Chapter Twelve: The Warmth
Chapter Twelve: The Warmth
Aesha's POV
I was somehow happy this day. Wait, was it because of yesterday?
As I woke up, that scene yesterday was the first thought that came into my mind. By the time Cylene picked me up, I was still blushing.
Why did Cole do that? Why was he so affectionate? Although my mind was thinking of these questions, I can't help but like how much we were close. I tried hard to ignore the slight pain-slash-burn I was feeling when he pulled me closer. Yeah, it worked, it didn't hurt as much as it did before. We stayed like that for a few minutes until I pulled away and he took me home.
Why was I comfortable about that? Wasn't he hurt, too?
One day he hated me, then now I was suddenly comfortable when he's around. But what's bothering me is that I liked and hated him at the same time.
What's wrong with me?
"Hey, ice girl, are you okay?" Cylene asked me.
I blinked, "What? Nothing's wrong."
She narrowed her eyes suspiciously, "You're smiling like a lunatic and blushing like a tomato."
I rolled my eyes and shrugged, "Cy, just shut up and drive. It's because of Autumn."
We pulled up in front of Kennedy's house. She lived across from Brent, so there was no trouble picking them up.
"Hey guys," Kennedy was her usual 'giggly' self as she climbed into the backseat of the car. Brent arrived outside not soon after.
While riding to school, Kennedy tapped me on the shoulder, "So how was your date with fireboy yesterday?"
I froze.
"What?!" Cylene yelled.
"Kennedy!" I said to shush her, but she kept blabbing on.
"You didn't know, Cy? Shaelon told me while they were gone. Aesha and Cole went out."
Cylene looked at me, her eyes narrowing to slits along with her murderous look.
"Cy, we just hung out. We're not dating or whatever." I squeaked.
"Why? Why'd you go out with him?!" She shouted.
"I just...." I gulped.
"Guys, just cut it out. I'm sorry, Aesha, I thought Cylene knew. And Cy, they just went out, no big deal." Kennedy said.
Cylene took a deep breath and glued her eyes to the road. I didn't want to frustrate her, but I have to say, she was getting overdramatic about it. We just went out as friends. No big deal, she didn't have to act like a mom about it.
I know she's probably mad because we might hurt each other with our powers. But again, I wouldn't be so worried about it.
"What's wrong with Brent?" I asked my best friend. He's been texting away the whole car ride. When he got off the car, he wasn't paying attention to us. Now, on the hallway, he was talking to the popular guys-guys who used to beat him up in middle school.
"While you hung out with Cole, he hung out with those guys," Kennedy explained, "I guess he was close to those guys. He's happy with them."
I stared blankly at Kennedy. She kept her gaze at the group, or probably Brent himself. She was biting her lip and gripping my wrist. Hard.
She started to walk away.
"Ken, wait!" I called after her, "You're not going to leave, right?"
She shook her head. "I-I just need to...." she hesitated.
Kennedy held my shoulders and said, "Aesha, please, promise me that you'll talk to him. Make sure he's still with us, that he'll never abandon us."
I held her hand comfortingly even though I have no idea why she was so worried about this. "I'll talk to him." I said.
Then, she left me without saying anything. I didn't dare follow her after that, but I reminded myself to ask her why she was upset.
I trudged across the hallway again, looking for Brent.
Only to be interrupted by an ear piercing scream.
I flinched and looked around to find out where the noise came from. "Why?! You can't do this!" I spotted Willow and Cole beside some lockers. I hid myself behind the walls to know what happened.
"I didn't even like you." Cole said calmly.
"B-but... You can't break up with me!"
Whoa, whoa, wait. Break up with her? Did Cole just dump her? But why? I believed Cole when he said he didn't really like her but he would never dump the most popular girl in our year.
Was it because of me? Did Cole break up with her for me?
I shook my head, dismissing the thought. That was ridiculous. Of course Cole wouldn't do that because of me.
Willow stomped away furiously, her fists clenched. After making sure she was nowhere near, I walked up to Cole, who was smirking.
"Why did you dump her?" I asked him out of curiosity. He turned to me, looking at me with those eyes...
"I wanted to." he said.
"Give me a good reason, Cole." I demanded. He couldn't just break her heart like that.
