Chapter 39
"You're such a pervert, I can't believe you put your hand into my bra," I cried, as I glared up at him in annoyance.
He just chuckled and put his phone into his back pocket. "It was your bright idea to put it in there in the first place," he teased.
"Not that I'm complaining, or anything," he whispered with a suggestive wink.
Suddenly, I noticed how close our faces were to each other, and I blushed fiercely. My brain refused to let me forget what happened the last time we were in this position.
I know what you're thinking Mia, and don't you dare kiss him even if he is looking down at you with those beautiful, soft blue eyes.
I noticed his amused smirk was slowly fading from his face, and his eyes darkened and looked a little dazed.
Wait a second, he was distracted!
Suddenly, an amazing idea popped into my mind. Whether he liked me or not, he was still a teenage boy who clearly liked kissing me. Meaning, I could quite easily distract him for long enough to get his phone back.
"Ethan..," I whispered as I slowly batted my eyes. I reached out a hand and raked my fingers through the soft curls of his hair.
He swallowed, and his eyes sparkled with excitement before dropping down to my lips. He softly reached out to cup my cheek and inched his face closer to mine.
When I felt his lips lightly brush mine, I smirked. "Thanks for the phone," I whispered against his lips as I slid his phone out of his jeans.
Then before he had time to process, I pushed his chest hard, causing him to topple onto his back with a grunt. Quickly, I scrambled off the bed and ran for the door, like my life depended on it.
Because it probably did.
"Mia, what the fuck?" I heard a voice yell as I was halfway down the stairs.
Not liking how angry he sounded, I increased my speed and started to take the stairs two at a time. I could hear his feet pounding the stairs from behind me.
Shit. Why did I think outrunning a soccer player was a good idea?
As soon as I got down the stairs, I immediately darted towards the backdoors of the house. The garden had a lot of space which was perfect as it meant more space to run the hell away from him.
I threw the door open in a hurry. Looking behind me, I shrieked when I saw he was hot on my tail, so in a panic, I slammed the door behind me.
The door narrowly missed his face, and when I saw the look on his face, I started to choke up with laughter.
He looked pissed.
He had every right to be as in the span of a minute- I'd managed to tease him, steal his phone and slam a door in his face.
To say he was a little mad at me would be the understatement of the century.
I was about to go hide up a fucking tree or something when my eyes locked on to the garden hosepipe.
With a smirk, I quickly ran over to it. I picked up the nozzle and held it threateningly in Ethan's direction, with my hand resting over the faucet.
He stopped sprinting and came to an abrupt halt, as he spotted the weapon in my hand. The angry expression on his face transformed into one of fear, and he eyed the hose in my hand with caution.
"That's right, stay exactly where you are and make no sudden movement," I taunted.
I was smiling from ear-to-ear, happy that I'd finally got the upper hand.
Ethan scowled. "Do it, and you're dead Chubs," he threatened.
I twisted the faucet tap as far as it could go.
"Oops," I said with an evil smirk.
The high-pressured came shooting out of the nozzle, and I aimed it directly at his face.
Ethan darted from side to side in an attempt to dodge it, but I followed his every movement while laughing my ass off.
"Mia, stop," he groaned as he held his hand over his face to try and protect himself.
I giggled and moved the nozzle lower, so it sprayed all over his body.
I did this for two reasons. One because I wanted to piss him off even more, and two because I wanted to see his shirt cling to that mouth-watering body of his.
He looked over at me with furious eyes, and I couldn't take it anymore. I bent over and started to shake with laugher, and soon tears sprung to my eyes. I could barely even control the hose anymore.
Through my tear-stained eyes, I saw Ethan come closer, and I widened my eyes as I realized what he was about to do. It was too late, and he snatched the hose from my grasp.
"Hey, no!" I cried in between tears of laughter.
I let out a high-pitched scream in surprise, as I was hit with a stream of icy cold water. God, was it cold. I almost felt bad for spraying him for so long.
I screamed even louder, as Ethan grabbed me around the waist and shoved the hose down the back of my top. I shivered as the freezing-cold droplets slid down my back.
"No," I screamed as I helplessly tried to wiggle out of his grasp.
Finally, after a frustratingly long time, Ethan pulled the hose out of my top and let me go.
"Holy crap, that was cold," I gasped breathlessly, as I put a hand to my chest to regain my breath.
I turned around to face Ethan, and my eyes widened as I took in the expression on his face.
He looked hungry, desperate for a kill, and something told me that I was the prey.
I slowly took a couple of steps back with my arms held up in surrender.
"Look, Ethan, let's just be civil about this. You've got your phone back now. We're both soaked. So, we're even, okay. No need for the predatory looks," I mumbled nervously as I continued to edge myself further away from him.
I took another step back, and I jumped as I felt my back hit a hard surface. I looked behind me and groaned as I realized I had bumped into the stupid wall of the house.
Excellent, going Mia, now he has you cornered.
Ethan smirked and continued to stalk his way closer to me. With a chuckle, he placed his hands on the wall on either side of my head, so I was trapped.
"You don't look so confident now, without a hose in your hand, do you Chubs?" He whispered tauntingly.
I drew in a shaky breath as he inched his closer to me. He stopped when our lips were only a minuscule distance apart.
