Finally (Lastie Specialie Chappie)
Finally (Lastie Specialie Chappie)
“Okay, Cole, what the hell are you going to tell us?” I asked him. For the last few minutes, he was pacing around the living room, running his hand on his hair from time to time. While Brent, Cylene and I were sitting on the couch in their house. He looked stressed, I observed and he was thinking about something. Something important.
I took a quick glance at Brent, who was sitting beside me. Last month, we did make up and I stopped avoiding him. Though it wasn’t still like before; it wasn’t the same at all. Yeah, we talked every now and then, but I could say we were far from ‘friends’. I wished I had the guts to do it, but I just couldn’t tell him how I really feel. I’d rather suffer beign his ‘friend’.
“What is it?!” Cylene yelled. Cole bit his lip and stopped pacing.
“It’s about Aesha,” he said softly. A loud silence echoed in the room.
What was that about Aesha? Did he find her? Was she dead?
“What about her?” I asked worryingly. I should know about this. Even though everyone seemed to forget about her, she was still my best friend. I would never ever forget about her.
“I know where she is.” He said, this time, sitting across from us. I could feel Cylene tense up beside me. Though, Brent’s face was blank.
“Where is she?!” Am I the only one here who actually cares about her? Why am I the only one saying something to his words?
“In Las Vegas. She happened to find her real Mom and then now, she’s living rich,” he answered. I blinked. Two times. Three times. Aesha ran away and then became rich? Why the hell didn’t she come back?
“I talked to her while she was there,” he continued, “She said she was happy now and she didn’t want her old life distracting her. I decided to leave but I won’t let her get away.”
I cocked an eyebrow, “So what’s your plan now?”
“We’re going to Vegas,”
Without second thoughts, I said, “I’ll go!”
Cole turned to his sister, “Cy? Are you going?” His sister nodded.
“I’ll go, too.” Brent spoke up. A smile crept on Cole’s face, “The private plane’s already waiting.”
My eyes widened, “We’re going now?!”
He nodded, “Yep. I talked to your parents already and they’re letting you go. All you need is to pack now and we’ll go. We’ll meet up here in an hour.”
Well, we’re going to Vegas. We’re actually going to see Aesha.
I looked out the plane window, as it hovered in the sky. The fluffy clouds and the bright light didn’t make me any better at all. I was nervous seeing Aesha because who knows what happened to her after all this months?
Brent sat beside me, which made me a lot more nervous. Though he took my hand and squeezed it, “Hey, stop worrying.”
His touch made my stomach flutter.
I bit my lip, “I’m just worried, that’s all. What if she’s changed? What if she wouldn’t accept us anymore as her friends?”
He smiled comfortingly, “It’s going to be okay, Ken. I’m scared of that, too, honestly, but we wouldn’t really know how she is now.”
That didn’t stop my worrying at all. After all those months…it felt like eternity.
Brent‘s thumb rubbed circles over my hand. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes.
It’s okay, Kennedy. Aesha’s a loyal best friend. She’ll never shut you out no matter what.
I glanced at Brent, who was weirdly staring at me. “What’s wrong?” I asked curiously. He shifted uncomfortably on his seat, “Nothing. You should calm down.”
I didn’t say anything. As if by instinct, I leaned on him and rested my head on his shoulder. Thankfully, he didn’t push me away. Instead, he wrapped his arms around me so my head was now on his chest.
“Just sleep until we get there. I’ll be right here, the whole time.” He muttered against my hair. My eyes instantly shut.
I was half asleep, then he kissed my head.
I gazed at her beautiful sleeping face, lying on my chest. A while ago, she was freaking out about seeing Aesha. I was glad to calm her down.
Actually, I was surprised that Cole actually found her. I was worried that she wouldn’t forgive me for leaving her and Kennedy. But I know Aesha. I know she’d forgive me. I wanted her back as my friend as much as Kennedy and Cylene.
I stroked Kennedy’s cheek and her eyes fluttered open. Whoops.
“B-Brent? Are we there yet?” she yawned. I shook my head, “Just a few more minutes, and we’ll be there.”
She removed her head from my chest. Dammit. She took her old position again, staring out the window. I took her hand and laced my fingers around hers, “Are you still worried?”
She took her hand away from mine, “Just a little bit,”
“Ken, you should stop thinking about that. Aesha’s our friend. I’m sure she’d be just the same.” I assured her.
She looked away from me, “It’s not about her that I’m nervous,”
My brows furrowed. What was bothering her, then? I decided not to ask her about it, because it seemed to make her upset. I hate seeing her mad like this. It wasn’t the usual her. Ever since I left her, she’s been really different.
Minutes later, the plane landed in the airport. We grabbed our luggage and went in the busy airport.
“I wanna eat,” Cylene grumbled once we got to the car. Cole crossed his arms, “Well, we have to check in the hotel.