"Didn't you want me to dump her?"
That made my heart skip a beat. Was I really happy that they split up? So what? So I can have Cole for myself?
Ha, yeah right.
"N-no." I said, "You shouldn't break up."
"Well it's done," he said, "Willow and I, are over."
I swallowed while Cole headed to his classroom. Was it because of me that Cole did this? I thought again.
Lunchtime, I went to the cafeteria alone. Alone.
I've never felt so empty, like I was missing something. Like I was missing a lot. Yep, I missed my friends, I missed Kennedy and Brent walking by my side.
Brent, I spotted him chatting away with the popular group. He was obviously sitting at the center table-the popular table. I sighed. Ever since Cole and I found out about each other's powers, changes began to happen.
It was like I was losing my life.
Kennedy, on the other hand, was nowhere to be found. I didn't want to look for her. She was probably really upset. And she rarely gets disappointed like this.
So what, now? Am I going to be lonely for the rest of the year?
I took our usual table and sat there. Alone.
Alone. I hate it.
After getting my lunch, I sat there, picking on my food. I rested my chin on my fist and kept my gaze on the food. I can't believe this was happening.
But then someone sat across from me, with a smirk on his face.
Of course.
"Hey," he said as I looked up. But I refused to talk.
"Why are here all alone?" he asked.
"Why are you here sitting with me?" I asked him back.
Cole shrugged. "Why not?"
I let out a bitter laugh, "Did Brent replace you or something?" He frowned, "'Of course, not. I was just wondering if you needed some company."
"Just leave me alone. Two of my best friends-possibly-left me and I think Cylene's mad at me." I said.
"Did she find out about-"
"Yes." I scowled at him. Thanks for making this day worse, Cole.
"C'mon, ice girl. It's not that bad." he said, trying to comfort me. That only made my anger rise, the heat reaching up to the boiling point.
"Not that bad?!" I almost screamed it for the whole cafeteria to hear.
"Okay, okay. Just relax. Jeez, I'm just trying to help."
I sighed. Why is all this happening?
A cold breeze swept around the cafeteria, making the hairs on my arms stand up. Biting my lip, I stood up from my seat and went out. But Cole chased after me.
"Where are you going?" he asked.
"Somewhere. Somewhere far away from you." I mumbled.
He caught up with me and stood in front of me, making me stop walking. "Aesha-" he began.
"Cole, please, just leave me alone. Please." I pleaded. If what I was thinking was right, then it'll be best if I stay away from him first. I'm sure it was about our powers I was feeling like this. I'm feeling...hurt.
"Aesha," he said, "I know you need time for yourself, but remember.....remember that I'll always be here for you."
"I'll keep that in mind," I said and went on my way.
Cole's POV
Did I make a mistake? Did I do something to upset her? And, was she happy about Willow and I breaking up?
Splitting up with one of the school's divas was an easy thing to do, and also one I wouldn't regret doing.
But I was worried that Aesha would think I was a big jerk who got different girlfriends almost everyday. If I was going to make her be my girlfriend, someone I would really love, then she shouldn't be mad at me.
I wanted to comfort her. I wanted to pull her close to me and run my hands through her hair.
Why? Why did she want to stay away from me.
After school, I walked silently to my car, hands in my pockets.
"Cole?" her voice stopped. I spun on my heel and saw Aesha a few feet behind me. Her eyes were puffy and her hair was messed up like a bird's nest.
I ran up to her and stopped, noticing how close I've gone.
She sniffled, "Cole,"
I tucked a strand of hair behind her ear while she was blushing again. "You've been crying," I whispered.
After doing what she can to fix up herself, she told me she was already fine. Maybe this wouldn't go on for long.
"Are you sure?" I asked as we made our way towards the car. She nodded.
"D-do you, uh, mind giving me a ride home?" she asked.
I smiled at her, "Sure."
She was quiet the whole car ride. I would sneak concerned glances at her from time to time.
"Are you really sure you're okay?" I asked.
She looked at me, a little surprised, "Why do you care so much?"
Because I like you. It wasn't that easy to admit it.
"Because....because I just don't want seeing you like this." I said. Aesha blinked a couple times, scanning my face. I bet she was confused why I was acting like this.