"I don't know what to be more annoyed about. The fact that you purposely tried to seduce me or that you drenched me with freezing cold water," he whispered.
His warm breath fanned against my cheek, causing a shiver to run down my spine.
My eyes dropped down to his lips as he spoke. God, was I tempted to grab him by the scruff of his shirt and kiss the living daylights out of him.
But I couldn't.
If I kept kissing him all the time knowing he liked someone else, I would be sentencing myself to the horrible fate of being his fucking side chick or something.
I deserved better than that.
I gulped. "If I were you, I'd be more annoyed that I almost slammed a door in your face," I chuckled. My voice betrayed me and wavered slightly, giving away my nerves.
His eyes blazed with amusement. "That doesn't sound like much of an apology," he whispered.
I wasn't sorry in the slightest, but I assumed in my current predicament it was probably best to just apologize.
"Fine. I'm sorry, Ethan. Happy?" I mumbled in defeat.
"No, I'm definitely not happy. But there's something you can do to change that..." he smirked, his voice low, deep and smooth. His darkened eyes dropped down to my lips.
Before I even had time to process what he meant, he closed the remaining distance between us, and his lips claimed mine.
I barely hesitated for a second and almost immediately wrapped my arms around his neck, to kiss him back.
I knew there were a million reasons why I shouldn't be doing this, but at that specific second, I couldn't bring myself to care.
We kissed each other like we were starving like our lives depended on it. Our lips moving urgently and desperately amongst each other, and I couldn't for the life of me bring myself to stop.
His hands dropped from the wall and started to slide down the length of my body as though he was trying to memorize it all by touch.
As he pulled me even closer, I trailed my hands down the soaked material of his shirt and delved my hands boldly underneath the hem of his shirt. I trailed my fingers up his back and enjoyed feeling his muscles contract and relax underneath my touch. Ethan let out a low growl sound, at the base of his throat, and bent down to hoist me up around his waist.
I giggled and wrapped my legs around his waist to get him even closer. As his lips continued to move hungrily against mine, his hands glided up my thighs to rest over my butt, and I squealed as I felt him lightly squeeze. I felt the vibrations of his laughter, and the corner of his mouth curve up against my lips.
Typical, even when kissing, he's a dickhead.
Ethan moved his mouth up to my ear and nibbled softly on the lobe, causing a shallow gasp to escape my lips. That's when I felt something hard pressing into my thigh. What the hell was-
Shit! I'd made him hard! What the hell am I doing?
"No, Ethan, stop! Put me down," I said quickly as I pushed him away from me.
He stopped almost immediately and dropped me back down to the ground. He backed away from me with a confused look on his face.
"Did I do something wrong?" he asked cautiously, as his eyes grew wider with worry.
I groaned. "No, it's my fucking fault, I'm an idiot," I said as I started to pull on the roots of my hair in frustration.
I had just given myself a pep talk about how I wasn't going to kiss him, and less than one minute later, what did I do? I was all fucking over him, that's what. I had zero self-control.
Your pathetic Mia, well and truly pathetic. My head was swimming with questions. Why does he keep kissing me? Are we friends-with-benefits? Am I his rebound?
My chest rose and fell with rapid breaths as I tried to calm down my frantic mind. I glanced over at Ethan, and the poor guy looked kind of scared.
He stared at me with widened eyes, probably shocked by my sudden mental breakdown. "I'm not sure what's going on anymore...," he said as he scratched the back of his head in confusion.
"Why do you keep fucking kiss me?" I finally snapped. He raised his eyebrows in surprise, but then his eyes softened.
He reached out to touch me. "Look I-"
"No, don't even answer that," I cut him off quickly as I backed away from his touch. I was way too terrified to hear his answer, who knows what kind of bull-crap excuse would full out of his mouth.
"This is such a mess! What am I doing?" I cried as I rubbed my temples to ease the pounding sensation in my head.
"Are you alright, Mia?" Ethan asked kindly as he took a step closer to me.
"No, no, I'm not. I just... I need to go home," I cried out as I pushed past him and headed inside.
I heard him call my name and run after me, but I just ignored him. Quickly, I grabbed my bag from the floor and was about to leave when I felt a hand grab my wrist. I let out a heavy sigh before turning to face him.
"Wait, Mia, let me give you a lift," Ethan offered.
I snatched my wrist out of his hand. "No, it's fine, I'll walk," I stammered out quickly. I did not trust myself to spend one more second alone with him.
"But you're still soaked, and I need to talk to you," he said as he looked at me in desperation.
"I said I'll walk," I repeated more forcefully this time.
I saw a look of hurt cross over his face, and I realized how rude I was being.
"Look, Ethan, I'm not mad at you or anything, I just want to be alone," I explained softly.
A look of understanding crossed over his face, and he slowly nodded his head. "Yeah, of course, I understand," he said.
"Bye, Ethan. See you Monday," I said as I gave him a tight-lipped smile, before practically running out of the house.
Author's note:
Chapter 39 is complete! So yeah, that's what a mental breakdown looks like kids...
If you didn't get whiplash from Mia's constant mood changes throughout this chapter, I'm not sure what chapter you were reading lmao..
Anyway hope you enjoyed, and thanks so much for reading.
Just to warn you some reallll shit is about to go down next chapter. Whether it's good or bad, you'll have to find out...
Next update: Wednesday (6-8PM-UK time)
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