Chapter 55
"I am so dead..." I mumbled weakly as the door closed behind her.
I remembered what she said and looked down in panic to see if she was talking about my top. I let out a heavy sigh, as I confirmed that, yes, it was, in fact, me that couldn't put on a top properly.
"I'm such an idiot, now she knows for sure I took my top off," I groaned.
"Well, I didn't think she seemed too mad..." Ethan piped in optimistically.
I glared at him in annoyance. It was all his fault I was in trouble. I was just innocently trying to study, and he purposely distracted me with all his sexy charm and seduction.
"You just couldn't keep your hands to yourself, could you?" I spat in accusation.
He scoffed. "Well, you didn't exactly seem reluctant when you were grinding yourself up against my dick," he laughed as amusement danced within his eyes.
"I didn't grind, I was adjusting myself," I argued as my cheeks grew slightly hot in embarrassment.
He shot me a dead-pan look, clearly not convinced by my argument in the slightest.
"Also, if one of us is to blame, it's you. You're the genius who put your top on the wrong way," Ethan scoffed.
"Well, you didn't notice it either, so it's equally your fault," I retaliated, refusing to accept the full blame.
"Hey, my expertise lies in helping to undress you, not dress you," he teased as a mischievous glint sparkled in his eyes.
I didn't want to, but I couldn't help but crack a smile. "You're such an idiot," I said as I shook my head at him in amusement.
"We should probably go downstairs before my mum comes back," I sighed as I got off the bed.
I started to make my way to the door, but I stopped as I caught myself in the reflection of the mirror. My stupid top was still on the wrong way.
With a groan, I pulled it over my head and flipped my top inside out. As I pulled it back over my head, I turned around and glanced back at Ethan.
He was sitting incredibly stiffly, and his eyes looked all glossy and dazed.
"Come on, let's go. What are you waiting for?" I asked in confusion, as I gestured for him to follow me downstairs.
He shifted in his chair. " have a certain situation going on downstairs, Chubs, which your little strip show just made worse," he grumbled bitterly.
I paused for a second, not getting what he was referring to, but then I snorted as the realization hit me. "Oh, right, my bad. Just go to the bathroom and with it," I said as I gestured awkwardly to the general direction of his crotch.
He looked up at me with innocent eyes and a cheeky grin on his face. "Or you could..." he started before I interrupted him.
"Nope. Uh uh. No way. Bye," I said quickly as I turned on my heel. My face went bright red, not even wanting to know how he was going to end that sentence.
"I was just going to say, or you could help me mediate," he called out in a sweet voice.
I scoffed. "Hmm sure, you were going to say that," I replied over my shoulder.
I skipped my way down the stairs and entered the kitchen. I glanced over at my mum, who was busily prepping something at the stove. I cracked my neck to either side and rubbed my hands together in preparation for what I was about to do.
It was time for some serious ass-kissing.
I cleared my throat to get her attention. "Hey, mum. Wow, you look so pretty today. Did you get your hair cut today?" I gasped as I lifted a strand of her hair in amazement.
She turned around to face me and crossed her arms. "Where's Ethan?" she snapped.
Amazing, she hadn't even bought my act for a second...
I coughed awkwardly. "He just needed to use the bathroom," I said in what I hoped was a casual and unsuspecting voice.
She snickered. "I'm sure he did, Mia. I'm sure he did...," she drawled as she gave me a very long and knowing look.
It was as clear as day, she knew exactly what Ethan was doing upstairs.
How the fuck do mums know everything?
"You're lucky I got home before your dad," she chuckled.
"Very true," I laughed, not even wanting to imagine what kind of horror scene would have taken place.
She let out a heavy sigh. "Look, Mia, I understand how you are feeling. You're young and in love, and it's easy to get carried away. It's healthy to have these feelings." she said softly, as she started her weird mother-daughter speech.
"I'm good, Mum. I don't need this speech. Sex ed covered it all," I blurted out quickly, not liking where she was going with this.
