Chapter 61
"Mia? Why are you crying?" May said in concern as she ran over to me and pulled me into a hug.
"Call the police," I hiccupped.
She gently pulled away and looked at me. "Yeah, of course. What happened, Mia? Why are you not with Ethan?" She asked softly.
I widened my eyes and put a hand shakily over my mouth. "Oh my god, Ethan. W-We need to find him," I choked out in desperation.
"Mia, you need to calm down and tell us what happening, so we can help you," May said calmly as she searched my eyes for answers.
Just as she said that the door flew open behind me, and revealed a very pissed off looking Connor.
"You fucking bitch, I told you to sit -" Connor started to shout, but he stopped once he saw I had extra company.
"Sorry, what?" Lucas hissed as he looked him up and down in disgust.
Lucas immediately pulled May and I behind him and squared himself up against Connor. He grabbed a fistful of his shirt and pulled him up to his face.
"You told her to fucking what?" Lucas spat.
Connor's eyes flashed with worry, but then he quickly composed himself.
"Nothing her slut body doesn't deserve," he snickered.
That was all he had to say, for Lucas to push him back roughly.
"You perverted piece of shit," Lucas hissed as he threw his fist back and delivered blow after blow to Connor's face. With every impact, his body slackened until he crumpled to an unconscious heap on the floor.
I let out a breath, feeling like I could finally breathe again.
"I'm calling the police," May said immediately as she pulled out her phone.
I grabbed her arm. "And the ambulance as well," I added quickly. "April drugged Ethan, and it must have been something strong because he could barely even move or speak last time I saw him," I said, my voice quivering slightly as I spoke.
May and Lucas' eyes both widened in horror. "What? Why would she do that?" Lucas asked in confusion.
"S-she wants to rape him," I swallowed, barely able to get the disgusting sentence off my tongue. "We need to find him," I said in between labored breaths.
Without another word, I ran down the corridor and started to open doors at random, in a desperate attempt to find him.
"Yeah, of course," Lucas said as he rushed to do the same on the other end of the corridor. I could hear May in the background, making the call to the police.
As I got to the last door in the corridor, I flung it open and froze at the disturbing sight which stood before me.
Ethan lay shirtless and unconscious on the bed while April sat on top of him, wearing only her bra and panties. She hadn't noticed me come in and was working busily to undo the buttons of his jeans.
"Get the fuck off of him," I yelled in a voice so loud, it surprised me.
April looked towards me in shock, and her face soured as her eyes met mine. She climbed off Ethan's unmoving body with an exasperated sigh, put on her dressing gown, and made her way over to me
"I'm guessing Connor can't do his fucking job properly," she grumbled bitterly.
I stared at her in disbelief, shocked that she could dare say that to my face. "You mean his job to rape me all fucking night, you actual bitch" I snapped.
"That was his creative choice, I just told him to keep you busy. I guess he found his method.." she said plainly, the corners of her mouth lifting as though she found it funny.
"You're disgusting," I screamed.
Then before I could stop myself, I swung my hand back fast and slapped her harshly across the face. I smirked as I heard her wince.
Paybacks a bitch.
Not wanting to waste another moment, I pushed her out my way and ran over to the bed.
I threw myself down onto my knees and started to shake him frantically.
"Wake up, Ethan, come on, wake up," I said in a panic.
I could see he was still breathing from the rise and fall of his chest, but it was extremely worrying how little he was responding to stimulus. I grabbed his wrist and felt his pulse, I was no doctor, but I could tell his pulse seemed unnaturally fast.
I span my head around to face April in anger. "How the fuck could you do this to him?" I spat.
She held her hands up in defense. "Hey, I didn't mean to knock him completely out; I was only trying to get him to loosen up a little," she explained quickly.
"Loosen him up?" I scoffed. "He doesn't even know where he fucking is, April," I screamed.
She rolled her eyes at me. "Trust me, he wanted it, everyone wants to have sex with me. He was just playing hard to get," she justified.
"You're truly a delusional bitch, aren't you?" I said as I shook my head at her in disbelief.
I suddenly remembered my friends still didn't know where he was.
"Ethan's in here!" I yelled loudly.
