Chapter Four: The Apology
Chapter Four: The Apology
Cole's POV
"I don't want ever again in my life to see you and Aesha fighting! Even the slightest argument...." Cylene scolded me, "Do you understand?!"
I took a deep breath. It's okay, Cole. It could've been worse. This wasn't like her tenth birthday. "Look, Cy, what is it with you? It was just a little insulting and complaints. Why are you so.....angry? It's not like we had-"
"Just shut your damn mouth and go to your room!" Cylene ordered.
I crossed my arms. "You're not my mom."
I cowardly followed and went to my room. Cylene rarely used my middle name. She reminded me of Mom whenever she was angry. In fact, she looked so much like her. The only difference is my sister's black hair (mom has brown hair) and her dark blue eyes (mom has pretty emerald green eyes).
Mom used to scold us a lot when we were little. She said Cylene 'influenced' me to be what I am right now. I didn't believe this, though. Cylene would teach me pranks and school stuff. She taught me to be a real teenager.
I flopped down on my bed. There was something about me and Aesha fighting that is pissing her off. I know my sister. She won't get this angry just because of a little tiny fight. But she would if it's Aesha and I fighting.
I remember her tenth birthday, when I was still eight years old. When her anger and hatred for our parents started to grow inside her.
The day before her birthday, she told me that she wanted her surprise party to be cool and awesome. I guess she imagined it like a teenager's party, like the one you see on TV or online. She even wanted to get her first shot of alcohol. She expected a lot since we were rich and wealthy.
But, of course, our parents threw the opposite of what she wanted. By the time she took off her blindfold, a princess themed party greeted her. Colored decorations hung in the rented ballroom. There was a large bright chandelier on the ceiling. Everything was red velvet, the walls and the floor. A long table stood on the sides with a complete line of food. Presents were piled up on one side. Classical music was in the air and lastly, Mom stood in front of her holding a pink sleeveless dress and a pink pair of high heels.
Cylene was so upset that she threw a huge tantrum and destroyed almost everything. She locked herself up in her room and wouldn't come out for 2 weeks. When she did, she didn't want to talk about the whole thing but she held a grudge on Mom and Dad.
Her anger did not decrease one bit when she turned twelve.
Cylene disappeared on the morning of her twelfth birthday. She came back at one in the morning with her newly black dyed hair with purple highlights. She bought loads of black clothes and all goth stuff. Mom said it was just a phase she had to undergo but it did not change.
Mom and Dad knew that there was no way to stop Cylene from influencing me. So they ignored us. Was that the reason why they always left? Because Cylene fought against them?
Probably I'll have to spend my teenage life with someone who actually treated me right. Someone who understands me and my powers. She was the only one who knew.
I mixed everything in the plastic cup. The homeade caramel-mocha smoothie which I made myself and of course the secret ingredient : Chili.
I stuffed the cup into my bag and hopped on my motorcycle.
There was no way Cylene would allow me to apologize to her. She specifically told me not to go near her. So this isn't a peace offering, whatsoever.
This was revenge.
Aesha's POV
Monday, a school day.
I sat up on my bed, groaning, and glanced at my clock. Good, just thirty minutes more until Cylene picks me up.
I pulled of the covers and got ready for school. I changed into a lace shirt and brown pants with peach-colored flats.
That Saturday night might be one of the most traumatic scenarios in my life. The memory began rushing back to me.
Cylene went to my house at around 7 pm and stormed into my freezer-like room. She looked totally pissed off, like she's going to blow up anytime soon. I sat on my bed with my pajamas on, watching as Cylene paced back and forth around the room. She suddenly stopped and looked up at me.
"Why? Why were you and Cole fighting?!" I flinched because of her harsh tone.
"I-I bumped into him...and...and..I got mad. I'm so sorry, Cy...I..I was just mad." I stammered.
She paced again, with her eyebrows furrowed. "Why do you hate him, Aesha? Huh? Why?" She asked again.
"I'm sorry! It's just....natural." I said.
She bit her lip. "Natural?!"
I stayed silent. She walked to me and towered over. "Look, Aesha, I made Cole promise not to go near you again, not to talk to you. Do you promise to stay away from him?!" She had that wild look in her eyes.