"Yes, I know, but I just really want to make sure it's drilled in. He's your first boyfriend, and I just don't want you to make a mistake and end up pregnant," she said as worry pooled her eyes.
"Mum, we haven't even had sex yet, and when we do, I'll be careful," I cried.
"And trust me, I don't want kids yet. I'll probably have kids with him when I'm like thirty or something," I shrugged.
At that exact moment, Ethan decided to enter the kitchen. My eyes widened in horror as I realized there was a high chance he had overheard our conversation.
You know the conversation where I had boldly claimed, I intended to make him the father of my children! God, that was such a creepy thing to say to someone after less than a week of dating.
He's so going to break up with you Mia...
I shifted in my place uncomfortably as I was met with his piercing gaze. The corners of his lips tugged up into a smile.
Great, he's laughing at you.
"Erm...hey," I said awkwardly.
"W-why don't you take a seat?" I nervously laughed as I gestured towards the dining room table.
Still smiling, he nodded his head. "Okay," he said as he walked over to the table and pulled out a seat.
I coughed awkwardly and pulled out the chair beside him. He turned to face me, his eyes sparkling with excitement. "So how many?" he asked.
I narrowed my eyes. "How many what?" I asked cautiously.
His mouth stretched out into a full-blown grin "I was wanted to know many kids we're gonna have?" He chuckled.
I scowled and kicked him underneath the table. "I hate you," I snapped. He was such a little dick for teasing me about something like that.
His eyes softened, and he grabbed my hand in his and entwined our fingers. "How many?" he repeated. I stared at him in shock, surprised that he was actually being serious.
He smiled and continued talking. "I'd quite like two, a boy and a girl. A boy so I won't be outnumbered by the girls and a girl because she'll look like you," he whispered. "But kids or not, I won't really mind. Having you in my life would be more than enough," he finished softly.
His words made my heart go haywire, and an enormously happy smile stretched out onto my face.
I shook my head at him in disbelief. "How on earth do you always come up with such perfect shit? Do you like pre-plan?" I asked, feeling genuinely curious. Ethan just laughed.
My mum walked over to the table and put the salad bowl down onto the table. She smiled. "You guys are so cute," she cooed. "But I heard you, Mia, swear jar," she snapped.
"Oh, for fucks, sake," I cried.
Before my mum had a chance to yell at me again, the sound of the doorbell echoed throughout the house. This only meant one thing - My dad was home. Looks like the fun was about to start.
Fifteen minutes later, we were all sat around the table eating our food. I was still sat next to Ethan while my dad had selected the seat directly across from Ethan. I swear he did it on purpose just to intimidate him...
He had been staring at Ethan with silent judgment for the past five minutes, and it was as clear as day that it was making Ethan uncomfortable. The poor guy was fidgeting so badly, it looked like he had some sort of disease.
To help suppress my nerves, I had taken to nervously shoveling potatoes into my mouth faster than I could chew. If I was lucky, I might reach the point where I choked on one of them and died.
Finally, my dad broke the silence.
"So, Ethan, I've heard so many wonderful things about you over the years," he said with a warm smile. I narrowed my eyes in suspicion, not trusting his fake nice act at all.
Unfortunately, Ethan was stupid and returned my dad's smile. "All good things I hope," Ethan chuckled as he glanced over at me with a smile.
My dad took a long swig off his drink before answering. "Actually no, Ethan. I've heard little to no good things about you over the years."
I quickly opened my mouth to interject, but my dad held up a hand to silence me.
My dad let out a bitter laugh. "You know, I remember the very first time Mia mentioned you quite distinctly. My poor daughter was crying her eyes out because a horribly insensitive boy at school spread a false rumor that she was a lesbian," my dad spat. His hand turned white as he clutched at his fork with a deathly tight grip.
Ethan whipped his head to the side to look at me. An incredibly guilty expression fell upon his face, and he looked crushed.
"I made you cry...," he whispered weakly.
