Chapter 28
"Fuck it," he whispered.
He cupped a hand around my cheek and pulled my lips down onto his.
As soon as our lips met, it felt like every nerve in my body surged to life. I forgot how to breathe, move, or think from the sheer shock of the situation.
Ethan fucking Blythe was kissing me!
He began to move his lips shyly and gently against mine. It was as though he was afraid to hurt me, or that he was expecting to get pushed away at any moment.
But fuck was I going to do that. I couldn't push him away, and I didn't want to. There were a million and one reasons why I should have pushed him, slapped him, or whatever, but I didn't care. This was a once in a lifetime opportunity, and I wasn't about to waste it.
So, I kissed him back.
I reached out and wrapped my hand up into the curls of his hair and pulled him closer. I didn't want a soft kiss; I'd waited far too long for a fucking soft kiss. I wanted him unrestrained. And that's exactly what I got.
Ethan released a soft low groan, in the base of his throat, and his hands slid down to my waist, and his hold tightened. A nanosecond later, he flipped us around on the bed, so he was now the one on top.
His lips never left mine once, and he started to kiss me bolder, hungrier, and with more desperation. He grabbed my wrists and pinned them above my head, so he was almost entirely in control.
And I had zero issues with him being in control...
I could feel our legs tangled together at the foot of the bed, and I loved it. I never realized it could feel this good to be close to another person, or more specifically close to him.
His hands left my wrists to trail down the length of my body, and over the rise of my breasts. He did it in such a slow, tantalizing manner that it took everything in me, not to release a sound. I could feel and hear his breaths coming out heavy between every kiss, and I felt him clench the fabric at the bottom of my shirt as though he was struggling to control himself.
Soon, Ethan's hands delved underneath the hem of my shirt, and a gasp escaped my lips before I could stop it. The feel of his large warm hands, running up and down the incurve of my naked back, was too overwhelming, and I couldn't help but shiver.
I presumed Ethan must have noticed because I felt his lips curve up against my own.
He broke the kiss and teasingly trailed his lips against my skin on his route from my mouth to my ear.
"God, you have absolutely no fucking idea how long I've wanted to do that," he whispered. His words made my heart skip a beat, and my breaths shaky.
Before my mind could wander too far, I felt him lightly nip at my ear before he moved his head to rest in the crook of my neck. As my breaths grew more and more ragged, I leaned my head back and welcomingly accepted his onslaught of kisses.
They were long, heavy, passionate kisses, and each one felt like they were marking me as his. I closed my eyes as the pleasure became too much.
Then I heard the door latch struck. The sound instantly slapped me back into reality, and my eyes flew open.
"Shit," I gasped.
I pushed on Ethan's chest, causing him to lurch onto his back beside me. He scrambled to his elbows and eyed me in confusion.
"Ethan, you need to go. That's my dad, he'll kill you if he finds you up here," I hissed as I scrambled off the bed.
The blood drained from Ethan's face. "Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. What should I do? What should I do?" he said, looking around in panic.
"Erm... er...just... climb out the window," I said.
I ran over to the window and flung it open. "Hurry up," I cried.
He jogged to the window and was mid-way through before he stopped. He turned back around to face me.
"Sorry, but I've just got to do it one more time," he said.
I looked at him in confusion. "Ethan w-"
The words died in my throat as I felt him swoop an arm around my waist and pull me in for a kiss. It held so much passion, so much emotion, that I soon felt weak to the knee. When he finally pulled away, I felt physical pain, not wanting it to stop. He stared down at me with wildly happy eyes, and slowly he reached out and stroked my cheek.
"See, you on Monday," he smiled. Then without another word, he climbed out of the window and out of sight. I felt the tension leave my shoulders, happy that Ethan would live to see another day.
Hold on a second... What the fuck did we just do?
Before I had more time to freak out, my bedroom door swung open, and my dad walked in.
"Wow, what a day," he sighed. He walked over to me and placed a kiss to my head. "You alright sweetheart? You look a little dazed?" he chuckled.
Fuck, he's already on to me.
I smiled up at him. "Yeah, yeah. I'm fine. I Just woke up from my nap, that's all," I explained with a nervous laugh.
He paused. The smile on his face soon faded to one of suspicion. He narrowed his eyes, and eyed me from head to toe, as though he was scouring for something out of place. He sniffed the air, and my eyes widened.
Could he smell him on me? Maybe he's developed the senses of dog?
"What happened to your neck?" he asked abruptly. That moron gave me another hickey! Why was he so obsessed with them?
I tried not to let my irritation show on my face. I swear, if my Dad doesn't kill Ethan, I'll kill him myself.
He took a step closer to me so he could observe the mark in greater detail.
"I burned myself with my straighteners," I lied smoothly. I was working excruciatingly hard to keep my tone level and calm as to not give the game away.
He tilted his head and continued to stare at my neck with a scrutinizing intensity. Then by some stroke of a miracle, he shrugged his shoulders and turned away.
"Okay, whatever, just be more careful next time," he said over his shoulder. As soon as I heard him descending the stairs, I let out a massive sigh of relief. I can't believe I just got away with that.
I slammed the car door and started to make my way over to the school building. Even though it was a Monday, I couldn't wipe the goofy smile from my face. I didn't care that I had a test today or a group presentation.
None of that mattered to me, all because of one thing. Ethan Blythe had kissed me. He would and always would be my first kiss.
"Aww, she's so cute, she's still smiling," Chloe cooed, as she playfully pinched my cheeks. I shot her a look of irritation, but it didn't last too long before another smile fought its way back on to my face.