I heard the sound of heavy footsteps before both Lucas and May ran into the room. They halted in place and observed the situation before them in shock. May raised a hand shakily to her mouth, and Lucas looked beyond livid.
"Is the ambulance on their way?" I asked immediately, remembering that was a top priority right now.
May nodded her head silently, too shocked to even speak.
Lucas ran up to the bed and leaned over the bed. "Ethan, man, wake up," Lucas said as he slapped his cheeks gently.
As he continued to remain deadly still, I felt more tears slide down my face. From the look on Lucas' face, I could see he was getting more and more stressed by his lack of Ethan's response.
"You guys are so dramatic he's fine. You can clearly see he's still breathing," April piped in annoyingly.
"Shut the fuck up. You don't get to talk," I spat back at her in anger.
As I said that, I heard the echoing sound of police and ambulance sirens from outside the house.
"Thank God," I said, the sound a relief to my ears.
The blood drained from April's face, and she made a dart for the door. May was quicker than her and blocked her exit.
"No bitch, you're going to rot in jail, "May snapped.
I turned to look back at Ethan. "You're going to be alright, okay?" I said soothingly as I gently brushed his hair away from his face.
Lucas put a hand on my shoulder. "You stay here with him; I'll go lead them here," Lucas said as he jumped to his feet and made a sprint for the door.
Everything seemed to happen in rapid succession after that, and I watched with teary eyes as the ambulance team entered the room and lifted Ethan's unconsciously body into a gurney. I held his limp hand as they lifted him away.
Looking towards the door, I saw Lucas was talking to a police officer, and gesturing wildly towards April with an angry expression on his face.
As I followed behind the gurney and entered the corridor, I saw another two police officers tackle Connor into handcuffs while he writhed in their grasp and tried to fight back. He made eye contact with me as I walked past and started to shout things at me in a fit of anger. My mind blocked it out, and I held my head up high as I followed behind the ambulance team.
I felt like I was in some kind of nightmare, as everything seemed so hazy and unreal. I stopped when I got to the foot of the stairs, and I saw my Dad standing at the landing, with his police badge on and a pen in hand.
As the gurney passed by him, his face turned white as he must have recognized the familiar face of his daughter's boyfriend. He then looked up at me, and his eyes widened in horror.
I immediately ran up to him and wrapped my arms around him for a hug, as I sobbed into his chest.
"Oh darling, it was you. I'm so sorry, Mia," my dad said as he hugged me tightly. He clearly had just been dragged out to a random case to get a statement from the victims. Little did he know one of the victims would be his daughter.
He grabbed me by my shoulders gently and pulled me away so he could look at me.
"Please, please tell me you're okay. You're not hurt, are you?" my Dad said frantically, his eyes wide and panicked.
"No. No. I'm fine," I said, forcing a smile even though I felt anything but okay.
"I'm so sorry darling, but It's very, very important you tell me exactly what happened, okay?" he said softly.
I nodded my head and started to explain to him the painful details of what had happened and how it had happened as I tried not to cry.
He wrote it all down, and I noticed his grip on the pen was becoming progressively tighter, the more of the story I told him. His eyes were blood sunken as though he was fighting back tears. As soon as I was done, he hugged me to his chest again.
"I'm so sorry, Mia. You did everything right, and you're safe now. No one's going to hurt you," my dad whispered comfortingly.
The words were such a relief to hear that I completely broke down and cried against his chest.
With a sniffle, I pulled away and looked up at him. "I need to go to the hospital, I've got to make sure Ethan's okay," I explained desperately.
"Yeah, yeah, of course. I just need to pass on my notes, and we'll get going, okay," my Dad said kindly as he pressed a kiss to my forehead. He then hurriedly rushed away to talk to another officer.
I walked over to the open door of the house. It gave me a clear view of the emergency service vehicles all parked out on the road.
I looked into the distance, and I felt more tears slide down my cheek as I saw Ethan's body being lifted into the back of the ambulance truck with his eyes still closed.
Author's note:
Chapter 61 done! Yeah.... again apologizes for how depressing this chapter was but either way, hope you enjoyed xx
Next update: Friday (6-8PM-UK time)
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