"Ethan, it-
"Yes, you did make her cry. And because of your nasty little rumor when she went to the school dance, she was the only girl in her group of friends that no boy wanted to dance with. She was heartbroken!" my dad yelled as he glared at Ethan with a stony expression.
I groaned in irritation. "Oh my god, Dad, stop making him feel bad for something that happened six blood years ago. I was too sensitive back then anyway," I snapped.
Ethan shook his head. "No Mia, he's absolutely right. That was a horrible thing to do, and I'm so so very sorry for what I did," he said as he looked over at me with so much regret burning in his eyes.
"Why did you even do it?" My dad butted in.
Ethan swallowed harshly and turned back to face my Dad. "Because I was jealous," he shrugged. "Mia liked some boy in our class, and I hated it. I heard him talking about how he thought she was cute, and I-I panicked, and before I knew it, the lie flew out of my mouth. It was an incredibly selfish thing to do, and I don't blame you for hating me sir," Ethan said as he looked my father dead in the eye.
Silence filled the air.
"Also, just for the record, one boy did ask her to dance. Me. But she wouldn't even talk to me, let alone dance with me, so I suppose I got my comeuppance in the end," Ethan said, with a bitter laugh.
I sat silently as I digested Ethan's confession. I had always assumed he was making fun of me when he had asked me to dance. I would never have guessed he was being serious.
To my surprise, my dad's face softened. "I appreciate your honesty, Ethan, we all make mistakes, and I can see you're genuinely sorry," my dad said simply, as he eyed Ethan up and down with respect.
They both exchanged weird half-smiles while my mum and I looked between the two of them in shock.
My dad cleared his throat. "Now that's out of the way, I want to hear more about you now," he said as he returned to eating his food.
"I know you're a smart boy. What are your plans after school?" my dad asked inquisitively. I relaxed, happy that he had moved on to a more normal topic of conversation.
"I got an acceptance letter from Stanford yesterday morning, so I guess that's where I'm going," he said as a wide grin spread out on his face.
I looked at him in shock. "Oh my god, congratulations. Why didn't you tell me, you idiot?" I cried as I slapped him on the shoulder in excitement.
"I just did," he said flatly with a playful spark in his eyes.
"That's amazing, Ethan," my mum said as she smiled at him proudly.
"That's funny, Mia's always wanted to go there too," my dad commented as he gestured over to me. "Why do you want to go there, Ethan?" my dad probed.
"Well firstly, because it's got a good pre-med course and I'm planning on becoming a doctor. And secondly, because it's close by, so I can come back a lot and visit my mum and my little brother," he smiled.
He then stole a glance at me. "And probably the strongest reason of all is because I knew there was a high probability Mia was going to be there," he said as winked at me.
"Definitely a keeper, this one," my mum whispered from across the table. My dad looked at her in irritation, and she immediately stopped smiling.
"Wait, how did you know I wanted to go to Stanford.? I never told you that, plus, we applied months ago before we were even friends, never mind dating," I asked in confusion.
"You're underestimating my stalking abilities. And even if you didn't like me, I still wanted to be near you," he shrugged.
And there goes my heart again.
"Stalking abilities? You're stalking my daughter?" My dad spat as he sat straighter in his seat.
"Relax, he doesn't mean literal stalking dad, stop being dramatic," I said as I rolled my eyes.
"Yeah, don't worry, I'm not a stalker. I just asked her friends and teachers if they knew," Ethan said with a nervous laugh.
My dad, just hummed in reply, not sounding a hundred percent convinced.
We all happily focused back on eating our food for a few minutes, the atmosphere noticeably a lot less hostile than it was previously. My dad must be warming up to him; this was great.
"So, Ethan. Have you had sex with my daughter?" My dad asked abruptly.
All heads at the table, snapped up to look at him in shock.
Author's note:
Chapter 55 is all done! Hope that entertained you haha.
What do people think of the dinner so far? Is it what you expected?
Next update: Friday (6-8PM-UK time)
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