His sister sighed, “Okay, what about this: Kennedy and I go pick up some lunch while you two guys go check us in.”
Cole sighed, “Fine.”
“Brent!” a familiar voice reached my ears while I was in the hotel lobby. Before I could dodge, a girl pounced on me.
She squeezed me tightly, as if she’ll never let me go.
“Get off me!” I yelled at her. She pulled away, pouting flirtatiously. She poked my chest, “Nice running into you here, Brent.”
I rolled my eyes. Will she ever leave me?
“Just go away, Willow.” I said and walked away from her. But she grabbed my arm, “Please stay with me,”
I tore my arm from her grasp, “No, Willow. Dammit, just let me go!”
Cole came up to us, his eyebrow rose, “What’s going on?”
“Get this psycho away from me!” I complained. “But I want you!” Willow protested.
I glared at her, “What should I do to make you leave me alone?”
She smirked, “There’s a party tonight, and I want you to be my date. Just one night, be my date and I ‘ll leave you alone.”
I hesitantly said, “Okay, fine.” She left and I turned to Cole who was shaking his head.
“What? I need her to get out of my life.” I said.
Cole sighed, “Man, that party she’s talking about? We’ll be seeing Aesha there. I don’t think it’s a good choice bringing Willow as your date.”
I groaned. How could I be so stupid? If Aesha sees me with her, she’ll hate me.
Oh, God.
If Kennedy sees me with her…
“I think the hotel’s the other way,” I told Cylene. We just came back from picking up our lunch and we were heading to the hotel. But Cylene steered the car towards the other way.
She shook her head, “We’re going to quick stop at the mall.”
My eyebrows knitted together, “Why?”
Cylene shrugged, “We need to buy dresses and stuff for the party.”
I blinked. This was not the Cylene I knew all my life. What happened to her? Abducted by aliens?
Noticing the look on my face, she chuckled, “It’s Cole’s orders, actually.”
But there was still another thing to wonder about, “Wait, what party?”
“There’s this big party the Carleys are throwing. It’s not really fancy, or anything. Our dad was invited along with the other rich people.” she explained.
“So Aesha will be there,” I said and she nodded, “Cole planned up this surprise for her.”
We got to the mall not long after. It was freaking huge, really. We went inside and….
I ran into someone.
“Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry!” I looked at the person who I ran into. “It’s okay,” he said, grinning at me. I wrapped my arms around him, squeezing him tightly, “Sean! What are you doing here in Vegas?”
“I was going to ask you the same thing,” he pulled away.
Cylene came up beside me and nodded at Sean, “I’ll be waiting inside.” She said.
“I’m here for that party my stepdad’s been invited to.” He said.
I smirked, “Do you know that Aesha’s going to be there?”
His face had no trace of shock, “I kind of already knew about Aesha. We saw each other at Paris and she told me everything that happened to her.”
“Oh,” I said, “Anyway, Cole, Brent, Cylene and I’ll be at the party, too. We’ll surprise Aesha there.”
“I’d love to see that.”
“So,” I said, as we walked up to the entrance of the mall, “Where’s Shaelon?”
He shrugged, “She found a boyfriend. And I’m sorta left out.”
I patted his back comfortingly, “Don’t worry. I’m sure you’ll find yourself a boyfriend.”
From the corner of my eye, I saw Cylene waiting for me, “I’ll see you at the party, Sean.” I said. He gave me a quick nod and a little wave.
I looked around and realized it wasn’t that much sophisticated. Actually, it looked almost like a high school prom. I still didn’t put on my dress, though and I wasn’t planning on doing it. All I was looking forward today is seeing Aesha.
Because when Brent told me that Willow was her date, my heart was already crushed.
“Kennedy!” A voice called out from the top of the staircase. A voice I haven’t heard in a long time.
Aesha rushed down the stairs – still not wearing her dress - and tackled me into a tight hug.
“You know that I’m here?” I asked her.
She pulled away and shrugged, “I’ve talked to Cylene a while ago. I’m happy to see you here, though I’m going to kill Cole.”
I smiled. She hasn’t changed at all. But Brent pretty much occupied my mind right now.
I looked over at Brent and Willow, who were dancing. Apparently, Aesha followed my gaze. She grabbed my shoulders and spun me to face her, “Listen, Ken. Don’t let the two of them ruin the night for you. You’d be better off without Brent, anyway. Guess what, I’m going to fix you up and you’ll show Brent that you don’t need him.”
I smiled sadly at her and nodded, “Thanks a lot.”
We went up the stairs. While going through a hallway, a blonde haired boy stopped Aesha.
“Do you think I’m fine? Do I smell bad or something?” he asked.
Aesha rolled her eyes, “She likes you already, James. You’ll be fine with your little date.”
