Chapter 54
"What did you get for number ten?" I asked as I swiveled around on my desk chair.
I glanced over at Ethan. He had taken over my bed and was lying sprawled out on his stomach, quietly getting on with his math homework. His eyes flickered up to meet mine.
"Trying to cheat, are we Chubs?" he teased with a playful glint in his eyes.
I glared at him. "No, I just want to compare answers, that's all!" I snapped defensively.
"Liar," he coughed, underneath his breath.
"Shut up, you idiot and just tell me what you got," I hissed in anger. It was becoming harder by the second to resist the urge to walk over to him and throttle him.
He let out a dramatic sigh before flipping back two pages to find his answer. How the hell was he so much ahead of me? His intelligence pissed me off. "I got eight-nine-point six X," he replied casually.
I stared down at my answer in disappointment, it was nowhere near that. My answer didn't even have a fucking X in it!
I struggled to solve it by myself for a couple of minutes before giving up. I slowly swiveled back around to face Ethan in defeat.
"Ethan..." I sang innocently.
He looked up at me in amusement. "Mia..." he sang, imitating me.
"Could you please show me how you got to that answer?" I asked quietly.
It felt humiliating that I even had to ask. He may be my boyfriend now, but that didn't make him any less of a dick.
A smug grin stretched out onto his face. He quickly hopped off my bed and sauntered his way over to me.
He leaned his head down to my ear. "I was waiting for you to ask," he whispered obnoxiously.
"Don't make me regret asking," I hissed in between gritted teeth.
"Switch with me. I want to sit," he snapped as he pulled me up by the arm and stole my chair.
I rolled my eyes at him, not seeing why he needed to be seated. He could easily just look over my shoulder. He glanced over my solution, as he tried to find my error.
"Oh, found it. You need to substitute in this equation," he said pointing out the error after about two seconds. I leaned over him, so I could see what he was talking about.
"Oh yeah, thanks. You're right," I said shooting him a grateful smile.
He put his hands behind his head and recoiled back on the chair with a sigh.
"Well, of course, I'm right," he said as he beamed up at me smugly.
"Remind me. Why do I like you again?" I snapped rudely.
He shrugged. "I supposed it's probably because I'm sexy as fuck," he smirked.
I scoffed at his arrogance."Just get out of my seat, you idiot," I snapped as I grabbed his arm and tried to pull him off. He didn't move an inch and just watched in amusement as I struggled. I stopped for a rest.
"Have you given up yet?" He smirked.
"Come on, stop being mean, and just let me sit down," I whined as I stuck out my bottom lip.
A mischievous look ran through Ethan's eyes, and before I could even fathom a guess at what he was going to do, he wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me towards him. I fell clumsily on top of him, and Ethan quickly grabbed both my legs and hoisted them up into his lap.
I raised an eyebrow as I took in our position. He had moved me so that I was straddling him.
His cocky little face was now inches away and staring up at me in amusement. "There, you're all seated," he winked.
"Ethan, we're supposed to be studying," I said flatly.
"Yeah, exactly, and I'm about to study you," he whispered huskily as he ran his hands tantalizingly slowly up and down my thighs.
That was all he had to say and do to awaken every single nerve in my body. The little bastard knew exactly what he was doing.
He moved his head closer to mine and brushed his lips loosely against mine.
I swallowed nervously. "B-but what about math.." I stuttered pathetically.
His eyes grew glossy and dark."Fuck Maths," he whispered before driving his lips down onto mine.
He swallowed my moan of surprise and moved his lips hungrily against mine. I surged to life and met his kisses back with equal vigor. The feelings he created inside me were all-consuming, and my heart beat erratically. I lifted my arms up and lopped them loosely around his neck.
I tangled my fingers through the soft locks of his dark hair and pulled gently. A low, gruff moan emitted from his lips, and he repositioned his hands back up to my thighs and clawed at them. I felt his tongue trace teasingly along my bottom lip, and I greedily opened my mouth for him. The sensation of a deeper kiss made me want more.
I delved a hand underneath the hem of his top and ran my hand up the length of his back. The muscles of his back flexed at my ever touch. I tugged at the end of his t-shirt impatiently, just wanting him to get rid of it altogether. He smirked against my lips and broke apart from me. He slid his top off in one move before throwing it carelessly behind him.
His lips went straight back to mine, and I smiled, enjoying the freedom of roaming my hands all over his naked chest with no restrictions.
Because God knows how many times I've dreamt about doing this.
I felt something hard, poke up against my thigh, and I chuckled, realizing a certain part of him was excited. Deciding to be a little tease, I wiggled myself around a little bit.
"Fuck," he groaned against my lips as he tried to still me by digging his fingers harshly into my hips.
I broke apart from his mouth and descended my lips into the crook of his neck. I trailed kisses down the length of his neck, and I stopped occasionally to suck and nibble. As his breathing became more labored, and shaky, I cruelly kissed my way down to his chest. I covered every delectable piece of flesh, right from his broad shoulder to his navel.