"It's like everything turned upside down. You suddenly care about me and then my friends hate me." she said.
"They're not mad at you, Aesha. Don't worry." I assured her, "I don't want to see you crying again, okay?"
"I can't promise you that," her eyes were clouded with sadness.
A crazy idea suddenly popped in my mind, "Do you want to hang out this afternoon?"
Aesha cocked an eyebrow, "The last time we hung out, Cylene was so pissed off. Plus, I've got homework to do."
"Come on, Aesha. It'll just be in our house."
She seemed unsure, "N-no, I can't hang out with you. Just another time, maybe."
That kind of shattered me a little.
"But," she said softly, "I want to stop at your place so we can talk to Cylene. Again. Is she home?"
I shrugged, "I have no idea." I steered the car then parked it in front of our mansion.
"She's not home," I told Aesha. She sighed, "I'd better get going," she headed towards the door.
"Aesha, please don't leave," I grabbed her hand.
"Cole, I should leave. You can't just have me most of the time. I have my life!" her voice was strangely stern.
I didn't want to let go of her hand, but I did. I didn't want to let her go.
The next thing I knew, I was keeping her from falling. Her head collided with my chest. After guiding her to the couch I said, "You told me your were fine."
She hugged her chest and rubbed her arms. She looked really uncomfortable as if she feeling something she's never felt before.
And I guess she was right now.
"I-I f-feel..." her voice trailed off and her eyes were tightly shut.
"What's wrong?" I whispered.
"I feel....cold." she said in barely a whisper.
I was as shocked as she is. Obviously, she felt terribly uncomfortable in the cold. She was weakened by it.
Did our powers cause it?
Did I cause it?
I think I did.
Her eyes were now open. She took my arms and wrapped it around her. I moved her closer to me, resting my chin on her head.
"It's going to be okay," I comforted her. I can see feel Aesha panicking with her face buried on my chest.
"F-fire," her voice was muffled on my shirt. I stroke her hair.
I flicked my wrist and a blazing fire instantly appeared in the fireplace. I got a random blanket and wrapped it around her. I can tell she was already close to tears.
"W-why do I f-feel like this?" she asked me. I placed the back of my hand on her forehead and found out it was cold. Aesha was shivering and her teeth were softly chattering. Cold smoke came out of her mouth as she breathed.
I felt like I have to take care of her. I wouldn't go anywhere else. I won't leave her.
I stood up and quickly shut off the lights before getting back to her and keeping her in my embrace again.
"C-Cole, please help me," her eyes were pleading.
"How?" I said, regretting saying that afterwards.
She didn't respond. Aesha buried her head on my chest.
I bit my lip. I need to help her, but how? I put my fingers under her chin and slowly tilted her head upwards.
"Aesha, listen," I began, "The cold, it's coming from inside of you. It's hurting you. We have to warm that up a bit."
Her brows furrowed, "Okay, how are you going to do that?"
My gaze dropped to her lips. I had to do it. I wanted to do it.
I slowly leaned forward and pressed my lips into hers.
Kissing her was a new sensation to me. Her lips were soft and surprisingly warm even though she was feeling cold. Her eyes fluttered shut and she didn't hold back. I seemed to be falling into her spell.
My hand caressed her cheek then she pressed closer to me. Sparks were igniting inside me. I wish this would never end.
Aesha wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me closer to her. Her hand ran through my hair.
I suddenly realized the reason why I kissed her. I willed my lips to be hotter and warmer. Her lips parted a little, giving me enough space. I opened my mouth, too, breathing warm breath into her. That would warm the inside of her.
Aesha pulled away, her eyes wide and she was panting. So was I. My heart was pounding hard. I resisted the urge to kiss her again.
"Do you feel better now?" I whispered to her.
She smiled sweetly at me, resting her head again on my chest, "Yeah, yeah I do. Thank you."
I planned this to be a bit longer but I decided to end there. So they finally did it! And this chap is obviously dedicated to dat daughter of love! *winks at you know who*
Sorry if this sucked, it was my first time to write a kissing scene.
A very special chapter coming up next!
P.S. Sorry, Rizalians for all that....I'm really sorry I wasn't thinking. Please forgive me.
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