Chapter 3
"I don't particularly care for Tuesdays," I said absentmindedly, as I bit my apple.
I was sitting in the school cafeteria across from my two best friends May and Chloe. They had been friends with me ever since the very first day of pre-school when we bonded over a game of tag.
"Surely Mondays are the worst day because they're the furthest day from the weekend," Chloe said in confusion, as she played with a few strands of her platinum blonde hair.
With her bright blue eyes and rosy pink cheeks, Chloe was a natural beauty and always seemed to have one boy or another chasing after her.
I contrasted dramatically with her with my thick mass of dark chestnut coloured hair and tanned skin, bestowed on me from my mother who was of Latino heritage. Compared to her, I also had quite a lazy look about me, with hair that was always messily thrown up in a high ponytail and an unnatural obsession with yoga pants.
I let out a heavy sigh as I focused back in on the conversation.
"It's because my timetable on Tuesday always seems to suck for some reason. I always seem to have all the shitty subjects like English and history," I grumbled.
"Yeah well, they are only shitty if you bother to listen. I just make sure to bring in a crossword or something to keep me occupied," May piped in.
Chloe and I just shook our heads in disappointment at our delinquent friend, watching with furrowed eyebrows as she tried to make some kind of pyramid with some spoons.
"Unlike you May, I am trying to ace all my classes. The last thing I need is for that little brat Ethan to show me up in class." I spat out with anger as I aggressively started to squeeze on my apple.
I watched as fluid trickled out of the apple and down my hand and I smiled in satisfaction, imagining it was Ethan's head.
"Woah Mia, What did the apple ever do to you?" Chloe said in horror, as she watched me punish my apple.
I didn't grace her with a response, not particularly wanting to go into why I was in such a bad mood.
I was feeling particularly spiteful towards Ethan after his annoying little escapade yesterday. Not only had he tried to get me fired, but he also embarrassed me in front of everyone in the ice-cream shop.
That incident was just one of many that I had to put up with, the prick has found numerous ways to try and humiliate me over the years. A favorite way of his to anger me was to show off in every single class. I literally couldn't think of a single class he wasn't doing well in. I wouldn't hate him for it if he actually studied and worked hard to achieve the grades, but he didn't. Everything came easy to him. The little prick probably had a photographic memory or something.
Finished with my apple, I pulled out my chocolate chip muffin. I needed its comfort after such a miserable start to the week.
Just as I was about to bite into the chocolatey goodness I stopped, feeling a tap on my shoulder.
I observed the surprised looks of my friends as they looked at whoever was standing behind me. I swiveled around in my seat, curious to see who it was.
I let out a heavy sigh as I took in the arrogant smirk of the boy who stood before me, Ethan Blythe had come for round two of tormenting me.
"What do you want now?" I grumbled as I looked up at him with narrowed eyes.
He just let out a low chuckle before lunged over my shoulder and wrapping his grubby little hands around my muffin.
"Hey!" I yelled angrily.
He just smirked at me before proceeding to take a humongous bite out of my muffin as I watched in horror. He then dumped it rudely back on to the table in front of me.
"Mmmm... that was delicious," he said with a moan, as he wiped the crumbs away from his mouth.
I just gaped at him, my mouth hanging wide open in shock.
"I'd close my mouth if I were you Chubs, wouldn't want me to get the wrong idea, would you?" he said with a wink.
My eyes widened as I realized what he was implying, and I snapped my mouth closed in haste.
"See you around," he said with a laugh, before turning himself around and starting to make his way over to his normal table.
I slowly turned back around to face May and Chloe. They both had nervous expressions on their faces, knowing how much I hated when other people helped themselves to my food.
They watched in anticipation as I looked down at my half-eaten muffin and then them and then the muffin.
"At least he was thoughtful enough to leave you some...," Chloe said weakly, trying to spin some optimism on the situation.
I shot her a murderous look, angry that she was trying to stick up for Ethan in any shape or form.