Deciding to be even more of a bitch, I slowed down my kisses to a tantalizingly slow pace as I reached the waistband of his jeans. I stopped just before reaching it and blew cool air on his skin. I watched in satisfaction as he shivered.
"Mia," he growled, his voice thick and heavy with lust.
I gasped in surprise as he tightened his arms around my hips and stood up with me still in his arms. He walked us over to the bed and shoved his books to the side before throwing me roughly down on to the bed.
Before I had even settled, Ethan crawled on top of me. He looked down at me predatorily before sinking his head into the crook of my neck. He nibbled gently on the earlobe, and I shivered in pleasure.
"You're a cruel, cruel tease, you know, that right?" he mumbled as his hot breath fanned against my ear.
A warm blush spread over my cheeks, and I nodded my head. Ethan moved south from my ear and trailed hot lingering kisses down my neck. A breathy moan escaped my lips, and I arched my back off the bed to expose more of my neck. His hands trailed down my body, and he let out an impatient grunt as he tried to pull up the hem off my top.
I chuckled and lifted myself slightly off the bed and helped him remove it. As soon as it was off, he chucked it onto the floor. I watched as his eyes mercilessly scanned over my body, lingering particularly long on the cleavage spilling from my lacy black bra.
"God, how did I get so fucking lucky?" he whispered.
He leaned down and placed feverish kisses down the length of my body. He slowed down as he reached the swell of my breasts, and my breathing became more rapid and uneven from the anticipation. He gently kissed just above the cup of my bra, and I gasped in surprise as he sucked on the flesh. Knowing him, it was probably to leave a mark.
At the same time, he slid his hand around the small of my back and trailed his hand up to the clasp of my bra. He traced the thin lacy fabric lightly for a while before his lust-filled eyes flickered up to mine. I knew he was asking for silent permission to undo the clasp.
I hesitated for a second, scared of him seeing me naked, especially someone as hot as him. But then I looked up into his soft blue eyes and saw not an ounce of judgment. I swallowed harshly and nodded my head
"Go, for it," I whispered. His eyes darkened at my words, and he took my mouth in for a long passionate kiss and quickly flicked open the clasp to my bra.
"Mia, are you home? Whose cars outside?" My mum yelled up the stairs, followed by the thud of the front door closing behind her.
Ethan and I, both stilled in shock. A second later, I came to my senses and shoved him off me causing him to almost topple off the bed.
"Shit," I swore. I felt the blood drain from my face as I realized how fucked I would be if she found us like this.
"How the fuck are we always interrupted?" Ethan muttered to himself.
I rolled my eyes at him before sitting up. I reached behind my back and tried to frantically fasten up the clasp of my bra. It was proving incredibly difficult with my shaky hands.
Ethan crawled towards me with a chuckle. He grabbed the two ends and clasped them together for me.
"It's not funny," I hissed as I jumped off the bed.
My eyes darted around my room in a panic as I tried to locate where he had thrown my shirt. I groaned in annoyance as I found it on the far side of the room.
"You just had to fucking throw it all the way over there, didn't you?" I spat as I marched my way over and grabbed it. I glanced back at him and saw he was pulling on his top as well. An amused smirk decorated his face.
The idiot, clearly found my temper tantrum hilarious.
My mum's footsteps grew louder, and it sounded as though she had almost reached the landing of the stairs. My heart elevated in panic.
"Look like we're studying," I hissed as I pushed him onto the desk chair. I jumped on the bed and pulled his notes towards me, so it looked like I was reading them.
A nanosecond later, my bedroom door creaked open.
"Mia?" my mum said as she stuck her head through the door.
"Hey mum, you're home early. I brought Ethan home with me for dinner, hope that's okay," I said in an overly chipper tone.
"Oh, hi, Ethan," my mum said as she gave Ethan a soft smile.
"Hi, Mrs. Collins," he replied politely as he shifted uncomfortably in his chair.
I almost snorted with laughter as I saw he had crossed his legs over his lap in an attempt to conceal his boner.
I turned back to face my mum and watched in anticipation as her eyes did a casual sweep of the room.
Please, please, don't notice anything.
My mum smiled. "Dinner will be ready soon, okay guys," she said with a smile as she headed back out the door.
I let out a breath of air that I had been holding in. I felt way more relaxed, knowing that I was in the clear.
I jumped in shock as she stuck her head back in the room again.
"Oh, I almost forgot," she said with a chuckle.
She put a hand on her hip. "Next time you guys want to secretly make out. Make sure to check nobody's top is inside out," she commented flatly.
Ethan and I both stilled in shock and stared at her with widened, guilty eyes.
"Come downstairs, I don't trust you guys in here alone," she snapped, before storming out of the room.
Well, shit.
Author's note:
Chapter 54 all done!
So erm yeah...
I'm deeply ashamed that most of this chapter was just them making out lmao. And my apology for those who don't like that kind of stuff, is to upload another chapter haha.
Yeah, deeply ashamed...
But good news, it that the next chapter features Mia's Dad lol ;)
Next update: Now
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