“It’s a big deal, Aesha.”
She smirked, “Just don’t get her pregnant,”
He blushed, “What the hell, Elsha?! We’re fifteen!”
Aesha laughed and tousled his hair. He left, mumbling something under his breath. I arched an eyebrow in confusion.
“Oh, that’s my stepbrother, James. He’s dating Shaelon.” Aesha explained.
Oh, so he’s Shaelon’s boyfriend.
Aesha led me to a random room, “Cylene dropped the shopping bags here. I’m going to give you a big makeover.”
“Okay, open your eyes,” Aesha said. My eyes fluttered open then I gazed at myself at the mirror.
My hair was fixed up into a bun, with curls framing my face. The makeup wasn’t bad, either; it’s not too much nor too less. My dress was in pinkish white color, going up to my knees. Lastly, I wore heels on my feet.
I waited for a few minutes then Aesha popped back into the room, already dressed up. Her hair was curled, and she was wearing a dress going above her knees and it was her natural color: icy blue.
We went down the stairs and my eyes widened when Aesha grabbed my hand and pulled me towards Brent and Willow, who were currently lip-locking.
Did you hear that? Oh, right, it was my heart being torn up, piece by piece.
“Hey Brent!” Aesha greeted while they both pulled away, “Hello, Willow,” she turned to the girl, less enthusiastic.
“Hey, babe, why don’t you get us drinks?” Brent asked Willow. She left after giving me a scowl.
“It’s nice to have you back as a friend, Brent,” Aesha smiled sincerely. Brent nodded.
“So I guess I should leave you now,” she said, smirking. She left, giving me a ‘you’re going to thank me for this’ look.
Brent cleared his throat after a long awkward silence between us, “So,” he said, “You look…nice.”
I forced out a smile, “Thanks.”
“Do you happen to have a date?” he asked. I shook my head.
“Why is she your date?” I asked. He had this guilty look on his face and looked down.
“Look, I understand if you want to be with her- “ I started but he cut me off, “No! I don’t want to be with her.” He looked up at me, “I only agreed to be her date because she wouldn’t leave me alone. She promised to stay away if I was her date this night.”
Well, it made me a little better.
Willow appeared and clutched onto his arm, “Come on, Brent. Let’s finish where we left off.” She smirked at me.
“I guess I should leave you now,” I said, walking away, tears in my eyes. I don’t know where to run off now, honestly. So I just went outside and sat on the bench there, bawling my eyes out.
Why could he just see that I loved him? He just thought of us as friends and nothing more. We’ve been friends for years! I’ve waited for years to be more than friends with him!
Of, course, Kennedy, he doesn’t like a nerd.
More tears streamed down my cheeks.
He’ll leave you, so just don’t wait for nothing at all. You’ll just break your own heart, waiting for his love for you.
I bit my lip, rubbing my eyes. The tears wouldn’t just stop…
And then I felt a hand on my shoulder, “Ken?”
I groaned inwardly. Why the hell was he here? Can’t he see that I’m already hurt?
“Leave me alone!” I yelled. I heard him sigh and take a seat beside me.
“I’m sorry, okay? I’m really sorry.” He apologized but I kept my gaze away from him.
“I’m sick and tired of you breaking me,” I said, glaring, “Every day I waited, every day I hoped, but you just didn’t notice it at all.”
“What are you talking a-“
But I didn’t let him finish, “When you left I felt so empty and alone! It made me think differently of you. You became a jerk and a damn bastard! When you came back, I was scared of losing you again…” I didn’t finish it because I was crying again.
“What are you trying to say?” he whispered.
“That I love you!” I finally got it off my chest, “I love you, okay? I just couldn’t hate you after what you’ve done. But I get it now that you’ll never love me back…..Don’t you dare follow me.” I stood up to leave but he grabbed my hand and pulled me down to his lap.
“What did you say?” his lips brushed against my ear. I looked away from him, “I love you,” I said again. I let out a nervous laugh, “And I know you don’t love me back at all. So it’d be better if you stay away from me for the rest of my-“
He cut me off by crashing his lips into mine. I immediately kissed him back this time, wrapping my arms around his neck, pressing myself against him. Our lips moved together in perfect sync. He reached over to cup my face and bring it closer to his.
We finally pulled away, gasping for breath. He rested his forehead on mine, “I love you, too.”
I blinked, “Y-you love me?” He brought his lips into mine again and pulled away seconds after, “Yes.”
I buried my head on his chest. We stayed there for the rest of the party.
Brent Frinnate was finally mine.
FINALLY!!!!!! YESSSS!!!! So, if it worked out for Brent and Ken, what do you think will happen in the last chappie for Ale?
I might as well publish this, because I already finished chapter 2 of DOL. Here ya go! I'll publish but you have to wait a bit for the other book!
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