"Or he's just a dick," Chloe said quickly, trying to appease me.
"He is so dead," I hissed, clenching my fists in anger. He'd taken things too far. He could humiliate me all he wanted but he COULD NOT and I could not stress this enough, COULD NOT get away with tampering with my food.
Without a second thought, I snatched the muffin and jumped to my feet. I then swung my arm back and launched it across the cafeteria, watching as it headed towards my prime target.
Ethan's face.
It didn't hit him.
It wasn't even close. It landed pathetically on the floor, a considerable distance away from him.
What made it worse was that Ethan saw my failed attempt and started to laugh, clearly amused by my lack of aim.
I just slumped back down on my chair in defeat.
"As I was saying I hate Tuesdays," I said.
I tapped my pen impatiently on the desk as I waited for my teacher to stop rambling on.
I was in history and instead of learning anything of benefit, we were listening to him go on a passionate rant about the struggles of parenthood. He had recently had a child and was not taking too well to the change.
As soon as the clock struck 3 pm, I didn't hesitate to chuck my books into my bag so I could bolt out of the classroom as quickly as humanely possible.
That class was awful, it just consisted of know-it-all Ethan sprouting out all the answers to every single fucking question. The whole class hung on to his every word like he was the next Einstein or something, while girls practically drooled over him, turned on by his intelligence.
I think I even saw the teacher drooling over Ethan at one point.
Anyway, it was over now, and I was finally free. I rummaged through my bag as I tried to find my phone. Opening it I found a message from Chloe saying:
Chloe xx: I am so sorry Mia but you are going to have to find another way home because I have to pick up my little brother.
What am I supposed to do now? I didn't have a car or a driving license and no money for the bus.
With a sigh, I realized I would just have to suck it up and take the long 30-minute walk home. Less in a rush now, I leisurely strolled my way through the parking lot. I whipped out my phone again and started typing out a reply to Chloe.
Looking up, my heart skipped a beat as I saw a black Mercedes heading straight in my direction. It slowed down and came to an abrupt stop before it could hit me. I narrowed my eyes, recognizing the car.
It was Ethan's.
I stormed my way over to the car, heading straight for the driver's window.
The window rolled down and revealed Ethan, who was looking at me with a smug expression on his face.
"Is your final attempt at torturing me, to kill me once and for all!" I hissed.
Ethan rolled his eyes "You're so dramatic, I wasn't even close to hitting you," he said.
I scoffed. "Are you thick or something? I was this close to being hit by your stupid car," I said gesturing with my finger.
"It's not my fault you were texting," he snapped back as he nodded his head towards the phone which was still in my hand.
Lucas who I had barely noticed until now was in the passenger seat and decided to pitch in."Enough bickering infants, can't you see it's time for my afterschool nap."
We both turned to look at Lucas. He had a weird cat eye mask resting on his forehead and was clad in a kitty onesie that he must have changed into while in the car.
Ethan's cheeks went slightly red as he glanced over at Lucas in embarrassment. It was nice to see him embarrassed for a change. Unfortunately, it only lasted for about a fraction of a second before his face morphed back into its normal state of smugness.
"Hey, are you walking home chubs, I could give you a lift if you like," he said smiling sweetly.
I was incredibly confused as this was very out of character for him. Normally, I would have flat out refused to spend any more time than was necessary with him, but I could feel the painful weight of my backpack digging into my spine, making his offer far too tempting to give up.
"Sure thanks," I said with a grateful smile.
"No problem," he said looking at me with a warm smile.
Just as I was about to reach for the handle on the backseat of his car, it slipped away from me as the car went speeding off. I watched the car leave, my mouth hanging open in shock.
I was such an idiot, I should have known he was going to do that.
I felt a hard-lump form in my throat, as I desperately fought the urge to cry. I refused to cry over something so stupid. I took a deep breath in and out, as I tried to regain my composure and with a heavy sigh, I started to make my way out of the parking lot.
Ready to face a long walk home with a painfully heavy backpack.
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