"Is he in any of your classes?!" She interrupted. Yeah, wait to go Queen of Interruption.
I shook my head quickly.
"Then do you promise to STAY AWAY FROM HIM?!"
"Yes, yes. I promise!" I meant it. I don't want to see Cylene like this everyday.
She silently walked out the door and slammed it behind her.
End of Flashback
I've never seen Cylene like this before. She told me once about her tenth birthday party, when she threw a huge tantrum when she saw what her parents prepared for her. I guess that's what made her like this. Well, what now if Cole and I fought? She was basically getting all angry about a little thing.
Honestly, Cole and I really haven't talked much before. I saw him most times with his friends and sometimes with Cylene herself. I've never paid much attention to him. Until now. Now, we see each other a lot. Now, we fight.
But I'm willing to change that.
Cylene was always like a big sister to me. She knew and understood my powers and helped me use them well. She sometimes reminded me to not let grown-ups boss me around or take advantage of me. Of course she'll say that because she was always against her parents.
I won't apply that advice to Mom 'cause she was just the only parent we have. Since I was the eldest, I have to take care of my siblings and help Mom. Probably get a job after high school or something.
Although Cylene can be a jerk sometimes, she cares for me, a lot.
I went inside the warm cafeteria (ugh) with Brent and Kennedy trailing close behind me. We sat on our usual table.
"Brent Frinnate, you're doing it wrong. See, you have to understand......" Kennedy blabbered on with nerd talk. Obviously she was helping Brent with his Math Homework.
Brent, on the other hand, groaned. "Ken, would you stop? Speak in English please." Kennedy glared at him. I just laughed at them. After Saturday, I was in a good mood.
"Aesha," A voice said. Was it...?
"Cole," I looked up at him, "Cole I thought Cylene said never to speak to me."
He shrugged, "I just want to give you this." Cole handed me a plastic cup with a straw on top.
"Did Cylene.....?"
"Yeah she did." He said, "It's what you were drinking last Saturday, I think you might like it."
I was already receiving stares and murmurs from the other people. Even my friends were speechless.
"Uh, thanks." I said, feeling uneasy. I instantly took the cup and drank a little.
It was like drinking fire. My tongue felt like it tasted the sun. My lungs were filled with hot air. I thought I was going to die because of the spicy-ness.
I spat out the drink on my lunch (gross) and sped out of the cafeteria, fanning my mouth with my hands.
I ran to the only place where I can be alone. Somewhere I can use my powers. You're so stupid, Aesha. You fell for it. You fell for it.
Why would he do that? No wait, the answer's obvious to that.
Why did I fall for it? Yep, that was the real question.
I dashed into the girls bathroom, double checking if anyone's around. Fortunately, the bathroom was deserted. I made blue ice light on my palm. My eyes were blue again as shown in the mirrors. My breath exhaled cool, cold and refreshing air, relieving my whole body. My tongue was still burning a little but it soon wore off.
That pathetic jerk.
If Cylene knew about this, she would absolutely positively blow up. Even though Cole was the one who did it, she's going to kill both of us hard. Literally.
I rinsed my tongue/mouth on the sink (it's easy if you have powers like mine) and stood in front of the mirror. My eyes were still blue, no doubt. The room was cold and freezing.
"Aesha!" Kennedy went inside.
She rubbed my back, "Are you okay? What was that in that smoothie?"
"Chili," I replied. The word sounded foreign to my tongue.
"I can't believe I fell for it," I said.
"It's okay, Aesha. At least this wasn't as bad as that day, was it?" Oh, come on, Ken. Why do you have to be so optimistic?
I shuddered at the memory. She was right. That horrible day was worse than this?
"Come on." I said. And we went out of the bathroom together.
"He's such a jerk." Kennedy said
I snorted, "Tell me about it."
There was one way to make me feel better.
Freeze everything and turn San Francisco into Antarctica? Nah.
Get revenge? Absolutely.
I have no idea who to dedicate this to.......
On the bright side, after this is the Jelsa chapter! Yayy!
What do you think Aesha's up to now?
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