house. As he pulled into the driveway, I realized I had strangely not even asked where we were driving to before I got into the car with him. Well, forced into the car.
I climbed out of the car, and looked up at the familiar house, with the iconic waterfall outside on the lawn. The house seemed to look even more impressive in the daytime. Ethan locked the car door behind him and started to make his way towards the double doors of his home while I trudged along behind me.
"This is the way normal people like to enter houses in case you were wondering. Not through the window funnily enough," he said sarcastically as he unlocked the door. I just rolled my eyes at him not having a better response.
"Is anyone home?" I asked him curiously as we walked into the foyer of his house. The house was beautiful and there was a long marble arch spiral staircase to the right behind a fancy little coffee table which had an extravagant looking plant resting on it. He was definitely rich.
"Nah, the door was locked, so I don't think my little brother is home yet," he said heading towards a room on the left and plopping himself down on the sofa.
"Is he sometimes home alone?" I asked with worry in my tone. He looked up at me in alarm.
"No, of course not, my mum's assistant picks him up from school and stays with him until I come home. I would never leave him alone," he said, his tone coming out quite harsh.
Not knowing what else to say I awkwardly sat down on the sofa across from him. He stared off into space for a while before his eyes snapped back to mine as if he remembered the reason for me being here.
A slow smirk spread over his face. "Are you ready to be tortured Mia?" he said with a mischievous glint in his eyes.
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