As you can imagine, as soon as I told them about Ethan and I's kiss over the phone, they both went bat-shit crazy. And like the weirdos they were, they both drove over to my house so that they could scream in my face or as they liked to call it 'celebrate'.
"I still can't believe he kissed you," Chloe gushed.
"I still can't believe he saw you trying to sexy dance," May snorted.
I frowned and shot May a dirty look. "You just had to remember the most embarrassing part of the story, didn't you?" I snapped.
"Yup," she chirped.
"So, what are you now then?" Chloe sang as she grinned from ear to ear.
The smile slowly faded from my face. "I have no idea...," I mumbled. The thought of what he'd say if I asked, filled me with an incredible amount of anxiety. Everything had happened so fast yesterday, that we never had time to talk.
Did it mean anything? Were we still friends? If so, I'd really have to re-evaluate my definition of a friend because I certainly don't kiss any other of my friends like that.
My stomach twisted, as I thought came to mind. What if he was just using me? Maybe I was just his crappy placeholder until he got the girl he really wanted. The girl who made him laugh. The girl he couldn't shut up about. The girl that's not me.
Great job Mia, you've really outdone yourself and got yourself into some weird friends-with-benefits type shit. Go you!
"Hey, look Ethan's coming," Chloe said as she rammed her elbow into my side. I looked, and my heart danced with excitement as I saw him.
But then I really saw him.
He looked miserable. His eyes were cast down, seeming distant and cold. He trudged his way down the corridor, with his hands in his pocket, and his lips pressed tight. Briefly, he glanced up from the ground, and his eyes locked on to mine. Instantly, he stopped in his tracks. Still and frozen in place, he stared for a long time, not saying a word. Pain dripped from his eyes as though it hurt him to look at me.
Why was he looking at me like that? What did I do?
My brows furrowed in confusion. Before I could even think to take a step towards him, he turned on his heel and walked away. My heart contorted in pain, at the clear rejection. Chloe put a hand on my shoulder.
"Mia, are you alright?" she asked softly. I could hear the pity in her voice, and it only made me feel more pathetic. I brushed her hand off of me.
"I'm fine, Chloe, absolutely fucking fine," I snapped.
But all three of us knew I wasn't.
"Hey, Mimi, why do you look so sad?" Ben asked as he stopped before me.
I was at my shift at Sugar Shake, and I was hating every detestable second. However, this time it wasn't because of the customers or the noise or from standing on my feet all day. It was all because of one person-Ethan.
"I've just had a crappy few days, that's all," I snapped as I slammed my scoop into the ice-cream tub.
Ethan had been ignoring me for two days straight and I was beyond pissed. He'd been vigilantly going out of his way to avoid me. Avoided my locker like the plague, switching seats in class so he wouldn't have to sit with me. And my personal favorite, ignoring the thousands of texts and voicemails I sent him.
He was being the world's biggest dickhead! It was fine, if he had regretted the kiss, but I don't get why he couldn't just grow some fucking balls and tell me that to my face instead of going to such dramatic extremes to avoid me.
"Well, I don't think it's the ice cream's fault, that you had a crappy few days," Ben laughed, referring to how hard I was slamming the ice-cream scoop down.
"Just be lucky it's not you, I'm releasing my anger on" I spat. I know Ben was only being nice, but I wasn't in the mood for jokes.
"Seriously, Mia, what's wrong?" he asked in concern.
I let out a heavy sigh. "Well, You remember Ethan, right?"
He snorted. "Of course, I do. How could I forget the guy who body-slammed me to the floor and pretended to be your boyfriend?" he laughed as his eyes crinkled with amusement.
"Yup, just the one," I said, as I cracked a small grin.
"Well erm....the thing is..he kissed me. And I liked it, and I thought he did too, but.." I paused."But now he's ignoring me."
Ben tilted his hand in confusion. "Well, that's very odd, considering he's usually obsessed with you," he chuckled.
"Yeah, he's normally obsessed with annoying me, but now he's become obsessed with ignoring me," I grumbled.
Ben smirked. "I know something that'll get him to talk to you,"
I eyed him in intrigue. "Really?"
"Yeah, all you need to do is make him jealous," he smiled.
"And how the hell am I supposed to do that?" I asked.
"With me, of course. If he sees us acting all cute together, he'll most definitely flip out and then voila, he'll be back to talking to you again," he explained chirpily.
I paused and contemplated his words. "You know what, you actually might be on to something. Ethan does have an irrational hatred towards you," I mused.
Ben started to shake with laughter as though I had said something funny. "I don't think his hatred for me is personal Mimi, I think he'd have an 'irrational hatred' for any guy you spend a lot of time with," he laughed.
I scrunched up my eyebrows. "That's not true. I talk to Lucas all the time, and he doesn't give a shit."
"Well, Lucas is his best friend," he explained plainly, as though this magically explained everything.
"And?" I laughed.
Ben rolled his eyes. "Just forget it,"
The jingle of the bell above the door, indicated our next customer. Ben curved around the counter to go see to them. Then he stopped and turned back around to face me.
"If I'm still alive after this plan, Mimi, you owe me big," he smirked.
Author's note:
Chapter 28 done!
There's your kiss...too bad it got ruined immediately afterwards lol. Kinda hated the way the kiss scene was written tho, I suck at them so yeah...
Anyway Q and A
1. What do you think Ben and Mia are going to do to get Ethan's attention?
2. Why do you think Ethan's ignoring Mia?
All I'm gonna say about the next chapter, is there's gonna be DRAMA!
Thanks so much for reading, and I hope you enjoyed xx
Next update: Friday (6-8PM-English time)
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